C H A P T E R 1 7

Beautiful Beast


C H A P T E R  S E V E N T E E N


"Huh? What? Wolf? What are you talking about, sir? We're just going on a trip," Luhan tried to lie his way out but the man doesn't seem to buy it.

"Hah! Don't try to act like you don't know, wolf! Now get the out or I'll blow your ing brains off!" the man shouted as he pulled a gun out. 

Jooeun watched with fearful eyes as the man with frighteningly creepy smile pointed a gun towards Luhan's head. Her breath hitched in when he cocked the gun and placed his finger on the trigger threateningly. Seeing Luhan unlocking the door, Jooeun hurriedly grabbed his wrist to stop him. She didn't know if the man would let Luhan go without putting a bullet through his head and she didn't want to risk the outcome. No, she was not willing to watch anything happen to Luhan and so she doesn't want him go. 

"Oppa.. No.." Jooeun whispered weakly, fear and anxiousness evident on her face and in her voice as she tightened her grip on his wrist. 

"Don't worry.. It'll be okay.. You'll be okay.." Luhan said as he leaned forward and kissed Jooeun on the forehead before he stepped out.

Kris and Chanyeol watched in agitation as Luhan stepped out of the van. Despite being on stationary in their vehicles a few cars away from Luhan's van, they could clearly hear what the man said. The man wasn't speaking very loud. No, he was actually quite discreet despite with the guns and all. However, being human wolves, they could hear up till a few metres away, if not more. Thus, hearing what the man had threatened, they exchanged glances and looked at Luhan worriedly. They could see the rest of the men closing up around Luhan's van with their weapons all ready. 

"Chanyeol-ah.. This doesn't look good. Should we help them?" Baekhyun asked as he looked at Chanyeol who was frowning worriedly. 

"I want to Baek.. But I'm worried about Jooeun.. They might hurt her instead," Chanyeol said as he looked at Kris and mouthed, "What do we do?"

"Kris, are you going to change now? It seemed like they need your help," Tao whispered as he looked at the men surrounding around Luhan's van.

"No.. Not now.. Those men might kill Jooeun if we attack now. We'll need to wait till Jooeun moves further away from them," Kris replied softly as he then turned to Chanyeol and mouthed, "Don't do anything. Wait for my signal." 

Luhan could feel his blood boiling as he watched the man in front of him smirking. He could have changed and ripped their heads off this instant if he had wanted to. He could kill them all and probably escaped with just a few scratches, but he didn't. He couldn't risk getting Jooeun killed and so he just stood there and tried his very best to keep his temper in check. Scanning the area, Luhan could see five other men surrounding his van with one of them standing next to Jooeun's door at a distant which is too close for comfort. 

"NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO! OPPA!" Jooeun screeched when one of the man yanked her door open and dragged her out of the van.

"WHAT THE YOU WANT?!" Luhan hissed, a ferocious snarl ripped through his throat when he saw the man threatening Jooeun with a gun. 

Being one of the highest in command within the Orions, Jung Woongin wasn't afraid of a little wolf's bark. No, he was actually expecting the animal to react that way. At least he knew that his hunch was right. But then again, when has he ever been wrong when it comes to these bastards? 

"I want you to see if you're a wolf or not," Woongin simply said, smirking evilly, as he then turned to his man holding the girl and said, "Shoot her."




Luhan watched in horror as Jooeun fell onto the ground, groaning and shaking in pain as her hand clutched onto her bleeding right arm. Unable to control his anger any longer, Luhan bursted out of his human form and pounced onto Woongin, snarling viciously as he bared his teeth at him. But Woongin, however, wasn't shocked or frightened at all. Instead, a smirk formed on his lips as he looked straight into Luhan's blue eyes. 

"Get off me or watch her die," Woongin said and Luhan's eyes widened when he heard the clicking sound of the gun being cocked ready.

Biting back a growl, Luhan watched painfully as Jooeun was dragged up by the man with a gun pointed to her head. He could see her whimpering in pain and fear but there was nothing he could. Not if he wanted her safe and sound. Thus, he didn't do anything when a heavy metal net was thrown over him. Luhan let himself be trapped as Woongin towered over him and kicked hard him a few times, all the while laughing in triumph. 

"Get captain Minsoo here. Tell him we got one of those bastards alive," Woongin said as he looked at one of the man who nodded curtly. 

