
Forced Marriage


One year later

You woke up in the morning feeling nauseous

"I feel like vomitting" you thought

Then you ran to the bathroom to vomit. You made a lot of noise and Youngmin was worried

Youngmin: Are you ok?

He said while patting your back

You: I'm not sure

Youngmin: Let's go take you to the clinic

He drove you to the nearest clinic


"What?!" you screamed

"Yes you are definitely pregnant" the doctor said

You: But I'm still too young

Doctor: We have a lot of teenage mothers nowadays so it's not unusual

You: How would I tell my husband about this

Doctor: Congratulations. You must come here often to have check-ups

You nodded

You: I'll be going now

Youngmin was waiting outside

Youngmin: So what did the doctor say?

You: Don't be shock

Youngmin: Ok

You: Promise?

You held out your pinky

Youngmin: Promise

He held out his pinky too

You: I...I'm..I'm

Youngmin: You're what?

You: I'm pregnant

Youngmin: You are? Yes! I'm now a father!

He hugged you and spun you around

You: Let me down. It's not good for the baby

Youngmin: Is it a girl or boy?

You: Aigoo my hubby is so excited. I've only been pregnant for a few weeks

Youngmin: Aaww I'm already so excited

You: Be patient Hubby ^_^

Youngmin: We should tell our parents

You nodded eagerly

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Chapter 53: Thanks for making the story like thia. I'm very happy at all. I love when the fluff things and romance scene come. But i feel ligle pity with Kwangmin. He always never get the girl which he love. And always give up with hia beother
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 53: cute... love this story
Chapter 53: Aww this story so sweet.i love min young..she is so cute
Chapter 53: Done finish readiing your story.. I love it.. Author-nim please.write a lot of story.. Hwaiting!!!
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #5
Chapter 49: awww baby min young is sooo cuteee..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 35: tsktsktsk.. innocent..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #7
Chapter 30: ahhaa spit all u want oppa
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #8
Chapter 24: uwwww.. its getting moreeeee daebak!!
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #9
Chapter 18: awww im happy for youngmin oppa but at the same time i feel bad for kwangmin oppa..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #10
Chapter 12: teheheheee... spent the night together... flash back.. i remember it all now.. i nvr get bored in reading urs couple of times.. ^^,