His Promise

It Started With A Kiss In The Moonlight

No ones POV
All of the boys stood there shaking in silence waiting to hear Mr. Kim. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Lu Han?" a small smile formed on his face. "You're wife is a very lucky woman. _____ and Yunhee are perfectly healthy and are doing well."

Lu Han shot up and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. Tears of happiness were falling from his face. He stood up and bowed to Mr. Kim. "Thank you. Thank you very much. _____ and I owe you our lives. We are vey grateful."
"They're all right?" Taemin looked up.
Mr. Kim gave him a warm smile, "You're sister and niece are perfectly fine."
"Thank you very much." Taemin stood up and bowed. He looked over and gave Lu Han an apologetic bow, "Forgive me, Lu Han. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you. _____, she-"
"I understand, Taemin. If I had a sister, I'd be the same way." Lu Han let out a small laugh.

"Lu Han?" _____'s voice called in from the bedroom.

Your POV
I smiled and looked over at Yunhee who was peacefully sleeping in a wrapped blanket in Jiyeon's arms.

"You did very well, _____." Jiyeon gave me a warm smile. "How are you feeling?"
I carefully sat up in bed. I felt very sore. "I'm all right. My chest and stomach just really hurt."
"It's normal after you have a child. The pain will wear off within a few hours."

Jiyeon carefully handed Yunhee over to me. Yunhee opened her eyes and looked at me. I smiled and a few tears ran down my cheek. "Oh my goodness, she has Lu Han's eyes. Lu Han?" I called out to my husband's name outside the bedroom.

Mr. Kim came in followed by the rest of the werewolves and Taemin. As Mr. Kim and Jiyeon were cleaning up the blood everywhere, Lu Han sat on the bed in front of me and smiled when he saw Yunhee. "My precious Yunhee."
"She has your eyes, Jagiya." I chuckled.

Lu Han carefully took Yunhee in his arms and slowly began rocking her. I looked next to Lu Han and saw Taemin with a smile on his face and a few tears in his eyes. "Oppa." I held my arms out to him.
"_____, Yunhee is so beautiful. I'm glad you're all right. Your screams sounded like someone was murdering you."
I rolled my eyes, "Giving birth isn't a fun ride."
"She did a wonderful job, everyone." Jiyeon smiled from the side. "_____ is very strong. Yunhee finally decided to come out. I predict that Yunhee will be the same when she gets older."

"Wow," Jongin laughed at Lu Han, "She really does have your eyes, Hyung."
"She has _____'s smile too." added Sehun from the side.

Jiyeon came over to me and handed me something to drink. "Since Lu Han has fed you well, Yunhee will grow very quickly. She's as healthy as a horse."
"She's right." said Mr. Kim. "Seeing how strong _____ was, it shows how well the child will grow within a few days."
"Are you saying that Yunhee will already be walking soon?" asked Zitao.
"That is correct."
"What about speaking?" asked Joonmyun.
"She will most likely be speaking within a few months."
"How can that be?" my eyes widen. "It seems so...soon.

Yunhee started to cry. "Aw, what's wrong Yunhee?" I looked over at her in Lu Han's arms.
"Is she hungry?" asked Yixing.
"I'll go prepare some food for her." Mr. Kim stood up. "Lu Han, you should come with me to see what she needs to eat for the next few days."
Lu Han handed Yunhee over to me and followed Mr. Kim out of the bedroom.

"Oh, here, Yunhee." Sehun held a small blanket in his hand, "You dropped this."
"Thanks, Sehun." I thanked him as he handed her the blanket she dropped.
Yunhee opened her eyes and let out a small laugh as she grabbed hold of the blanket.
"She must really like you." I smiled at Sehun. "You might as well be our babysitter."
"I wouldn't mind." he smiled at me.

"Oppa?" I looked over at Taemin. "Would you like to hold her?"
Taemin smiled and nodded. "Of course." He came over with his hands held out and I carefully passed her on to him. Taemin chuckled, "Wow. It's almost like I'm holding you, _____. I remember holding you a lot when you were a baby." He smiled and looked at me, "You and Lu Han will be great parents." His smile slowly faded away, "It just saddens me that I will never be able to see Yunhee as much as I'd like to."
"Taemin, you and Jiwoo are welcomed any time." said Lu Han coming in the bedroom with a bottle.

