
Secret Love


The lights from cameras and phones lit up the night with every flash that went off. “Daehyun-shii!” The silent night was pierced with the excitement from late night fans. “Daehyun Oppa!” “Oppa!”

The main singer of the popular boy group, B.A.P, exited the concert venue, managing to squeeze through the tight crowd that surrounded the entrance of the building. He entered a white van, waving goodbye to his eager fans and greeting his awaiting members. Soon, the van drove off into the empty road, taking them to their dorm some few hours away.

Silence loomed throughout the car, while all the members were too tired and exhausted from their hectic schedule to have small talks or start up a conversation. They minded themselves, and it was clear that all they wanted was a nice, long nap.

Daehyun, who has been fighting his drowsiness since entering the car, decides to wearily give into the feeling and leans his head against the car window. The warmth of the inclosed space with his group mates and the soft movement of the van begin to lull him to sleep as his breathing evens into a steady pace. He’s at the brink of drifting off when the young male jolts awake to the buzzing and vibrating coming from the phone in his pocket. The quiet air was interrupted and Daehyun awakens not only himself, but the red-haired boy beside him as well.

“Hmm...” the boy alongside him gently stirs in his seat until he takes the time to re-adjust his posture, rubbing his eyes to peek at the source of his arousal. “Daeehyuuun hyuuuung...” the slurred syllables that manage to escape the his lips sounds like a messy bunch of letters, but it’s audible and Daehyun is quick to respond.

“Shhh, Junhong-ah... It’s nothing important. Go back to sleep.” Daehyun whispers to his youngest group member and pats him on the head.

But the drowsy Junhong ignores his orders and blinks his eyes a few times and they are quick to adjust to the dim lighting in the car. He clears his throat and speaks again, mumbling, but this time sounding a little stronger. “Who is it … ?”

“I’m not sure.” The older male murmurs as he pulls his phone out from his pocket. A blinking icon on the top of the screen indicates he has a new message, and he presses a button that illuminates the entire phone.

From: Seollyung☆       To: Daehyun

Hey. i know it's late but can you meet now? Or no?


Daehyun bites his lips as his expression morphs into one of hesitation. Mixed feelings begin to coil in his stomach as he debates on how to respond to the text.

He’s already a bit saddened that she had to add the ‘or no?’ statement at the end; implying that he usually doesn’t take the time to meet up with her. But it’s not that he doesn’t want to see her- of course he wants to see her. Yet, the fact that there is always the unfortunate possibility of spectators discovering the idol in public makes him waver. And while being a young star, a scandal is not something that Daehyun wanted to get tangled in.

But this time, being in a situation where he's going to be seas away, he wants to make an attempt to meet up one last time before he has to spend the next three gruesome months away from her.

While the older male was busy collecting his thoughts, Junhong, by now, was impatiently peeping over Daehyun’s shoulder in attempt to read the words on the bright screen. His eyes squinted, trying hard to make out the tiny characters and symbols.

Noticing the boy lean in closer and closer, Daehyun retracted his phone closer to his chest. “Yah. What do you think you’re doing.” Daehyun elbows the younger male, stopping him from reading anymore.

“But Hyung...” Junhong started, lowering his head bashfully and softening his voice, “It’s Seollyung-sshi, … isn’t it?”

Daehyun furrows his eyebrows and his lips straighten into a thin line, as he turns his attention back to his phone before replying with a small ‘yes.’

Junhong’s head snaps back up. “Then do you think-”

“Junhong.” Daehyun says, raising his head to meet Junhong’s wistful eyes.

The younger male bites his lower lip as he stops. He wants to say more, but he knows that his group member understands where he’s going with this.

Daehyun’s mouth curves into a small smile, and a slight apologetic look covers his face. He speaks quietly, “Yunhee isn't going to be with Seollyung, Junhong-ah. It’s late at night, and you know she would be asleep at this time. Yunhee gets tired easily, right? ”

The red-haired boy’s expression falls, and he can almost hear his own heart cry a little at the girl’s name. He miserably squirms back up right in his seat and he silences.

“But, come on, you saw her this morning, right?” the older male sympathetically states, attempting to cheer up the dejected boy.

“But still...” Junhong whispers, “It’s three months...”

Understandingly, Daehyun pat’s the younger boy’s head, but disliking the contact, Junhong swats away Daehyun’s hand and continues to sulk. Daehyun lets out a short sigh, but decides to leave the boy alone.

By this time, B.A.P’s manager had been carefully listening to conversation between the two idols. It was hard not to, to be honest, since they were the only ones talking in the car while the other members slept the night away. He watched Daehyun through the rear-view mirror, studying his actions before finally speaking up. “Daehyun-ah.”

