
One shot


You picked Daehyun for your date for tonight~



"Yes Daehyun?"

"Let's go shopping!"

"Daehyun...You know I don't like shopping.."

"I know...But just for today? Please?"

"Fine..But only this time"

"YAY!!" Daehyun said while doing a happy dance

You stand there giggling~

At the mall~

"Daehyun, where are we going first?"

"To that store!" Daehyun said as he pointed at a cute clothing store

Daehyun drags you to the store~

"Hea-chan! Try this on!" Daehyun said as he pushed you into the dressing room

"Daehyun, don't push!"

Trying on the dress~

"Hea-chan does it fit?"

"It fits but.."

"Come out & let me see"

"No, It's so short!"

"Aww come on, If you don't come out I'm going in"

"No! Don't you dare! I'm coming" You said as you walked out the dressing room

"Wow...Hea-chan...It looks beautiful.."

"D-Do you think so?" you said as a wild blush came to your face

"Yes...Miss, We'll take this"

"Wait, Daehyun don't spend you money on me.."

"Don't worry Hea-chan, plus you look beautiful on it.."

"D-Don't say that...It does not" you said as the wild blush came back to your face

"I mean it.." Daehyun said as he walked up to you && kissed your forehead

"Shall we go now?" Daehyun asked as he held out he's arm

"Sure.." you said as you reached for he's arm

You & Daehyun walked around the mall~

"Hea-chan, are you hungry?"

"'Yea....A little bit"

"Should we eat then?"

"Yea.. Let's go eat.."

At the restaurant~

"Wow! This looks so yummy Daehyun" 

"I bet it is.. I never tried it"

"Well then.. Say "Ah~" Daehyun!" you said as you held a spoon full of food from your plate

"Hea-chan..." Daehyun said as he blushes

"Yes Daehyun?"

"Nothing.." Daehyun said as he opened his mouth

You feed Daehyun some of your food & he did the same to you~

Daehyun walks you back home~

"Thanks for walking me home && buying this dress for me"

"Don't sweat it"

"Well, Good night Daehyun~"

"Good night..Ohh one more thing" Daehyun said as he kisses your forehead while putting a necklace on you

"Daehyun.. What's this?" You asked looking at the necklace

"A token of my love for you~" Daehyun said as he left


That was your date with Daehyun~

Did you enjoy it?

I hope you did ^-^ 

Bang Yong Guk is next~

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