









extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc.: a prodigious research grant.


wonderful or marvelous: a prodigious feat.


abnormal; monstrous.


Obsolete , ominous.



    The sky seems to darken an ominous grey as I come upon the property of the Kim’s. I bounce and lurch in my seat as the Limo pulls up into the drive way. I’m far away from the city now. Far away from civilization, my home and family. For now this will be my home. I take in the monstrous sight of my new dwelling place. It’s a massive and daunting mansion in the middle of no where. Nothing about it seems warm or inviting. The driver in the front seat turns my way partially... “We are here agassi,” he whispers. ‘Why is he whispering,’ I wonder to myself as I unbuckle my seatbelt and let myself out before the chauffeur can. I stare at the brilliantly built old English styled mansion and I can’t help but snap a picture. It is awe inspiring architecture and comes off as haunting on camera as it is in person. Lighting stretches across the sky followed by a boom of thunder. I snap another picture. I look to the sky and I can see that in any minute the heavens will open. I cast my eyes around, there is literally nothing else out here other then the massive home before me; the only other thing I notice is the acres and acres of land that the Kim’s own. Everything is manicured and neat. . . “This way,” the chauffeur calls and I can see he already has my luggage. I shake my head slightly and take a deep breath. With a heavy sigh I begin my trek towards the front door.




       The air inside is cold as ice and everything around me is dark. “Where are the lights?’ I wonder to my self as I squint my eyes. I try to get my eyes to adjust but still I see nothing... Everything is quiet and the only thing I can hear for a moment is the down pour outside and my own breathing. Finally I hear the chauffeur as he shuts the door. “We are home Mrs. Kim,” the chauffeur says. I listen for a reply but know one answers back...instead a figure comes from out of some where in the dark. It frightens me, but only for a moment. Suddenly, a light flickers on and I see a mysterious woman whom I can only assume is Mrs. Kim. Her hair is short and tucked behind her ears, her lips are painted a glossy red and her eyes are dark and piercing. She wears a long black dress and she has a wine glass in one of her hands that is filled with a dark substance. I can’t help but think she looks something like a vampire. She smiles a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes and glides up to me until she is standing a few feet in front of me. One arm is folded while the other brings the liquid she holds towards her lips. She sips, never taking her eyes off of me. I feel a chill run down my spine but I hold eye contact and we continue on like this for a minute or so. “Your not going to introduce yourself?” The slender women asks in a silky voice. I swallow hard, embarrassed at my behavior. “I’m sorry, my name is Park Haneul,” I say as I bow. The woman lets a low chuckle escape from ... “Maid,” Mrs. Kim calls. Out of no where a young woman runs out and bows. “How may I be of service Mrs. Kim?” Mrs. Kim ignores the maid for a moment and continues to stare at me. “Gather Ms. Park’s things and take them to her room...are you hungry perhaps?” Mrs. Kim makes me extremely uncomfortable and I’ve only just met her! At the moment, all I want to do is hide from her. I am hungry but I answer “no” instead. Right on cue my stomach growls and betrays me. Mrs. Kim ’s an arched eye brow and I feel myself blush. I’ve embarrassed myself yet again! The maid carries my luggage up a grand marble staircase to the second floor as Mrs. Kim takes me through her home to get to her kitchen.




   “This mansion has as many as 30 rooms and 4 floors,” She says as we walk. I can’t help but slow down as we pass some of the rooms. I’m blown away by how beautiful everything is! Each room I pass is decorated grandly with expensive and priceless looking furniture and items. Everything is orderly and neat and looks to be kept meticulously clean. We stop a few times and Mrs. Kim tells me a bit about this or that and I learn that most of the Items are from over seas, either Italy, France or Spain and I’m amazed. I have a serious urge to take some pictures but I stop myself when I catch Mrs. Kim eyeing my camera. “I’d rather you not take pictures of these things...” she says as she walks ahead of me. I gulp and continue to follow her awkwardly. After passing about 10 rooms we reach her kitchen. There is a huge Island in the middle of the kitchen with 4 fancy high chairs surrounding it. A chandelier hangs from the high ceiling and it’s light sparkles everything that it touches. She points to one of the Island chairs and I take a seat as Mrs. Kim instructs. She takes the seat next to me and crosses her legs daintily. “So, how did you enjoy your ride here? You must be tired?” I sigh “I am tired, the trip was a long one...but I am excited to be here finally.” She nods slowly and it seems she is waiting for me to continue... so I muster up something to say.“.....I’ve never stayed in such a wonderful home...I’m sure I will enjoy my time here amongst you and your family.” Mrs. Kim looks away from me and towards her high ceiling.“You will be here for 3 will have a lot of time to get to know my family.” she says this more to herself than to me. Although I know this I answer ‘yes’ anyway. She looks at me and smiles. “You are a pretty girl Haneul...” she reaches out and runs her free hand through my long black hair and I’m taken aback. “Thank you” I say slowly. Her compliment is unexpected and nice until she continues. “I remember when I had long hair, mines was just as long as your’s at one time until my boy cut it all off.” My eyes widen and Mrs. Kim laughs. “Be careful he doesn’t get to yours.” she winks and stands. “It was nice meeting you Haneul.” Mrs. Kim takes a final sip from her glass and places it on the edge of the island. “You will meet my family...tomorrow perhaps. I’ll see you then also.” without waiting any longer she leaves.




    I want to call out to her but I refrain. Instead I sit in the quietness of her kitchen and wonder about her ‘boy’. From what I heard she has two sons...two strange sons. Which one cut her hair? Which one did I have to be careful about? I calm myself down and push my thoughts about her and her family out of my mind because the creepiness of it all bothers me. Instead I wonder how in the world I will find my way back to the front of her house and to my room. We had taken some turns to get to her kitchen! I’m a bit frightened by it until a maid comes and places a plate of fresh fruit and a glass of water before me. “Madam doesn’t want you to eat anything to’s late and she’s afraid it will upset your stomach.” I smile and thank the woman and devour the fruit in a matter of minutes. Surprisingly...I’m pleasantly satisfied. The lady removes my plate and empty glass from before me and disappears for a moment. When she returns she asks me to follow her. I come back the way I came and soon I’m heading up the staircase.




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