The idol’s shifts his attention to his manager, remembering that Junhong wasn’t the only person who could hear his words. “Ah. Yes Manager Kang?”

“Do you want to see her?”

“Excuse me?”

“Do you want to see her?” the manager repeats his question.

Daehyun tilts his head in confusion. His manager usually never brings up the subject because if anyone outside the company ever found out that an idol was dating, it was bound to lead to a scandal. So the topic was usually never discussed between them.

“Well, do you?” the manager asks once again.

“O-of course!”

The overseer shifts his eyes back towards the road and continues driving. The mute air makes Daehyun uneasy to whether he answered the question correctly, and the tension makes him fidget his fingers. Clearing his throat, Daehyun opens his mouth to speak again, but get’s cut off when the manager makes his statement.

“I’ll take you to see her.”

Shocked at first, it took the young male a few seconds to process the words. But soon enough, the idol’s expression quickly changed as a large smile he couldn’t contain curved his lips. “Thank you!” he said, bowing repeatedly in his seat. “Thank you!”

He illuminates the screen on his phone, fumbling his thumbs across the keyboard screen as he avidly types out his message.

From: Daehyun        To: Seollyung☆

i’m coming! meet me at our place



The young male rounded the street corner, cautiously pulling the side of his hood to hide his face from the people he passed who might recognize him. Although it was about one o'clock in the morning and the sky was pitch black, that didn't stop the countless amount of people there was in downtown Seoul. Daehyun cautiously pulls out his phone and deletes the recent messages before stuffing it back into his pocket and continuing his walk.

It's been almost a year since Daehyun and Seollyung were dating. Nothing major changed from the first moment they met- the fact that they couldn't portray their affections publicly or the unfortunate fact that they were required to feign indifference when around each other. It's the sad fate of an idol.

Yet whenever there was even a meager amount of free time, they would meet up in secret. Because behind all the stress and the image of a celebrity, a sweet side of love was still perceptible.

Daehyun's footsteps began to slow when his destination was in sight. There, the beautiful river that shimmered with its colors gently reflecting off the surface was waiting. The Cheonggyecheon Stream. It was their place. It was the place where they met, where they laughed, where they cried, where they shared their memories, and the place where they would make more memories. And no one can take it from them.

A nostalgic, calming feeling grows warm in the males chest as he crouches, lightly tracing circles on top of the water. He gazes around, noticing the lack of people that usually gathered during the day. There were only a few bystanders, and the lights were too dim to recognize anyone clearly at this time, so with this, he marks himself safe, and makes himself comfortable by the river.

Suddenly, he feels a light tap on his shoulder, and he snaps his head back alarmed. But when he turns his head back, Seollyung is standing there with the same smile on her face that makes Daehyun's knees go week and the butterflies appear in his stomach. She holds a finger to her lips to be quiet. However, in a swift motion, the male embraces her in one big hug, and lifts her off her feet, spinning her around.

So much for being quiet. But right now, that's the on least of their concerns. Because right now, all they want to do is spend the time they have together.



"It's been a month since the last time we saw each other?" the girl asks.

"Mhmm." Daehyun pulls her closer to him as they sit at the edge of the water. He feels so relaxed and warm that he wishes he could freeze the moment and live in it forever. He holds her tightly, like if he had her arms around her, they could never be separated.

He brings up small talk and humor. "So hows life going for you?"

"Life? Well... it's the same."

"Same? Anything new?"

"Well actually I made a new friend-"

"A new friend!? That's amazing!" The young male beams, with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"Excuse me." Seollyung says, trying to contain her laughter.

"No, please, continue."

"Well this new guy that Yunhee and I met is really great. We really kicked it off and he's really funny and nice. He treated us to lunch a few times already, and I can already see him hanging out with us more often, to be honest."

Daehyun lets out a small laugh as he rolls his eyes. "Trying to make me jealous?"

"No. Just saying." She pipes with a small smile.

"Well, he should know that both of you are taken." 

She shrugged, implying it might have not been too important. Daehyun started nudging her closer and closer to the water, lightly threatening her. If it weren't for his arms holding her waist, she would have fell in already. "Oh really."

Letting out a giggle, she continued, "Yeah, and he's really handsome, and nice, and funny, and polite, and cool, and protective."

Then, in a blink of an eye, the male pulled her swiftly away from the water, back into his arms. He rested his forehead on hers. "How's that? I can protect you too."

"You were trying to push me into the water in the first place!"

"Nonsense. I'm your night in shining armor." He whispered, leaning in to stop her lips with a kiss.








i ing finished. hope that gave you hella feels ♥

i started this during the badman era explaining why junhongs hair is red

kay bye hope you readers liked 

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