Midnight Madness




Midnight Madness
 ►AU ►Semi- ► and Yuri 
►1st and 3rd ►Facebook based 

A place where creatures such as vampires,werewolves,devils,angels and fairies get to be themselves. Freedom is yours, away from the noisy and hectic city full of humans. We're a newly-opened and active roleplay ! Many idols are available to be roleplayed !



♚note  ;
 sorry for the late advertisement!
 fjdsklghlksjdf i kinda want to join.
 this roleplay sounds interesting.
 best of luck to you and your rp! <:

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New RPs ! → Coffee Cojjee and Strawberry Mousse


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Misfits12 #2
Chapter 23: need karma, sorry
CatsWatch #3
Chapter 23: can we be affoes
i have comepleted the request!~
do you still accept req ?
do you accept req ?
Requested! :) I'm still new around so I had no karma to upvote, but will do it as soon as I have the karma enough ne...

Name of Roleplay : Hikari RP
Link of Roleplay : http://hikari--roleplay.tumblr.com/affiliatesmembers-roleplay-yuri-exo-straight-fbroleplay
Description : A supernatural themed roleplay where you can be any creature that you want ( vampires, werewolfs, demons, shapeshifters, etc). We accept all asian celebrities. Come to the dark side... It's time to go wild with the creatures. Can you handle them¡?
Type : Supernatural themed
POV : 1°, 2°. 3°
Other : We are still kinda new and many characters are still available
Location : Facebook
Name of Roleplay : Summer Paradise Roleplay
Link of Roleplay : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/783480/summer-paradise-roleplay-newly-opened-searching-for-admins-active-members-roleplay-yuri-exo-straight-fbroleplay
Description : Feeling bored? Come here n join us to having so much fun. N don't forget to bring ur swimsuit too.
Type : Semi-AU,
POV : highly 3° but 2° n 1° okay too
Other : We are newly n many character still available
Location : Facebook