
Opposites Attract: Case 1 Kaisoo


Sunhwa has always had a fascination towards magic. She loved the idea of spells, potions or anything that was deemed as 'magic'. So she was surprised when, she found a magic book in her school library.
She was looking in the non-fiction section trying to find a book about Australia, when she noticed a book quite different than others. It was black and it had no title. Being the curious human that she is, she decided to look in it. Sunhwa bent down and grabbed the book. It had a leather texture, and was dusty but it had a fragrance of cherry lemon. She turned the cover and it had a message written on the first page.
Kim Sunhwa, this book now belongs to you.
That's it. That's all it said. It completely stunned her that, her name was written it. It's almost as if someone knew she'd pick up the book. Turning the next page, she read the title: The Mundane's Guide For Spells and Potions.
Sunhwa was absolutely sure, she was being screwed with. She continued onto the next page that talked about spells.
Opposites Attract Spell
This spell will bring two completely opposite people together. They will seem to be totally in love with one another, and be cuddly or cutesy with each other. The spell can work between a boy and a girl, two guys or two girls. This spell lasts for only a week UNLESS, the couple actually love each other.
To cast the spell you need to, say the names of the two people then say: Being different isn't so great, what kind of love will they create?
"What the hell?" Sunhwa muttered. Yeah, she was POSITIVE that she was being screwed with. 'Let's see if this actually works', she thought as she read the spell again. Sunhwa looked around the library for two people to cast the spell on, and she stopped on the perfect victims.
Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo. They were two boys that she had some of her college courses with, and they were like day and night.
Jongin was popular with both the ladies AND the men. He was known as a casanova on campus, but she never saw him playing with people's hearts. He is a guy with a lot of charisma and confidence. He knows he looks good and isn't afraid to admit it. He's also a HUGE animal lover for he has three dogs. Poodles to be exact. And he happened to be at one of the library desks, texting someone.
Kyungsoo was a quiet boy, with big cute eyes. He was shy, but when it came to certain things he wasn't. He's one of the top ten students in the school with a GPA of 4.0, and that's hard to get. He had an soft voice when he spoke, but a strong powerful one when he sang. He also volunteers at the homeless shelter by, cooking meals. He also happened to be reading a book a few tables down from Kim Jongin.
Sunhwa looked at the spell one more time before, she did the spell. "Jongin and Kyungsoo being different isn't so great, what kind of love can they create?" 
With that whispered, she saw an iridescent cloud float to said people, and engulf them in it. Apparently, it was only visible to her eyes because nobody else became freaked out about it. Unlike her, whose mind was blown! The cloud soon disappeared, but they looked like they were covered in sparkles. Then the unthinkable happened.
Jongin immediately stopped texting. He dropped the phone on the table, and whipped his around to the exact spot where Kyungsoo was sitting. Kyungsoo's eyes widened and he let out a small gasp, he looked up from his book and met his eyes with Jongin.
Jongin abruptly stood up from his seat, pushed back his chair and walked his way over to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo slowly lifted himself off his seat, and sashayed to the front of the table. Jongin stopped in front of Kyungsoo, his cheek and slowly leaned in.
Their lips met in a soft peck, no hesitation was in it. Then before you knew it, they were all over each other. each others faces like vacuums, Jongin lifted Kyungsoo onto the table. Wrapping his legs around Jongin's waist, Kyungsoo twisted one hand into Jongin's hair and the other around his neck; trying to bring their bodies as close as possible. Jongin's hand began traveling against the soft skin that was hidden by clothes, and he ran his hand against Kyungsoo's thigh.
Needless to say, Sunhwa was shocked. They were about to get it on! The only thing that stopped it from happening was, they were still wearing clothes and they were in a public place. Having in public is illegal... Right? 
Then two stopped, they leaned against one another as they began heavily breathing. "Kyungsoo, d-do you want to be my boyfriend?" Jongin said in the most sincere voice Sunhwa ever heard, as he took in gulps of air.
"I would love to, Jongin." Said Kyungsoo, giving him a million dollar smile. Jongin broke out in a grin, and gave Kyungsoo a tight hug. The two soon released each other from their embrace, and Jongin helped get Kyungsoo down from the table. They interlocked their fingers and left the library in a cheerful mood.
Sunhwa looked around the library and saw that nobody watched the two guys making out, they were all looking at books. Nobody was really at the tables, except for the pair. 
Sunhwa concluded that: The spell did work, the book wasn't a prank and that people are so oblivious.
