Velvety Heaven

Cupcake Fun

“Hyung, please?” Minho whined again. Key was not paying any attention to him at all, and he didn’t like it. Key was way too buried in his stupid magazine to notice Minho and Minho didn’t like it one bit.

“Minho, I’m trying to read, go away.” He poked Minho away from him and continued reading.

“Ugh, okay fine I’ll go talk to Jonghyun or something.” He slumped away from Key, making his way to his and Jonghyun’s shared bedroom and plopping down on the bed. He closed his eyes trying to blink away the boredom but he knew it wouldn’t work. Taemin and Jinki were out on some “secret Leader/Maknae business”, and Jonghyun was sleeping and he would never wake up and do something with him, so that left Key for him to annoy.

“Your breathing is annoying go somewhere else.” Jonghyun whined from his bed and turned over towards the wall away from Minho.

“But I’m so bored Jjong, there’s nothing to do and Kibum is way too busy reading his stupid magazine. Do something with me?!” His eyes lit up with excitement at the thought that Jonghyun might say yes, he knew it was a long shot but it was worth a try.

“No, go away.” Minho groaned and got up from the bed, making his way back out to the kitchen where Key was sitting.

“Jonghyun still sleeping?” Key asked, not taking his eyes off the magazine.

“Yes. Ugh, there’s nothing to do around here.” Despite his reputation, Key was the only one in the group who could take his childish whining, he may seem quite impatient and snappy but he was quite the opposite. If Key was being honest with himself, he would say he actually found the whining…cute. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone. “Do something with me please, Hyung?”

Key threw down his magazine and looked at Minho.

“Okay fine, what do you want to do?” Minho’s eyes lit up, he jumped across to Key and dragged him up towards the kitchen.

“Teach me how to cook please? I’ve always wanted to know how you make your special red velvet cupcakes that we all love.”

“You expect ME to tell YOU my secret recipe.” Key scoffed. “Keep dreaming, that recipe dies with me.”

Minho pouted.

“Please?” He begged. “Please I won’t tell anyone and I don’t even know how to cook so it would be of no use to me, so please?” Key rolled his eyes, he never could resist when Minho tried to be cute.

“Okay fine, but you do everything that I say to do.” Minho nodded in agreement. “Let’s get started then.”

They both made their way to the kitchen. Key started getting all the things they would need out, bowls, flour, milk, everything you would need for cupcakes. Minho had no idea what to do so he just stood there awkwardly until Key finished getting all the things they would need.

“Okay you ready for this?” Minho nodded. “So first what we need to do is sift the flour.” Minho gave Key a questioning look. “Sifting is when we put the flour through this thingy,” Key help up a weirdly shaped bowl looking thing with holes in it. It looked a bit like the things you would use to drain pasta. “To get all the lumps out of it. So what you need to do first is measure out about 2 cups of flour into that little cup.” He pointed to the cup with the labels on it, used for measuring.

Minho made a grab for the cup and flour. Trying to hold the cup and pour the flour out of the bag at the same time didn’t work out too well, he lost his grip on both items and the flour went all over the floor.

“Crap! I’m so sorry I-“ Key started laughing hysterically, clutching his stomach. “What’s so funny?” He asked Key in a serious tone.

“You! You’re so clumsy.” Key tried to contain his laughter but just couldn’t and ended up laughing even harder at Minho, who was clearly not amused at all. “Ah Minho, I’m sorry for laughing. We can take care of this later; I have more in the cupboard. Except, I think I’ll pour it this time.”

After Key and Minho finished making the batter for the cupcakes, Key grabbed the cupcake tray from the bench and bought it over to wear Minho was standing with the batter.

“Okay now we need to put it into the trays. Make sure you don’t fill up the cupcake liners too much or it will overflow, so only fill it up about 3 quarters full. Got that?” Minho nodded. “Good you’re doing very well; I thought you said you couldn’t cook?”

“I can’t cook; I’m only doing well because you’re pretty much doing everything and telling me what to do.” Minho started to fill up the tray one at a time, making sure he didn’t put too much into each liner. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his lips pursed, concentrating really hard to make sure he got it just right. Key tried really hard not to look at Minho while he had that look on his face, but he couldn’t stop himself, he was just so cute when he was concentrating. The only thing that pulled Key’s attention away from Minho’s face was when Minho lifted his finger up to his mouth, the excess mixture off his finger.

“Hey don’t do that!” Key snapped. “We’re all going to get your germs if you do that!”

“It tastes really good; I did a good job of these.” Minho smirked.

“Yeah it tastes good because I made it.”

