Unexpected Meeting (2/2)

My Neighbour


Our ordered came. I happily drink my chocolate milkshake. Then I looked to Jinyoung, he showed unhappy aura. As his friend I need to do something. I tried to cheer Jinyoung, cause I feel bad for dragging him here. So, I talked to him.

“Jinyoung, how's the strawberry juice? Is it delicious?”

“Yes it is.” Short answered from Jinyoung. I really feel bad now. What a bad friend I am.

“Hmm can I try it?” I asked him.

“Sure.” He passed the glass to me but then he said, “you can drink all of it, I need to go now.” He said and just left without saying good bye.

“Whoa? What's with that kid?” asked C.NU.

“I don't know, well maybe he doesn't feel fit in with us.” Said Baro.

“I'm sorry hyungs. I need to go to Jinyoung now.” I was going to stand up but then Sandeul stand up said, “it's ok gongchan, I'll go get him.” Said Sandeul.

“Ah?” I think for a while and I guessed this is a good moment for Jinyoung. “Ok then hyung, be careful.” Sandeul left.


Jinyoung's POV

I know I'm wrong leaving Gongchan with those guys, but I can't stand it. Seeing Baro with Gongchan together, what a heartache. I really can't stand it. I rather go somewhere else than watching them together. I walked in a fast pace to... I didn't know where I'm going. I just need to go somewhere far away. I like Gongchan for a long time, but I'm afraid to confess to him. Beside, Gongchan is all mine until Baro came up to Gongchan life again. That's why, I decided to be a little agressive to him. Everytime he and Baro meet, I could see that he looks happy and he shows different feeling. I feel defeated by Baro.

“Hey Jinyoung!” Someone shouted my name. I just stopped my pace.

“Jinyoung?” I turned my head to the guy beside me.

“Eh? Sandeul hyung?” I didn't expect that he was the one who called me.

“Yes, it's me. Hmmm... I was going to ask you a question but I forgot.” He said.

I smiled to his forgetfulness. He really need a a reminder. I looked to his stupid face, I bet he's trying to remember things. What a magic hyung. I continued my walk and leave him.

“Hmm what was it.. Hmm.. eh? Jinyoung, wait for me!” He followed me. He maked a gesture that I guess he remembered. “I think I remember, Why did... you leave?”

“Nothing, I just have things to do now that's all.” I said coldly.

“But you don't look like going to do something.” He said.

“Well, ah...” I try to think but I can't seem think straight right now. I stopped walking and looked at him. “Can you just leave me alone?

“I'm sorry but you just look miserable right now. I think you should follow me now.” He dragged me then he stopped a taxi and forced me to go inside. He's quite strong, I don't have any choice. I just looked to the street and I could see his reflection on the window, he texted someone. I really don't care on what he's doing but where is he taking me?


Gongchan's POV

“Baro hyung, have you try to reach Sandeul hyung? I'm kinda worried about Jinyoung.” I said to him.

“It's ok Gongchan, Sandeul can take care of it.” then Baro's phone ringing. “Oh it's from Sandeul. He said that he's with Jinyoung now and he's going somewhere together.

“Whoa, that Sandeul, he secretly trying to catch Jinyoung's heart? Unbelievable.” Said C.NU.

“Does Sandeul hyung likes Jinyoung?” I asked to both of them

“We don't know, he never talks about Jinyoung, right Baro?”

“Yeap.” Baro agreed, “well just leave it to Sandeul, he really is a mysterious guy.”

“Ok then.” I said to them.


Jinyoung's POV

The trip was quite long and without I realized I was asleep. Sandeul woke me up, then we went out from the taxi. I'm so surprised! He brought me to a beach.

“Jinyoung let's go.” He asked me to follow him to the shore. I just stood there don't know what should I do now.

“Hey, Let's go!” He take my hands and dragged me to the beach. I feel some sparks in my hand running to my heart. He looked happy, he dropped his bag and he put my bag down too since I just stood up like a statue.

I walked around the shore, I can feel the water in my feet. Then suddenly Sandeul said, “Let's play Jinyoung!!!” and he splashed me with water. The water went straightly to my face. Oh my god, this Sandeul really want to start a war with me. I put my angry face, He looked terrified. Then I splashed him with a big one. He was surprised, his face was so priceless. I smiled to him, he smiled and laughed. Then he started attacking me again, I attacked him too.

Our clothes were so wet. I decided to run and he chased me. I ran as fast as I can but he caught me, he hug me and lifted me, but then he slipped and I fell to the sand. I opened my eyes and I met with Sandeul eyes. His eyes looked so round. He looked different, not like the stupid idiot playful Sandeul. Our face were only 10cm away. My hearbeat faster, my face turned red. Sandeul looked really handsome in my eyes. He slowly close the gap, I know what he's doing next. Our lips touched lightly, I could sense that he's nervous. Then he kissed me. Without I realized I put my hands on his neck and respond to his kiss. The sky was red, the sun went down. Due to the air problem I broke the kiss. I looked to his eyes, our eyes met. Then for a moment I went back to my concscious. This is wrong.