For the next couple of days, news about the newly paired couple spread like wildfire. Most were surprised that the two were together, seeing as Jongin was a 'player' and Kyungsoo was innocent. There was also jealousy on Kyungsoo's case because almost everyone wanted Jongin. 
Sunhwa has witnessed more than what others have seen. Others have just seen them being romantic, but Sunhwa has seen it ALL. Cutesy, cuddly, intimate those were things she saw and can't erase from her mind.
"Oh my Kyungie-pie, I love you soooo MUCH!" Jongin said with his words drowning in aegyo.
"Jong-Jong dumpling, I love you more!" Kyungsoo said, stretching his arms for evidence. 
"No I do!"
"No I do! I love you so so SO MUCH!"
"Well, I love you times infinity!" 
"Ok. How about we love each other the same?" Kyungsoo said trying to negotiate.
"Ok, anything for my Kyungie-pie!" Jongin said with a smile, as the couple began to engage in an Eskimo Kiss.
Oh. My. Gosh.
Sunhwa wish she had a gun to shot herself with. It's a lot better than staying with this couple. They're so full of love, Sunhwa could throw up a rainbow! She never imagined the day when the charismatic Jongin, became cheesy. It's almost sickening.
Sunhwa looked at her watch, it was about 30 seconds until the week is up. The book said the spell lasts for only a week, so she wouldn't have to deal with all this... Fluff. 
Nothing. That's what happened. No weird cloud, no epiphany, not a single thing. Nada, Zip, Zero they all could work in this situation. 
The couple was still acting.. well like a couple! It was kinda horrifying actually. Jongin was kissing Kyungsoo's cheek, and said boy was blushing redder than a rose.
Sunhwa opened the spell book, and read the spell again. She soon reached the part where, it talked about the spell wearing off in about a week. After she read it , she concluded that the two must of loved each other before she did the spell. She was more like a catalyst to get the relationship going. 
'I guess they are kinda cute together. Good job Sunhwa', she thought as she looked at the couple. She turned around to leave the library, when she saw something. A tall blonde haired guy, bumped into someone; sending that person to the ground. 
The blonde she recognized as Park Chanyeol.  The guy who is the top student, placing at number one in the charts. She also recognized the boy on the ground as, Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun is the Eyeliner King (Queen), who always takes the lead in musicals. He almost ALWAYS plays a diva.
"I-I'm so sorry!" Chanyeol's loud voice boomed in the quiet library. He quickly bent down to help Baekhyun up. "Are you ok?" He asked looking Baekhyun in the eyes. Sunhwa saw Baekhyun's face produce a light blush, and she was positive it wasn't because of anger. She saw the way his eyes sparkled as he looked at Chanyeol, but that soon changed. Baekhyun attempted to look angry, and seeing as this is Chanyeol we're dealing with, Chanyeol believed him.
"Ugh! Just leave me alone!" Baekhyun said, as he stormed off. And like a puppy Chanyeol followed behind him. "WAIT! I'm SORRY!"
Sunhwa looked at her spell book, and then at the direction at which the two people left. She then decided she'll help that couple. 
But later. Probably tomorrow, because right now she needs to find a spell that's right for them.
She then left the library with a plan in mind, and a sense of accomplishment in her heart. The only thing left was the cuddly Kaisoo couple, and Baekhyun with Chanyeol trailing not to far behind him.
Hey pearls! I hoped you liked it! I was gonna italicize the spell but I wrote this on my iPod notes and then transferred it to AFF, and rewriting it angers me..
But anyways! Yea... Oh look, shiny!
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Chapter 1: My laugh echoed loudly in my room when i read "jong-jong dumpling"
Thats crazy \^0^/
alex96100 #2
Chapter 1: Can you please make one for Baekyeol???
booyaaaaa #3
ahaa! neomu kyeoptaaa~
i love this story very very much~
it feels like my hearts going to explode in no time ㅎㅁㅎ
im waiting for baekyeol nee~~
riksantika #4
Chapter 1: nothing else to say but super cute ~ ^^
Chapter 1: That was cute and fluffy <3 now I need Baekyeol ^ㅅ^
Chapter 1: I want the Baekyeol one~~~
Chapter 1: I want the baekyeol one kyaaaaa~
Well...that escalated quickly XD. Like dalliance this is quite original, it would've have been nice if this was a story XD. It was funny, the too much fluff made me cringe, like sunhwa who wanted to shoot her herself XD.
Dalliance #9
Well, this is quite original. :D
If that book was real, I would try it out too. I would fly to Korea when EXO is together, trying to see how some of the members would react to it (just because I'm curious, okay?) Hehe. ^-^
I really enjoyed reading this.
Amazing work, author!