When the gun shot broke through the morning, most if not all of the vehicles on the road started to scatter back and speeding off to safety without even checking what had happened. As the road were clearing up, Kris noticed how the Orions were letting their guard down to the surrounding and focusing only on Luhan. Looking over at Chanyeol, Kris knocked lightly on his window pane to get his attention.

"Now," Kris mouthed as he then looked back at Tao and whispered, "Get into Chanyeol's car quietly and stay there until we're done. Whatever you hear, don't come out. Try to stay hidden between the seats. We'll try to end this as quickly as we can. Go. Now."

Hearing the urgency and seriousness in Kris' voice, Tao didn't say anything else and discreetly got off the motorbike. After Tao has managed to slip into the car's backseat while Chanyeol and Baekhyun crept out without any of the Orions noticing, he immediately locked the door and tried to stay hidden as how Kris had told him. Tao could hear his heart beating so fast, anxious and worried about his boyfriend's and friends' safety. 

"God, please help us.. Please keep us safe," Tao prayed as he closed his eyes, shaking in fear as he hears the loud gun shots and growling.

"Baek-ah, you go to Jooeun and get her into the car.. We'll handle the rest of the things," Chanyeol whispered as he looked at Baekhyun.

Nodding curtly, Baekhyun turned around and quietly made his way towards Jooeun who was standing at least 10-metres away. Kris and Chanyeol, on the other hand, decided to confront the Orions and distract them before they noticed Baekhyun's presence. Bursting out of their human forms, Kris attacked the man which was the closest to him, standing at a mere half a metre away, by simply ripping his head off while Chanyeol ripped the hands off the other man who was about to shoot Kris. Hearing the loud growlings and the gun shots, Luhan leapt forward and attacked the bastard that almost killed Jooeun. Baring his teeth, Luhan finally saw the fear in the man's eyes. 

"L- Let her go! LET HER GO!" Woongin hurriedly shouted but instead of hearing a reply, a loud sharp burst through as a reply instead. Baring his teeth, Luhan snarled and bite onto Woongin's neck, pushing his teeth in and then ripping his throat out. After he satisfactorily watched the bastard suffers, Luhan ripped his head off and threw it to the side as he then turned to help Kris.

At the sudden attack of the other beasts, the man holding Jooeun as a hostage immediately pushed her away and ran for the safety of his van. After he locked the safety of the door, he immediately dialled for backups, "YAH! BACKUPS! WE NEED BACKUPS! ALL THE REINFORCEMENTS WE CAN GET! THERE ARE AT LEAST FOUR BEASTS HERE! OH MY GOD! NO! ARGHHH! HELP! NO! ARGHHH! HELP ME! HELP ME!"

Unfortunately for him, before he could receive any response, Baekhyun had managed to change into his human feline form and broke into the van via the front mirror, killing him in an instant. Drenched in blood, Baekhyun climbed out of the van and headed straight for Jooeun who was staring in horror as Luhan and Kris tried to avoid the bullets that the last Orion was shooting. Creeping slyly from behind, Chanyeol leapt and attacked the man, ripping his head off in a matter of seconds. When the gun shots and growling stopped, Tao opened the door and he nearly puke when he saw blood, ripped out limps and heads covering the road. Gulping down the vomit, he immediately rushed towards the wounded Jooeun to help her. 

"WE NEED TO GO! THEY WILL BE SENDING THEIR BACK-," Baekhyun was saying but before he could finished, gun shots were fired their way. 

"! COME ON! COME ON!" Tao shouted as he helped Jooeun up and hurriedly head towards the car while the rest of them hit behind the van.

The gun shots were getting closer and closer when suddenly, the vehicles flew forward and crashing against the road. As if that weren't enough and before any of the Orions were able to escape from the wreckage, the cars and vans were levitated in the air and piled up against one another before it bursted into flames, surprising them with the explosion. A couple of familiar cars stopped and they didn't need to look to know who just arrived.

"Hanuel!" Jooeun shouted, her lips pulling up into a wide smile despite the unbearable throbbing pain from her wounded shot arm.

"Are you guys okay?! I'm so sorry we were late! We tried to speed up but- I'm just so sorry!" Hanuel apologised, frowning worriedly. 

"I'm- I'm okay! I was shot but it's just at my arm.. I- I should be fine," Jooeun said with a small smile but Hanuel's eyes widened in horror. 

