Chapter 40 Goodbyes

As good as it gets.

"Young master....Wake up" Julius shook her so hard to wake her up.

Tina grunts and checked her watch. "What now Julius?" and she yawned. 

"Your father was brought in one of the hospitals in Japan. Ms. Air and Madame want you to go there immediately."

Tina widened her eyes and her heart beats fast. She stood up so quickly and grabbed her phone. "Are you serious?! I need to go now there."

"Young master, the plane arrived already. You need to immeadiately go to the airport. Your private plane is waiting."

Tina just fixed her hair and put the jacket on. "Anyway where's Mean??"

"I'm not sure young master." 


Tina dialled her phone to call Mean, but the number couldnt be reached anymore.

"Arghhhh. Where the hell is she?!" She tried to dial again the number with frustration but it's still couldnt be reached.

"Young master you really need to go now. Your father needs you."

TIna is worried sick about her father and wanting to cry at the same time she is also bothered that Mean was suddenly gone.

"I don't have time now. Julius, if ever Mean went home. Just send her in Japan too ok? I'll go now."



At the plane. 


Tina is worriedly sick about her dad, she's staring blankly at the plane's window with the random thoughts on her head, about her father, Aom and Mean. Tina took her phone out of her jacket's side pocket and felt that there's a folded paper inside it so she took it out and unfold it. And noticed that it's a letter from Mean. She creased her forehead and start reading the letter.




Mean's letter:


Hey Tiger.

You were sleeping so calmly, i didnt want to disturb your sleep. I just wanna let you know while your reading this, I'm on my way back to France. I'm sorry if I did this again, going away without even letting you know first. On this past few days, I was so happy that you gave your time to me instead of Aom. I know you intended that way to weigh things out. I want to let you know that I love you so much, more than a friend. Being with you, looking at you straight in the eye, I know i'm not that one who can make you happy. I love you, but i dont wanna be selfish. I would rather hurt myself than to push things together even if i know that it wont even fit. I won't lie to you, it hurts like hell letting you go and be with someone else. But then I realized that that someone else I was reffering is the one you love. Tina, I was there, behind you, all along, I was waiting and hoping for you to turn around and look back at me like the way you look at her, you did look back, but it's not the way i expected. I was hopeful the day you asked me out, I said to myself "This might be my chance." but I stared in your eyes, i saw your heart and i saw Aom in it. And yesterday, I stared again in your eyes right before i kissed you, I saw Aom again and after that, i made a decision myself to just set you free and be with someone who could truly make you happy. Tina, please do me a favor. Win her back will you? And when the time comes that we meet again. I want to see you both together, happier and stronger. And extend my apologies to Aom, it was never my intention to ruin you two. Once you win her back, never make her cry anymore, just make each other the most happiest and luckiest person in this world. Goodbye for now Tiger. 




Tears slowly streamed down on her face and buried her the letter on her chest. She cried heavily knowing that she hurt her bestest friend. Mean I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for being stupid and insensitive. I might be too blind to notice you. But the love I have for you is different on what I feel towards Aom. I love you as a friend, as a sister like my own blood but not someone I want to live with for the rest of my life. When she broke up with me, i accepted it, knowing that it happens for a reason. And i tried to find the answer, i actually did, because of you. I learned that i couldnt afford to wake up one morning without her, and even if i try to look for someone else, it's still her that i see, the one that i'm still looking for. Believe me i tried to open my heart for you, my mind said to give you a chance, but my heart screamed for Aom. If only i could take back time, i wouldnt have dragged you to this or do what i did. I'm deeply sorry Mean. She's the only person who made it possible for my heart to beat faster and slower at the same time, the one who gave me flowers in my stomach upto my heart. I promise this to you and to myself, that i'll win her back when i get back and I will never ever let her go, make her the happiest girl in this world. 


Tina took her phone and tried to dial Aom's number. "Arrgghh. Shoot! I forgot i dont have a signal here."



At Aom's place.


She slowly opened her eyes and yawned. "It's past 11." she stretched her arms and took her phone. She opened the unread messages and it all came from Mike.


Message 1: "Good night Aom. I did have fun today."

Message 2: "Good morning Aom. Are you still sleeping?"

Message 3: "Aom? Are you ok? Did you have breakfast yet?"


After reading the messages, Aom texted im back: "I just woke up Mike. I did have fun too. Thanks."


Her phone ringing.


"Hello?" Aom answered.

"Good morning!!" Mike joyfully greeted her on the other line.

Aom smiled and greeted him back. "Good morning too. Why did you call?"

"Nothing, I don't really like texting. And hearing yor voice will make me feel better." he chuckled.


"Do you have anything to do today?" he asked.

"Nothing really."

"Oh me too. I'm kinda bored here cos i have nothing to do." Mike sighed.

"Is that so?"

"Yep." Mike answered. "Can i come down there, i can bake for you...." he added.

"Uhm.....Sure, if you want to." Aom hesitantly answered.

Mike smiled and felt happy. "Ok i will be there in an hour or two."

"Ok then. I'll see you later."


Mike quickly stood up out of his bed and stopped being lazy. He immediately went to his bathroom to take a shower and go to Aom's house.


Aom on the other hand took a sigh and opened her phone again. "Tina.........." she whispered.


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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 47:, please come back and finish your story!!
stafeniewan #2
Chapter 47: please come back, author!!
stafeniewan #3
Chapter 47: hello author, where are u? please continue your story...
Nivetha_nive #4
Chapter 47: Continue the story author....u doing good
Pls come back
stafeniewan #5
Chapter 47: hi author, where are u? i'm still hoping for an update, pleaseeeee...continue your story..
stafeniewan #6
Chapter 47: hello author, where are u? please don't abandon this story, pleaseeee....
stafeniewan #7
stafeniewan #8
Chapter 47:, where are u??? please continue this story...
stafeniewan #9
hey, where are u, author? please don't leave this story hanging...I wasted so much time to read all the chapters and please don't discontinue writing it.
angelyewbibi #10
Chapter 47: Please update, author! Please don't leave this story hanging