Saranghaeyo babo

Khuntoria once again
Her phone rings, Victoria answers it quickly, she wants to hear his voice badly, she has missed him, due to his trip overseas
“Yoboseyo? Oppa? “she says impatiently
“Can I see you?” he ex-boyfriends voice trembles across the line
Victoria doesn’t answer immediately, she expected Nichkhun to be the one calling her and she doesn’t know how to react. Flashbacks come and go extremely fast in her head, their first meeting, their first kiss, their happy days, some fights they had and in the end the sudden break-up. 
“Why?” Victoria whispers, clearly enough to be heard to the other side of the telephone line “Why did you left?”
“Can’t we talk in person? I will explain everything… I will be in Seoul for a few days this week” he says
“I am not sure…I will contact you later…maybe” Victoria says and ends the phone-call
The feelings she had during her break-up return and Victoria finds herself crying again for him while she hasn’t still figure out the reason he left her. Even though Victoria wants to hear his explanation she is mad and furious with his attitude; he thinks he can call her anytime and that she will come back? She thinks he is being selfish and ignorant, but deep inside she still want to understand her ex and his reasons.  
But things have changed now; she has been on several dates with Nichkhun, lovely dates with him and believes she is in love with him. And then a text comes from him, Nichkhun’s message says: “I will call you tomorrow; I am sleepy right now, ok honey?” Victoria reads it; somehow it leaves her an unsatisfactory taste and even though he calls her “honey” she expected something more…
She is more tempted now to talk with her ex. She wonders: “Us just talking is not considered to be a bad think, right? It is not like me and Nichkhun are officially dating and I with my ex will just talk…”
While still confused, she sleeps. The next morning Victoria sees she has received 6 calls from her ex at her mobile phone, where non from Nichkhun. She is disappointed and decides to talk with her ex. When they arrange a meeting Victoria starts to feel guilty. She and her ex are supposed to meet the following day. 
She is getting ready to meet her ex when she receives a phone- call from Nichkhun, due to his busy schedule he can’t meet her this week, it has been almost a month since the last time the two of them were together. 
Victoria walks towards the café near her house to talk with her ex when her eye notices Nichkhun across the street, he is laughing with another girl. She starts running to her house while crying without thinking. She feels betrayed, didn’t he said he was busy? 
She is finally alone in her house; Victoria has now forgotten about the meeting with her ex-boyfriend and she can’t calm down, think straight or stop crying. The bell rings. She opens the door, hoping is one of her teammates. Her eyes meet his ex-boyfriend’s gaze. She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes. 
“I was wondering why you didn’t showed up” her ex says and then adds “I was worried, I guess, I wouldn’t have the chance to talk to you. I have regretted leaving you…” 
Once again Victoria’s head is full with various thoughts. “Tell me now, why did you leave back then?” she asks him 
And her ex-boyfriend answers “Honestly, I loved you even then, I was just tired, your busy schedule, the fact that we had to date secretly, all of that was too much for me to handle at that moment, but I regret leaving you, without you I felt lonelier than ever. Be with me again, Victoria, I love you”
Those sweet words echoes to Victoria’s ears, but she doesn’t seem to be concentrated; her mind is traveling to Nichkhun. Was he lying to her? Maybe even cheating? Or all these are simply misunderstandings? She feels the need to know. She is determined not to make the same mistake; she will find out the truth herself, she deserves it. Victoria walks past her ex, who was still standing near the door and starts running.
 She calls him “Nichkhun me need to talk right now”, the tone of her voice makes him agree immediately “Ok, shall we say in 15 minutes at the usual place?”
Victoria arrived at the place she and Nichkhun had their first date and they often drink soju. She spots him, Nichkhun is already sitting at one table, his body is stiff and he looks differently than usual. She moves towards him and he realizes her presence. Nichkhun looks at her eyes, which are red and make it obvious that she had been crying, his face-expression suddenly changes. 
“Victoria, what happened?” asks with anxiety while he stands up from his sit.
“Oppa, we need to talk” Victoria says and adds “I need you to be honest with me; Are you bored of me? Tired of what we have? Do you not love me?”
At the last questions she starts crying again, both of them have been on several dates, but they are not an official couple and they haven’t said “ I love you” to each other. So she is anxious, maybe his feelings are not so deep, she thinks all that while saying these words. 
Silence. Nichkhun doesn’t answer, he looks frozen. Victoria can feel her heartbeat which is faster than usual.  It is like the time has stopped. Nichkhun then sits; it is like someone has finally clicked the “play” button. 
“I do love you” he says. “I love you Victoria” 
Victoria sits down as well, she looks lost when mumbles “I do too”
Silence once again. The two of them don’t move or talk for a while, they simply look at each other. 
“Nichkhun, if what you say it’s true, I want you to explain me one thing, even though you said you didn’t have time to meet me, I saw you being with another girl…” Victoria says. 
Nichkhun smiles for the first time till she called him. 
“So that's what this is all about” he says obviously relaxed “She is a rookie in my company, we had to do a radio program today, you must have seen us while we were returning from there. She is just an acquaintance Victoria, no need to worry” 
He smiles brightly to her and tells her “You were crying because of that? My Victoria must be a babo” 
Victoria smiles back. The order arrives. 
“I ordered before you come, you always order the same things anyway” Nichkhun explains. 
Victoria sees soju with her favorite anjus (bar snacks) being served. 
“Oppa you are the best ~ Saranghaeyo! ” she says adorably
Nichkhun blushes slightly “I do too, babo” he replies.


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