"What?! You're shot and you said you're okay?! We need to go to the hospital! Now!" Hanuel screeched and Jooeun's smile dropped.

"NO! We can't go back there! They might be heading this way towards us! We need to go now! Besides, Eunhee-sshi can tend to my wounds as how she did to Seungri-sshi. We need to get away from here now. No more going back there. Please," Jooeun said, her voice serious and urgent.

Luhan, who had changed back to his human form and already covered himself up in simple tattered jeans and t-shirt, sighed and said, "Okay.. We'll do as you want. As long as we get your wound treated as soon as possible, I don't mind where you get it treated. And baby, I'm so very sorry I'm the cause of your pain. I know I shouldn't bring you along. I'm so sorry." 

"No! Don't say that! It's not your fault! And don't say you shouldn't bring me! You know I can never be away from you! So please.. Stop saying that you don't want me around or you shouldn't bring me.. It hurts.." Jooeun said, tearing up, and Luhan immediately leaned forward and kissed her. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.. I- I just don't want you to be hurt like this," Luhan said softly as he gently wiped her falling tears.

Looking at the scene unfolding, Jaejoong coughed slightly and said, "Urgh.. I know you still need your moments with each other but we need to get out of here now. The Orions might be sending a battalion of reinforcement right now and we need to be out of here before that happens." 

"Ahh yes! Sorry," Luhan said as he immediately focused back to the situation in hand and said, "I think we better stick together from here onwards. Since my van can no longer be in used, Jooeun and I will seat in with Jaejoong and Eunhee since Jooeun needs to get her wound treated. We'll keep driving till we reached the village and if we need to stop, we'll all stop together. We're going to stick together until we reach there. Okay?" 

Nodding curtly, the guys immediately helped Luhan to transfer his luggages to the other cars and once the van was empty, Luhan helped Jooeun to Jaejoong's car. Once they were all in and ready to go, they started driving again. However, instead of going on the main road, they decided to go via the old road to avoid detection. Fortunately for them, as soon as they exited the scene, the police arrived after getting a few reports about extreme violent gun shooting at the area. However, Inspector Woosung had never expected this. Despite being in the police force for almost ten years, he'd never seen this happening. As he stepped out, his eyes widened at seeing the pieces of flesh, limps and heads scattered within the area. 

"Oh my God. What in the name of Jesus happen here?" 

Choi Minsoo screamed in frustration upon hearing the loud scream that filled the radio system before it went silent. He had just reached the main headquarter when he heard of the man's call for backup but before he even knew where the backup was needed, a loud eerie scream filled the radio system before it went silent. Dead silent. The Orion getting the information tried to contact them continously but there was no response. 

"There is no use. He's dead. All of them are dead. We need to get the informations from the police and people in this town," Minsoo said. 

"Alright. But how?" another Orion asked and Minsoo turned around, eyes glaring holes into his head at the stupid question he had asked.

"Should I shoot your ing brains off since you can't even figure something that easy out by yourself?" Minsoo threatened and the man paled. 

"N- No boss! I-I know how to do it boss! Let's go!" the man said as he gathered the rest of the men out to search and investigate about the beast.

Checking into the radio system and replaying the last few minutes of what the signal had picked up, Minsoo frowned when he heard the number of beasts within the area. Replaying it again and again, his sharp experienced ears caught a few loud growling that belonged to probably three wolves and a loud cat-like hissing sound which belonged to probably one or two human felines. 

"! They're not in town and it's going to be hard to detect them without any clues. We need to find their families and friends now."

Pacing up and down outside of Hanuel's school gate, Jiyong frowned and groaned when he noticed that she was no where to be found. He had been waiting since dawn but he hadn't seen a single glance of Hanuel or Hyukjae. He couldn't understand where they disappeared to and he's going crazy by the second. As the sun sets even higher in the sky and there was still no sight of Hanuel, Jiyong stopped the next person that exited the school. 

"Excuse me. Do you know who Kim Hanuel is? Do you know where she is?" Jiyong asked as calmly as he could, though he couldn't stop frowning.

"Hanuel-sunbaenim? No, I haven't seen her today. Perhaps you would like to ask that guy over there. They're classmates and he's close to them," the boy said as he pointed to Daehyun and another guy who just exited the school and heading the opposite direction. 

