Our Mistake

Two lines.

"," he whispered. "I'm... pregnant."


Junsu slid off the toilet and sat on the ground, staring blankly at the lines. Unbelievable. How could this happen? They didn't use a because they wanted it to be special and no one told them even guys could get pregnant. It was just scientifically and anatomically impossible! Or was he just the only guy who could?

Finally, he tore his eyes away from the device and tossed it into the bin. He was two weeks pregnant. It had been two weeks since they did it after all.

He held the doorknob in his hand, then looked back at the bin. No, it was too risky just leaving it in the bin. His mom would see it. He knotted the bag together, not once, not twice, not thrice, but five times. That was just how crazy desperate he was to not let anyone see or find out. Junsu grabbed the bag roughly and sped down the stairs, out the front door, and tossed the bag into the plastic green bin. His secret was safe - or at least, for now.

Again, he re-entered his home, spacing out as he closed the door and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water.

He looked at his mom who was busily cutting up raw pork, then subconsciously looked at her stomach.

"Umma, is it possible for a guy to get pregnant?" he asked before he could stop himself.

His mother stopped what she was doing and stared wide-eyed at her son. Junsu gulped. Him and his big mouth.

"Honey, I know you love Junho a lot and all," she began, "but you're not planning on having a child with him, are you? You’re not thinking of doing it with him now, right in front of your mother, right? I mean, I trust him and all, but you're not legal yet. And you aren't married. You don't even have a home of your own yet and you don't work-"

"Just answer my question, umma," Junsu whined.

His mother sighed. "Just what are teachers teaching the kids these days? No, Junnie. Guys can’t get pregnant."

Junsu nodded. Yes, that’s right. Men couldn’t get pregnant. Then this had to be a dream. This was all just a bad dream. “Could you slap me for me?”

The older woman stared at her son incredulously. “Slap you? Are you serious?”

He nodded. “I need to check something.”

“Are you pregnant or something?” his mother joked. “I’m not a fool to fall for a prank like this.”

Junsu’s shocked expression passed quickly and he shrugged. “No, I just-“

A really sharp pain across his cheek interrupted him. He placed his hand over the warm, red spot on his face, his eyes wide. “That really, seriously hurt, umma!” he screamed.

“Sorry,” his mother giggled and turned back to the chopping board. She began slicing at the meat, listening to her son’s grumbles as he left the kitchen. When she heard his loud footsteps stomping up the stairs, she finally looked out the door after him with a worried expression.

“What’s up?” her husband peeked into the kitchen from the side of the door. The woman only smiled playfully and shook her head in reply.

When the man left, she finally spoke her concerns. “My baby… Why are you asking me this? Why did you want me to slap you, like it would wake you?”




Back in Junsu’s room, the boy laid on his bed, sure to lay on his back. He stared up at his phone, his thumb hovering over a certain contact; his boyfriend’s number. Should he tell Junho? He didn’t know. Would Junho leave him? Or would he take responsibility? Junsu wanted to believe Junho would, but a part of him knew he wouldn’t. After all, they were seventeen. And they weren’t ready to take care of a life.

His other option was to get an abortion and act as though this baby had never happened. But this child was his own and Junho’s. He would be killing a living thing, and his own blood and flesh at that. He wouldn’t be able to handle it.

There was one more, although it would be the stupidest thing ever. Once his child was born, he could leave it at an orphanage. He doubted he would be able to leave the poor child there though. A life in an orphanage, as many would say, was like hell. There was no chance he’d let his child go there.

Junsu sighed when the screen went black from being idle for too long. He brought the device close to his chest and continued staring up at the ceiling. Maybe he should call someone else, like Taec or Woo. Maybe Khunnie would know what to do, or Chansung. Whatever. He’d tell the first person to call him.

Not that anyone would. They were probably finishing off the homework they didn’t finish the day before.


But Junsu’s phone rang.


He looked at the caller’s ID and breathed in deeply. He swiped his finger across the screen, receiving the call, then placed his ear against the device.

“Hey, Junsu, wanna go-“

“I’m pregnant,” Junsu cut the caller off monotonously.

“Wha-wh-what-what did you say?” Taecyeon stuttered.

"I'm pregnant," Junsu repeated matter-of-factly.

“I-we-we-I never did anything to you! I didn’t touch you before, I swear! If I did, I’ll cut off my-“

“It’s not your child, you stupid buffoon!” Junsu snapped. He breathed in deeply. “I’m pregnant with Junho’s child. And aren’t you surprised that I, a man from head to toe, is pregnant?”

“A-ah, right,” Taec cleared his throat. “Of course it’s Junho’s…”

Junsu tilted his head. Taec had said the last bit almost inaudibly, but he was able to interpret it.

“You have a point about me not being surprised. I’m actually not.”

“Guys aren’t meant to be able to have living things growing in their...”


“I’m not a woman, Taec!”

“Then where is it growing?”


“With your s?”

“ you.”

“I’d like that, but I’m not sure if Junho would.”

“You sick bastard. I’m not talking to you anymore. I hate you.”

“But I love you. Anyway, couldn’t you just tell Junho about it?”

“I’m scared.”


“You’re not helping, you goddamn bastard.”

“Well, don’t be afraid. I’m here for you. Just break it to the son-of-a-gun about that thing growing in you.”

“What if he gets mad at me? What if he leaves me? What if… What if…”

“Stop thinking what-ifs and tell that idiot about it. Like I said, I’m here for you. If he gets mad or leaves you then he just isn’t worth your time.”

Junsu stared at the floor in silence. Talking to Taec was the best option after all.


Said boy smiled. “Thanks, Taec. You’re the best.”

“Of course I am!” Junsu could almost see Taec’s toothy grin.

“Don’t turn against me, Taec. If you do, I’m never talking to you ever again. I swear.”

“Okay, I got it.”

“I’ll tell him tomorrow. Come with me, okay?”

“Yes, sir!”

Junsu giggled. “Thanks again, Taec. Bye~”


Yeah, Junsu thought. Taec’s the best person to go to whenever I’m in trouble. I should keep that in mind.

And so, I managed to update. I don't remember if I have homework I haven't done. Hm.

I'm not sure if I should break it to you, BUT I SHALL.



I was just unsure whether I wanted it to be Woosu or Taecsu, so yeah.

Was I not supposed to say that? Oh well. If one sees the tags, one shall see taecsu anyway. PFFF. 8D

Oh right. Don't bother asking me about why Junsu can have a kid when in this AU, it's the same world as ours. I don't actually know myself. OTL

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Elixisnini #1
Chapter 1: I found this story interesting and would like to see what direction it would take
faithshelost #2
Are you still continuing ?
I like it.
iampatty #3
Chapter 1: I love Taecsu and Junbros but I hope it will end as Junbros
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 1: how will junho react? im guessing not good since its angsty and has taecsu.. but i hope it will end with junbros!

mpreg + 2pm junbros is love! ♥
maedeh #5
Chapter 1: hi
it was cute thanks
FreeciaNaqita #6
subscribe..subscribe.. He3 update soon autornim
maedeh #7
who are they???
hobuttlover #8
update soon please!
B-locket #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^