The Second Labour

The 7 Labours of Chanyeol


 The king was nervous and a little bit angry.


“HOW? HOW DID HE ACHIEVE?”  He shouted at his men. Men shook their shoulders.


“Majesty…We just looked at him at the time you said and he…he was sleeping.”


The king tried to calm down but it was nearly impossible. Finally he took a deep breath.


“Okay, bring him!”


Jiyeon was sitting on her throne and biting her lip. Her father turned to her. “You watched him right? How did he do it?”


Jiyeon shook her shoulders too. “I don’t know father, I left after you, I didn’t see.”


The king took another breath and waited for the peasant.






Chanyeol came in the huge room nervously. The king was glaring at him. He bowed. “Your highness…”


The king raised an eyebrow. “You achieved in first labour.”


Chanyeol nodded with fear.


“Then…It’s the time for second labour!” The king talked angrily.


Chanyeol nodded again.


“You have to tame Pegasus.”


Chanyeol blinked severally. “P.pegasus?”


The king nodded. “Yes, one of my knights brought it to me but every one who tried failed miserably. It is wild and stubborn.”


Jiyeon was looking at Chanyeol with shock. Pegasus is a monster…It killed every trainer…


Chanyeol nodded. “Okay, I’ll do it!”


The king smirked. “Good luck then.” He snapped his fingers and his men came in.


“He will try to tame Pegasus. Help him to find Pegasus’ cage.”


They nodded in unison and took Chanyeol.




The king and Jiyeon were in the room of mirrors again.


“I will watch him this time.” The king said with determination.


Jiyeon pouted. You old stubborn man…





Chanyeol was sitting on a bench. The king’s men brought him there and told him to wait. He had no idea about taming Pegasus. He was a farmer; he tamed some horses before but…


Then he heard a voice. “Chanyeol-sshi…”


He raised his head and looked around. “Baekhyun-sshi?”


There wasn’t anyone but Chanyeol could here Baekhyun’s voice.


“Yes, it’s me. We can’t help you this time but…Think, Chanyeol-sshi…Pegasus is a magical creature, you should just think…”


“Think? Think of what?” Chanyeol stood up. He waited for a reply but there was none. His shoulders fell. Think…


The men came. One of them talked. “Okay, get ready.”


Chanyeol gulped and nodded. For Jiyeon…






Pegasus’ cage was huge. It was obvious that Pegasus was some grumpy animal. It looked at Chanyeol with angry eyes.


Chanyeol froze. It’ll attack me…


Pegasus rubbed its hoof against the ground.


Chanyeol bit his lip. It will kick me…






The king chuckled. “He will fail.”


Jiyeon shook her head. “No, I believe in him.”


The king looked at him with suspicious eyes. “Really?”


Jiyeon smiled awkwardly. “Um…Of course, he achieved at the first one, right?”


The king turned to the mirror again. “Yeah…Right…”





Pegasus started to run towards Chanyeol. It was so fast. Its wings were wide open but Pegasus was just running.


Chanyeol was desperate. He shut his eyes and waited for pain. Jiyeon…I love you…


2 minutes passed but Chanyeol didn’t feel anything. He opened on eye and peeked. What happened?


He looked around but he didn’t see Pegasus. What?


Then he heard some voices and looked up. Pegasus was flying. Wow…Beautiful…






The king was angry. “Why didn’t it attack him?”


Jiyeon smiled. Because he is cute…


He sighed and kept watching.





Chanyeol gulped. “Um…hello?”


Pegasus looked at him without doing anything.




Chanyeol heard a voice but he didn’t get where it came from. “Huh?”


You love…


He nodded this time. I love Jiyeon.


He didn’t talk because Baekhyun told him to think.


You’re pure…


Chanyeol was watching the creature with wide open eyes. I have to tame you for getting married with my love.


Pegasus landed. I’ll help you…


Chanyeol nodded. Thanks…


Pegasus slowly neared and touched his hand with its nose. Chanyeol palmed Pegasus’ head and smiled.





“He…did it.” Jiyeon smiled. Her heart was still beating rapidly.


The king blinked severally. “Yes, he did…”He mumbled, stood up and stormed out of the room.


Jiyeon cheered. “Yay! My lovely Yeollie!”



A.N// Hello~~Sorry for the delay^^

Thanks to ' retsel2day4ever ' for upvoting^^

I hope you like it, please comment and let me know your opinions^^

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chitandaru #1
This is a good fanfic, isnt it? ._.
Still waiting for an update
Chapter 4: update soon please author-nim i will wait for it ~
Channie don't give up!! For jiyeon!!!
sazuka #3
Chapter 3: Will they get married???
Chapter 3: Aren't you going to update this anymore TT^TT plssss ~ i find it cute and interesting ~ CHANYEON <3
Chapter 3: naw , Chanyeol is so cute , so does Mr Bacon man xD

I hope chanyeol will past every labour o u o
rosemistress #6
Please update again authornim!!! Love it!
Chapter 3: Now now now, where's the Pegasus' best friend unicorn? :D
Orangell #8
Chapter 3: Aww sweeeettt!!! Cant wait for The next chapter >.<
Retsel_ #9
Chapter 3: Keke~ the king is angry. . But I'm so happy because he did very well. .!!! Update soon. !!!!
Nolito #10
Chapter 3: Thats nice i like it , and want chanyeon moment , update fast ^^