Without even thanking the boy, Jiyong ran up to the two guys and stopped them. "Excuse me. You're classmates of Kim Hanuel right? May I know where is she? Where can I find her? I've been trying to find her since morning but she doesn't seemed to be around today." 

Despite the kind smile plastered on Jiyong's face, Daehyun didn't trust him. Not after he received a text message from Jooeun at the crack of dawn. "Daehyun, I'm sorry to ask of you this but I really need your help. Something bad has happened and I need to escape town. I know it's unfair but I can't tell you what happened. Maybe later, that is if I'll ever comes back. But now, I really need you to help me conceal any informations about me, Luhan, Hanuel, Hyukjae, Tao, Kris and Chanyeol. Whoever that comes to find us or request for our pictures, please don't give them. Even if the person is a police officer, please don't give anything to them. I know you're confused and worried but please do this for me. And also, please help me to look after my parents, especially my mother. If you can, try to convince them not to go to the police. They're associated to the people who're chasing after me and so please, help me. After you read this, please delete it. Thank you so much. I owe you my life."

Thus, faking a polite smile, Daehyun said, "Yes, I am indeed Hanuel's classmate. She's not in school today.. and I really don't know where she stays. Usually her brother sends her to school and fetch her back. Sorry. Maybe you'll like to come some other day?" 

As if his assumption about Jiyong were right, the kind smile on the latter's face dropped almost instantly as he turned around and went off without even thanking him. It was beyond rude. It was suspicious and Daehyun were worried. He wondered what's going on with his friend and this feeling doubled over when he saw a large truck of army guys stopped by their school. A van of police stopped too and they entered the school with serious facial expression. As if something told him to escape the scene, Daehyun rode the arriving bus out of the scene before he could be questioned. 

"Seriously, what's going on?" 

Lee Seunmi went berserk upon receiving the text message from Jooeun, especially after she heard of the violent gun shooting near the town's expressway. Once she reached the airport at noon, she immediately head straight for the police station. Despite the text message her daughter had sent her about not going to the police station, she her mother and she wouldn't allow her daughter to run off with a guy like that. Not even if she'd known the guy for more than ten years already and that they were practically family. 

"Officer! My daughter is missing! She- She ran off with a guy when I'm not at home!" Seunmi screamed as soon as she stepped into the office. 

"Calm down ma'am. When and where was she last seen?" the police officer asked and she almost pulled out her hair in frustration at the question.

"I'm not in town! How the hell am I supposed to know?!" Seunmi screeched and the police officer immediately looked up and apologised. 

"Do you have her picture?" another voice, which sounded much more superior asked.

"Yes. Here it is." 

The pack had been travelling non-stop for a couple of days, stopping only for petrol and food while they rested by the side of the road to take short naps. They were exhausted and they didn't know if they will ever find the village. They had just entered the old Busan area and there didn't seemed to be any villages in sights. There were only plains of empty fields and forest of trees that it seemed like the village doesn't exist. 

"Are you sure the village exist? There doesn't seemed to be anything here," Luhan said as he drove Jaejoong's car while the latter rest. 

"I can't really remember where it is but I'm sure it existed. It was where we hide for at least a year," Jaejoong replied as he looked out.

"Wait. Isn't that a village, oppa? I think thats it!" Jooeun exclaimed as she pointed to a large gate entrance approximately a few kilometres away. 

Hanuel was sleeping soundly when she jerked awake, as if someone or something woke her up. It was her senses and she immediately looked out to the huge gate that stood a few hundred metres away from them, and something hits her hard. Clouded memories started to flash through her eyes and she seemed to recognise this place. She don't know why but it feels familiar, very familiar to her. 

"I- I think I've been here before." 


Not too long of an update, but I don't think it's too short either. I was supposed to update this last week but I kind of get distracted with life and EXO that I lost concentration of it.

Well anyway, we've reached the of this story and A LOT of thing will be happening here. A lot of shocking things will be happening and I hope you're prepared for it. I just hope I'll have the full concentration on this story from here out. Well, till then, I expect comments (long long comments) as it'll drive me to update faster. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!  

PS: It's not proofread and so please kindly ignore whatever errors that you see. THANKS. 

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Yuchan #1
Chapter 20: It was funny how Jaejoong suddenly entered and immediately questioned the hugging part oh come on Jae, this is not time to be jealous even a little. XD. I guess among the three Baekhyun has the more blessed family, but yeah I agree sometimes it's still not enough. You always want to be accepted. It's so sad that these people has to go through this much.