I looked up at Kris, "Are there still werewolf hunters around?"
"There will always be, _____." he said in a soft voice. "You and Lu Han should always be on the lookout. However, Lu Han is a great werewolf. He can protect you and Yunhee. Hunters will never get close to you with him around." he smiled and patted Lu Han on the back.

"My wife, Minseok, and I will be on the lookout too." said Mr. Kim walking over behind Minseok and placing his hands on his shoulders.
"And so will my husband and I." added Jiyeon. "Everyone will be prepared if any hunters ever find us."

No ones POV
~1 year later~ (Sorry for the big time jump!)
"Appa?" a soft voice came from our bedroom.
*No response*
*Lu Han groaning*
"Appa? Come on, please, you promised." Yunhee pouted as she pulled on her Appa's hand.

Lu Han slowly sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked up and saw Yunhee looking down at him. As he turned his head he saw _____ fast asleep. He looked up at Yunhee and smiled, "Do you think you'll be able to keep up with me?"
"I'll try." she let out a small giggle.
"All right. Let's go." he climbed out of bed.

The other day Yunhee wanted to know more about how her Umma and Appa met. Even though _____ told Yunhee how she and Lu Han met, she missed a part. Yunhee wanted to know the full story from Lu Han. One of Yunhee's favorite things to do was to take small walks in the morning when she woke up.

I bet many of you are wondering what happened to the werewolf hunters and why they haven't been after any werewolves in a while.

Yunhee decided to take a walk along a small river. What she didn't know was that one of the werewolf hunters' houses was around there. She was too busy chasing a deer, she never noticed.

As she was busy confusing it, she sensed a human near by. She quickly hid as the human began looking around.

Sihyun: Who's there?

Frightened, Yunhee turned into her human form and slowly started backing away. *Leaves rustling*

Sihyun pulled a gun out and continued walking around the area.

Sihyun: I'm warning you, who's there? I won't hesitate to shoot!

All of a sudden Sihyun stepped around a few trees and found Yunhee. Yunhee was scared to death right now. Sihyun stood there frozen. Realizing he still had his gun out, he quickly put it away. He slowly approached Yunhee and got down on one knee.

Sihyun: Hey, are you all right?
Yunhee: *No response*
Sihyun: Are you lost? Where is your Appa and Umma?
Yunhee: *No response*
Sihyun: *Reaches for her hand and holds it* I'm Sihyun. Please, don't be afraid. Oppa will take care of-

Sihyun froze and looked down at her hand he was holding. Yunhee slowly looked up into his eyes and smiled. That smile...he thought. Where have I seen that smile before?

Sihyun: Who-What is your Umma's name?
Yunhee: Umma's name is _____. *Bows* Yunhee imnida. Do I know you?

Sihyun's eyes went wide. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand. He was speechless right now.

Sihyun: Your Umma-_____, she's alive?
Yunhee: *Tilts head* You know her?
Sihyun: *Takes deep breath* Your Umma, I fell in love-
Sihyun's friend: Yah! Sihyun, where are you?

Sihyun looked behind him and saw one of his friends running over to him. When Sihyun turned back around to look at Yunhee, she was already running away in her werewolf form.

Sihyun's friend: OMO! It's a werewolf! I've got it! *Pulls out gun and begins shooting at Yunhee*
Sihyun: *Jumps up and pushes his armed hand down* No!
Sihyun's friend: Dammit, Sihyun! What the Hell is your problem!? You let it get away!
Sihyun: *Looks down at feet* It was a young one.
Sihyun's friend: *Scoffs* So? It's still a werewolf! It's our job to make sure that we get rid of them!
Sihyun: Not that one.
Sihyun's friend: *Scoffs* Whatever.

Yunhee. _____, you have a beautiful daughter. She looks so much like you and Lu Han. I could never hurt any of you. I promise. I hope you all are doing well. I give you guys my best. Sihyun thought as he starred off into the direction Yunhee ran.

~Back at the house~
Yunhee: *Walks up to Lu Han as he came out the front door* Appa?
Lu Han: Yunhee, where have you been? Your Umma and I were getting worried." *Hugs*
Yunhee: Appa, can I talk to you about something?
Lu Han: Of course, Yunhee. You can talk to me about anything. What's on your mind?" * hair*
Yunhee: Well, *Nervously looks down* Could you and I take a walk early tomorrow morning? Before Umma gets up?
Lu Han: *Tilts head* Do you not want to talk to your Umma about it?
Yunhee: *Holds hand* I just want to spend some time with you, Appa.
Lu Han: *Chuckles* All right. We can go out tomorrow morning.

