Things Jongin Forgets

Things Jongin Forgets

Kim Jongin forgets things, even his own birthday. He forgets where his watch is, when his tasks deadline are, how to turn on a stove. No, he doesn't suffer such amnesia nor memory loss, he is just oblivious himself.


Luckily, Do Kyungsoo has always been there to make sure everything is in place.



Like one time when Jongin and Kyungsoo were out for some coffees. They chatted nonchalantly about every little thing on their minds –alternate universe’s existence, how is it possible for a cat to have nine lives, can a parrot do a pirouette– until one of them interrupted, “who on Earth bothers to think if parrot and pirouette are related?”

The sun was setting down when they were about to go home.

“Um… Kyungsoo? I think I left my wallet on my table back at home,” Jongin grinned.

“It’s not on the table, it’s on the fridge.”

“No! I’m sure I put... wait… how do-“ those words were left hanging because Jongin got slapped with a black square thing. “Wow! Kyungsoo! Thank you! This is the last time, I promise,” Jongin abruptly went to pay the bill.

“Well, those are familiar. Déjà vu, huh?” Kyungsoo muttered, smiling.


A thing about Jongin Kyungsoo knew; Jongin liked to buy things. Foods, to be exact.

On a freezing December, Jongin went out to buy bagels. Kyungsoo wanted to go with him, but Jongin insisted that Kyungsoo would turn into an ice cube once his feet stepped out of the door.

“For God’s sake, Kim Jongin, I’ve asked you to jog with me every Sunday morning instead of watching cartoons.”

“Cartoons are funny, jogging is not. Stay here or I’m going to cook for dinner.”

Eating Jongin’s inedible foods were the last thing Kyungsoo would ever do –no, even if Kyungsoo was to choose between eating Jongin’s food and dying of starvation, he would happily commit cannibalism instead– so he lazily snuggled onto the sofa, waiting for Jongin to get back while flipping through TV channels.

An hour later, a loud thump woke him up; Jongin accidentally pushed the coat hanger until it collapsed onto the floor.

“Hey, I bought you a cake. I was going to take a tiramisu but I remembered last time you bought a cheesecake. See? I’m not that forgetful. Yes, you are welcome.”

Kyungsoo frowned and stared at his cheesecake which is covered with blueberry jam all over the top. “There was no tiramisu, so I tried cheesecake. And don’t you remember? I ended up throwing it into the trash bin.”

Utter silence.

“Really? . I’m sorry, you’re right, my memory is worse than an elephant’s. Take my tiramisu. I will eat your cheesecake. It’s a blessing that I eat everything. I’m sorry, yeah?”

From then on, Kyungsoo never let Jongin go out by himself.


However, there were particular times where Kyungsoo didn’t bother to remind the oblivious Jongin.

"Hey, want to hear some jokes? It's not lame this time I swear."

"Go on."

“What comes after eyes?"


"It's cream! You know, eyes cream. Ice cream! Hahaha I got you."

"Of course, Kim Jongin the pun master."

"Okay, now, why can't a yolk sing?"

"...because it's not a folk?"

"Ugh, you are getting smarter at this," Kyungsoo chuckled.

He responded as if he never heard those s. He happily listened to Jongin’s old jokes, because he sincerely adored how Jongin laughed like there was no tomorrow despite that was the zillionth time the latter threw the same –and lame– jokes.


Kyungsoo stays, not because he worries about how Jongin would survive with his oblivious self.

Even if he could travel back into time, he would still be back to the time where he bumped into Jongin.

It’s because Kyungsoo loves –he will always do– Jongin that much.



Kim Jongin forgets things, even his own birthday. He forgets where his watch is, when his tasks deadline are, how to turn on a stove. No, he doesn't suffer such amnesia nor memory loss, he is just oblivious himself.



But one thing Jongin will never forget;


to crawl over a sleeping Kyungsoo’s bed each night before planting a kiss on his forehead and whispering a soft, tender ‘I love you’.

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This is awesome! Really cool!