OMG! JaeHee! So sweet!! Jaejoong's proposal is <3... Why is he so sweet!! Even though it wasn't focused much I love their lovestory. The way Jaejoong left Hyukjae because he felt like someone's calling for him and that someone was actually Eunhee. The way he saved her and the way they stayed by each other's side. And now! Now! Jaejoong wanted to marry her because if ever he wanted to die as her husband! oh gosh! That was just so sweet! Jaejoong daebak! <3 XDD I can't wait for the wedding! hihihihihi! <3

JOOEUN IS PREGNANT! I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!! Now if something happens to that baby Imma cry authornim! ahahaha.. I will haunt you down!! Because I have a feeling that these number of good news won't last long!! XDD >.< and that actually saddens me you know!!! huhuhuhuhu..

*sigh* the last part made me curious! the human blood is for Hanuel right? To make her feel better is it? ooohh nooo.. what if she starts to get cravings after that.. that will complicate things.. =.= oh well.. *shrugs* I shall wait for the next chapter! Sorry for the long delay for this comment you can shoot me! XDD
Yuchan #2
Chapter 20: The way you described the whole chapter was remarkable! I imagine every scene even how much morbid they can be. That only made the feeling of pain stronger. Everything about what happened in the siblings past was too much I cannot blame Gain for blocking their memories because it will be so hard for them to live on and grow regularly with those painful memories. But I guess every secrets has to be uncovered and today in this chapter was the right time for the siblings to learn about the truth even how painful it maybe.

My heart skipped a beat and I got nervous when Luhan and Hanuel lost themselves upon hearing the past. Good thing they were too exhausted to create a scene. XD I don't want to see anyone get hurt right now. The past chapters has been quite exhausting to read. ahahaha.. I get stressed upon reading the stress the other characters are going through.

Wait! Wait! I just want to LAUGH! Lay is a horse!!! I laughed so much reading that! sorry oh our healing unicorn! XD

Now we learned more about the background of the other characters! Wow now I kinda understand why Tao was kinda distant at the beginning. His life wasn't easy ne? Good thing Kris found him. Kris was persistent enough to make Tao fall for him. LOL. I can remember how Tao was so crept out of Kris before. XD. Everyone in this fic has such a bad and sad past. Eunhee's perfect life before has been full of lies. I'm so happy that Jaejoong found her. If now she might have been dead already on the hands of those stupid orions. It must have been so hard for her to be chased by everyone she treasured (her friends and even the girl she saved, wow talk about being grateful *rolls eyes*).
Yuchan #3
Chapter 20: proceed to this very revealing chapter! It must be really hard for the four to know and understand their forgotten past well especially the twins. And obviously Luhan's not taking it well, he has been the hot tempered one recently. He cannot seem to control his emotion very well. I do not blame him though they're under so much stress ne? The fact that their father was an orion shocked me as a reader how much more the characters. I didn't really expect this turn of event. I can only imagine the pain the twins must have felt. Your own flesh and blood betraying you. The person who brought you to this world becoming the reason why you're suffering.. argghh! I hate their father! =.= At first I was confused with Hojae saying that he was Soomi's soulmate but thanks for explaining it to me before when I asked you! Ahahaha.. that was actually interesting at the same time heart breaking. You have no choice but to love one person yet you can never have her... Aww.. that hurts! Anyway back to the human flesh cravings, I guess that was a part of being a wolf, good thing though that Soomi met her soulmate. Did any of the characters had such cravings already? Hmm... Oooh... Gain was gifted as well.. Oh so Hanuel actually got it from her mom. I wonder, if Hanuel had a child will it be more powerful than her? Hmm... ahahaha... LOL I'm looking too much in the future.