~Present time~

"So what's going on?" asked Lu Han as he walked beside Yunhee.
"W-Well," Yunhee hesitated, "You know the walk I took the other day? I decided to go down to the river. You know, the one past the forest with the really small, but fat trees?"
"Ah, yes."
"*Gulps* I-I came close to a human."

Lu Han's smile went away after he heard what came out of his daughter's mouth. He groaned and closed his eyes, "Yunhee-"
"Was Umma friends with humans aside from Taemin and Jiwoo?"
"Appa, please tell me how you guys met. Umma already told me, but I want to hear your side of the story. She never told me anything about Sihyun. He-"
"He was the one you saw." Lu Han understood. He closed his eyes and just smiled. He really did keep his promise.
"Who is he, Appa?"

As they continued walking, Lu Han told his daughter everything. Everything about Sihyun. Yunhee couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I don't understand. Why can't we kill werewolf hunters when they try to kill us? How is that fair, Appa?"
"Yunhee," Lu Han put his hands on her shoulders, "We didn't raise you to kill. I could never see my daughter killing anyone. It wouldn't be right."
"But, Appa, what if someone tries to kill me?"
"Then you kill them."
"But you said-"
"It's self defense. There's a difference. And Sihyun, I trust him. I know he would never hurt you knowing that your Umma is _____."

"Does Umma still love him?"
"Not in that way. More as a close friend. In the past, he spared many of my friends' lives. But Yunhee, not all werewolf hunters are the same. They will kill you. I don't ever want to see the killing side of you. You only kill when you need to defend yourself. I never want to hear that you've killed someone unless you were trying to protect yourself. If Kris, Sehun, Minseok, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, or any of them tell you to kill, don't listen to them. I don't want my little Yunhee killing. You're my daughter not theirs."

After another hour of walking and taking, they made their way back to the house. "Appa, when can we see Taemin ad Jiwoo again?"
"Well, both of them have been busy. With schooling and everything."
Yunhee sighed, "I just wish I could learn more about humans. Umma must've really enjoyed being one."
Lu Han smiled, "I wouldn't have met her if she wasn't one. _____ was very special. She had a beautiful kind heart. You get that from her."

Your POV
I opened my eyes and saw the sun shining in through my window. Lu Han and Yunhee must've gone out for a walk again. As I walked into the living room, I saw Yunhee and Lu Han sitting on the steps out front. "You guys behaving?" I chuckled as I walked out to them.
"Umma!" Yunhee got up and ran into my arms. "I love you so much, Umma."
"I love you too, Yunhee."

"What's going on?" I mouthed to Lu Han.
He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.
Yunhee looked up at me and smiled, "I'm so happy you and Appa met."
"We're glad we had you, Yunhee." I smiled as I sat down next to Lu Han with Yunhee sitting in between us.
Lu Han leaned down and pressed his lips on my head. "Well, it started with a kiss in the moonlight."

Well Readers, I hope you all enjoyed the story. I'm sorry if you feel that I ended it too soon. I felt like the story kept dragging. >.<

I also decided to update the last few chapters of the story because I'm going to be busy studying for exams for the next two weeks and I won't have anytime to update.
Anyway, thank you SO MUCH for subscribing/commenting/upvoting. Your comments make my day. I love all of them! ^^ You guys are all wonderful. I hope to write better in the future!

If you'd like to check out some more of my stories, I highly recommend checking out my fairytales and my HMS series. I hope to start a new story soon. I have many exams to take this year, so I don't know how much I'll be updating.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Yay for happy ending :3
Chapter 36: wow i love this
Chapter 35: awwwwww sooo cute. thant for writing this story
ude #4
like it ao much
Chapter 7: I thought Sehun was the one who's sneaking in her room every night. I guess I was wrong.
New reader here ^^ I'll read now
luhanluhan123 #7
Chapter 40: this is so good plz make a sequel if u can hwaiting!
Chapter 35: i wish it would have a sequel
Belikeshaylaxoxo #9
Make a sequel plz I love this story so much plz make a sequel pretty plz with sugar on top *does a puppy face*
cheekylittlechubba #10
Chapter 36: It's really good !!!