“I helped.” Minho pouted. 

“You hardly did anything.” Minho reached across the table and to the flour bag, picking up a handful and throwing it directly at Key. “You did not just do that, Choi Minho.”

“Actually, yeah I did.” Key returned the favour by grabbing an egg and cracking it on Minho’s head, the gooey insides seeping into his hair and down to his face.

“Did you just…?”

“Yeah maybe I did, what are you going to do about it frog boy?” Key mocked. Minho picked up another handful of flour and sent it flying in Key’s direction.  Key barely had any time to duck before he got a face-full of the white powder. He grabbed another egg and flung it towards Minho, Minho dodged it before it hit him, and it went crashing into the wall. “I just cleaned that!” Key yelled.

“You’re the one who threw it, not me.” His hands travelled up to his hair, and he felt the remains of the egg in his hair. He picked out a piece of shell and let it drop to the floor. “This is going to take forever to get out, thanks a lot.”

“You started it.”

“And I’m going to finish it.” Minho reached over and found a handful of flour, sending it towards Key. Key swiftly moved out of the way and grabbed some icing sugar and hurtled it towards Minho. They both threw various ingredients at each other, before Minho realised there was no flour left in his bag. “Okay I surrender, I surrender. We still need to put the cupcakes in the oven.” In the midst of their fight they had both forgotten about the cupcakes.

“You’re right we do, so there is a brain somewhere under that hair.”  Key picked up the tray from the bench, walked over to the oven, and placed the tray inside. He set the timer on the oven for 20 minutes and shut the door.

“So, what now?” Minho asked.

“Well now we need to clean up this mess.” Key walked to the hall closet and pulled out a mop, a bucket and the broom. When he got to the kitchen he handed Minho the broom, and set to filling up the bucket with water so he could start cleaning the floor. Minho started sweeping up the remnants of flour and sugar off the floor as best he could, the bucket had filled up and Key started mopping up the egg. Minho suddenly stopped sweeping, and was looking at Key cleaning the floor. “Keep sweeping alien face.” Key demanded.

“You’ve got some flower on your face.” Minho commented.

“I’ve got flour all over my face you idiot.” Minho let go of the broom and walked towards Key.

“Yeah but you’ve got some right there, here let me get it.” Before Key could protest, Minho had placed his lips on Key’s in a tender kiss. Key dropped the mop and wrapped his arms around Minho’s neck pulling him close. Minho tasted like cupcake and a hint of vanilla which Key loved, Minho pulled away from Key, both of them trying to catch their breath.

“U-um…I-“ Key stuttered.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking; I’ll just get back to cleaning.” Minho moved away from Key and back over to the other side of the kitchen. He picked up the broom and started sweeping, while looking at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with Key.

“Minho…” Key whispered. Minho looked up from the floor and up to Key, tears forming in his eyes, which he refused to let fall here. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

Minho didn’t have a chance to say anything more before Key had planted his own lips onto Minho’s. They both seemed to get lost in their kiss, because the next thing they knew, the timer was going off and there was some slight smoke coming from the oven.

“Crap!” They both said. Key rushed over and opened the oven, while Minho was using a towel to try and fan some of the smoke away.

“They’re all burnt.” Minho said in a disappointed tone. “I’m sorry Kibum, I didn’t mean to-“

“Don’t be silly it wasn’t your fault.” He laughed. “Ah, maybe next time huh? We hopefully won’t get so distracted.”

“Sorry Hyung.”

“Stop saying sorry. It isn’t your fault.” Key kissed Minho again for the 3rd time that day. “I love you Minho.” Key said, cupping Minho’s chin. Minho pulled Key in for a hug, resting his head on Key’s shoulder.

“I love you too Kibum.” Both of them smiled at each other before starting to clean everything up again. Their first cooking experience together wasn’t that much of a success, but it was better than expected.

“What the hell happened in here?” Jonghyun said, emerging from the hallway in his pyjamas.

“I was cooking.” Minho laughed.

“Oh Jesus, what did Jinki say about the cooking? No cooking for you!” Jonghyun yelled at them, he walked back into the hallway leaving Key and Minho alone again to clean.

“I’m not letting you cook ever again. I take back what I said, there will be no next time.”

“Probably for the best.” 

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I love it SO FLUFFY I see rainbows and unicorns and flowers and UGH!!
*dies* I love Minho's character here TT
make more unnie please^^♥
Chapter 1: Fluffles!!!! XD so cute
Chapter 1: cute!?!! i love this
Min-mah-ho #4
Chapter 1: It's so cute!! <3