Jinhyuk, I still hate him for betraying his own family but I somehow understand why he did it. Being an orion was who he was, maybe it was the purpose he gave to himself. It must be really hard for him to stop that and so he decided to continue with it even if it would make him lose his family. Also I really believe that he was actually pressured by his father or siblings ne? I hate Jinhyuk but at the same time I pitied him because he was so torn. He was given choices but he certainly chose the wrong one, making him lose almost everthing that he has.
Uniekorn89 #4
Chapter 19: So,jooeun's mum finally went to see the police. I was quite shocked that the police took her another very serious eventho he had seen her involved in that incident. Well,at least it keeps everyone safe for the moment.
Jooeun's mum surely very concerned about her daughter whereabouts. However luckily she listened to daehyun and didn't take any further action that might caused her daughter n her friends exposed in danger.
Are you sure daehyun was just normal guy who love Jooeun that much ? I thought he's saint or an angel.
Shesh wooyoung, why you give aids to minsung? You should at least investigate both parties before deciding which party you should support. I guess you also will learn the truth soon.

So,the beasts gang finally reached the village. It's great that they arrived safeand sound. So mny secrets been held from luhan n companies. It must be so confusing and hard to handle the the tRuth especially Hanuel as she starting to get h h we're memories back. She's getting it before anyone else thanks to her gifted power.
Butshe'll be fine because hyukjae was there,kai and even luhan. N she got her friends. It surely tough for her but at least she don't have to handle It alone.
Wow,the truths hurt. Their father was an Orion.

Will cobrinier for the next chpter
Yuchan #5
Chapter 17: feeling that he will be able to help Hanuel's crew. I hope before Minsoo will be able to track Hanuel's crew, they would be able to rest for a while, especially hanuel who has been stressed out and hurt because of the death of their mother and grandparents as well as Baekhyun who was still injured. :)
Owaaah! finally they reached their destination. Oh! The way Eunhee and Jaejoong looked at the place, it seemed that they made some sweet memories there.ahahahaha.. Oh! Oh! I can see the other exo members! yeay! XD Even the glimpse of them made me happy! :D Oh gawd! It hurts seeing Hanuel being so stressed out, isn't Luhan and the rest having the same flashbacks? *sigh* well Hanuel's really special so I guess, her talents have some ups and downs. Oh gawd! The revelation was just aarrghh! I wanna learn more!! So Hanuel's dad is actually an orion? don't tell me that same person is actually Minsoo's brother! XDD I understand Ga in's way of protectng her twins and I'm also grateful for mr. grandfather for existing and loving them. :) somehow mr. grandfather reminds me of Daehyun's love.. aww... <3 I can't wait to learn more of the characters' past even Kris and Chanyeol, what happened to their parents? Did they got killed? I want to know more about Eunhee too and even baekhyun and what happened to tao's family? Did they even know he left? Hmm... I still have a lot of questions in mind! I can't wait for them to be answered! :D Hwaiting neechan! Will be waiting for the next update! Teheee! :D
Yuchan #6
Chapter 17: Hi there! Here to leave a comment and some thoughts about the latest update! Teehee! :D
I understand what Jooeun's mother was feeling. I'm sure she was blaming herself for the lost of her child. I can't blame her if she doubted Hanuel and Luhan's intention too. It hurt to come home to an empty house and learning that your only daughter ran off with some guy (though it's Luhan). I can clearly imagine the scene in the police station oh gawd! I hurt seeing Jooeun's mother being like that. I can't blame inspector Woosung for acting that way too, well he has to weigh which is more important right? There are a lot of unexplanable things he has to solve. It must be really frustrating for him. I hope he won't notice the connection between the attack and Jooeun. Oh gawd! What's wrong with Jooeun's dad.. *sigh* oh well. Oh oh! Daehyun! Oh gawd! I love the guy! I'm so glad that he was there to explain everything to Jooeun's mom. Gosh! He really loved Jooeun doesn't he? I feel kind of sad for him, because even though his heart is aching he was still willing to protect Jooeun even in the small things that he can. I'm so happy that he was able to convince Seunmi in leaving the country, I just hope that she will really be able to leave and be safe. Daehyun is the sweetest guy ever! I love him!! :D
Oh gawd Minsoo! Like seriously I wanna kill that bastard! Anyway this scene irritated me, i hated that inspector Woosung agreed. Aiiiish! This will be so hard for our beloved protagonists again. I guess Minsoo has some reasons for what he was doing but like inspector Woosung noticed, he was indeed blinded by revenge that his point of view is being poisoned. I'm hoping that inspector woosung will see the other side of the story, i have a gut
Uniekorn89 #7
Chapter 18: Wohooo..I must say I'm all excited. My adrenlin rushed! Haha .
This chapter makes me growling n screaming. Damn,the fighting head ripping part was really scary. I think since knowing about the beast,the human line like jooeun n tao must make?themselves strong to see that kind of scene and also must prepared themselves to face lots of pain. For exampl jooeun. Damn those orions! They were heartless hurting those who are innocent n not capable on hurting them!! They deserve to die but I hope the polices know that the beasts just orotecting themselves n their loves ones.

Uwahhh! Daehyun is so nice! I love his character. Despite not be able to e joonie' s bf he still helping her n his friends . And jiyong...I hope he wiol give up on hurting hyukjae n hanuel. Someone please let him learn the the trurh before he joining orions to hv revenge... :(

And joonie's mm. I understand her feeling. No mater how long you know people, it just not easy ti accept your daughter decision to follow a guy. She did what every mother would do. I just hope herdecision did not bring harm to her daughter.. who knows what orions will do... they evsn shot normal human...
Yuchan #8
Chapter 18: Hi there! ahahaha! Here to comment again! Ahh! My curiosity of what will happen last chapter was finally answered and then you ended this chapter with another cliff hanger that made me wonder again! aaaish!! seriously, this fic is making my brain itch with the possibilities that may occur. Of course I mean that in a good way! ahahaha I love your fic and how it makes me think! XD The action scenes were gross (it was greatly written)! XD and yes you succeed because I clearly imagined it in my mind and just like Tao, my stomach churned! Ahahaha... While reading I felt my heart quickened, especially at the part where Jooeun was hit! Ahh~! The pain that must have felt by Luhan. =.= Good thing Hanuel's timing was great, good thing she had that special bond with Luhan which helped the situation! They were able to help out ne?! Aah! The scene where Baekhyun killed the person (trying to call the backups) keeps on repeating in my head!

Ah~! Daehyun was such a kind person ne? I wonder what will Jiyong do next since Hyukjae is out of that town already. I have a bad feeling about Jooeun's mom, she might be the key that may help the police and orions to locate the pack! Jaejoong and Eunhee were in that village before right, is that the place where they stayed before, well after Jae found Eunhee? Oh well! I wonder why Hanuel was so familiar with the place and how come Luhan was not?

For a while they were able to escape I wonder what will happen next!! Aaaah! *excited* Gambatte ne?!!! hwaiting neechan!!!
Uniekorn89 #9
Chapter 17: herro..now letme start this comment with a cry~ TT_TT
This chapter, so sad.The twin lost their mother and grandmother. It was sad. I am sad. But i know they`re strong. At least they still have each other and also their soulmates and their betas. I love how you describes their characters. Like Lu Han when he`s trying to convince his grandmother that she`ll be fine. It was like real. when I read it, i hope that she will be fine. They can't lose her too. but yeah, you own the fic.
And Hanuel, it must be really hard for her and she fight well. MinSoo should have die! Why he still alive? ugh!! !!
The normal gang (Jooeun,Tao) and Baekhyun, they`re genius. *cough* i mean, they know what to do and how to protect themselves. (well, they managed to make hanuel feel uneasy) XD Tao just being tao..worrying about his loved ones. I love him in here.. <3 :p
I`m glad Lu Han decided not to leave Jooeun. She could be in great sadness if he do that~ i know i will~ XDD
oh god... what`s going to happened to Luhan`s gang???? >..<ll
I know you`ll update soon but please...i want more action and intimate moments too~ XDDD
Yuchan #10
Chapter 17: Yeay! Aff finally worked! I'm here to leave a comment! The chapter was still great you've express the message of the chapter quite well though to be honest I was expecting more feelings to explode but still the love Luhan and Hanuel had for their mother and grandmother was undeniably strong... I just can't imagine losing my parents, the pain they must have felt was too much. They've been through a lot since the twins became wolves. Good thing they have their soulmates by their side ne? At least that made the whole situation better. I was glad that Luhan didn't leave Jooeun I will be super sad if that would happen. Instead of pushing Jooeun away Luhan should protect her by his side, that way jooeun will be happier ne? There have been so much revelation that happened but still I'm very very curious of what you're going to offer more I know you still have a lot of surprises in store for every character... Oh gawd the chill I have whenever I read Min soo's name. Oh gawd! I just wish Luhan's pack will be okay though I really think it won't... ahahaha.. aiissh! My heart gets really nervous whenever I read this fic! anyway! Gambatte neechan!! will be waiting for more!! ^^v More couple moments!! hihihi!!