I pushed him a side and ran to the street. I don't want to see his face now I need to go home now. What did I do?

“Jinyoung! Wait!” Sandeul shouted. I just ran as fast as I can hope this time he can't caught me. But I was wrong he caught me, he grabbed my hand. I try to let go of his hand, but I couldn't, I'm too weak now. He back hug me and said. “Sorry. I shouldn't take advantage of you. I'm really sorry.” I heard him, he was so sincere. I don't know why but then I cried, I cried hard. I'm so terrible and stupid. I turned my body and cried on his chest. He tried to make me calm and soon we sat and watced the sun goes down.


Our clothes already dry now, we decided to have a dinner first then we're going back to the city. Sandeul picked a seafood restaurant around the beach. The restaurant allowed us to choose the sea animals. Sandeul and I picked some shrimps and squids. We took pictures with the animals, he maked a weird face. Then we picked a table outside. The dinner came, we started eating. Sandeul looked really hungry he ate most of the dish.

“Whoa! I'm so full! This is great! Daebak!” He said.

“You ate most of it Sandeul hyung, you must be really hungry.”

“I AM!” He answered, then he asked me a question. “Jinyoung, I'd like to ask you something, please answer it.” He looked really serious. “Why did you leave the cafe?”

“I...” I felt like I can believe Sandeul for this problem. I decided to tell the truth. “I couldn't stand it watching Gongchan and Baro hyung together.”

His face looked surprised. “You like... Gongchan?”

“I like him, so much but I'm afraid to confess to him.” I tried to remember all of the memories with Gongchan. “Beside, Gongchan is all mine but...”

“But Baro came up to Gongchan's life again?” Sandeul hyung finished it.

I only nodded. He took both of my hands and he hold it.

“You know Jinyoung, sometimes what you see is not like what you think. Just try your best so Gongchan could recognize you that you're the only one for him.” He advised me.

“Thanks Sandeul hyung, really thank you.” The half of me somehow didn't like it when he advised me like that. I don't know why. I looked to his face and I sense a dissapointment in his eyes.


We finished our dinner and prepared to go back to the city. I looked to my watch and it's already 8 PM. I don't what will my mom said when I arrive. He called a taxi and straightly sent me home.

Soon I arrived at my house. I stood in front of my house. I looked at my watch, it showed 9.30 PM. Oh no, sorry mom I went home really late. Sandeul went out from the taxi and said to the driver to wait. He looked at me and asked.

“Are you ok?”

“Ne, it's just that I don't know what will happen inside.My mom will scold for coming home so late.” I answered.

“I'm so sorry Jinyoung.” He said appologetically.

“No, it's ok. I should thanks to you. I had fun today. Thanks for everything.” I said.

“You're welcome Jinyoung.”

“Ok then, I should get inside now.” I said.

“Oh right, I'm going home then.”

“Yes, please be careful Sandeul hyung.” I said to him. Then something weird happen.

“Eh? Home? Where should I go?” I chuckled at his behaviour. He's back to the forgot-his-house guy. He looked 180 degrees to the one that I spent on the beach.

I took his bag and searched for his note book. I opened a page where he drew a route to his house. Then he looked relieved and went inside the taxi. I asked the driver to send him to his house, I told him the adress.

“Please be careful hyung.” I said to him.

“Thanks! Bye!” And with that the taxi left my house and I went inside my house.


Hello readers! Thanks for reading this ff until this chapter 7. I decided to make a POV, I'm so itchy to write Jinyoung POV and here I wrote it. I start to love my own fic, I'm so excited what should i do with this B1A4. Once again thanks to everyone stay update to this fic. Please subscribe and give me comment. annyeong~

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LOL! I can't believe that i hadn't commented to this fic before when i read this
i think i read this more than a year ago
and now i'm browsing my subs...
I realized that I missed this, so i came here to read this again

I realized that i was a silent reader a while back then
gongchanbiased #2
Chapter 25: no!!please make a sequel i love this story!!no offence but i kind of hated baro ABIT when he abandoned gongchanㅠㅠ
Kyoko72 #3
Chapter 1: I love this story:)
Chapter 25: Oh my glob.. I loooovvvvee it!! I laugh and cry soo much!! ToT I am sad that its end already.. anyway, great, AWSOME story author nimm~!!
Sorry if I post this comment too late,, tehee~
bohyemi #5
Chapter 25: eheehehhehehe I have exam tomorrow but I stayed up to read this
night well spent
Awhh soooo cute <3
Kyaaaaaaa~! what a good story!
too bad I just found this now -____-

I love this so much! All the moments are so sweet~
there's a moment when I found myself giggle and then my eyes got teary..
you're awesome!! <3
whoaa this is so beautiful;~~~;
Iamspeechless #9
i cried when Baro left and when he came back... ahh! your fanfic is awesomeee<3 (':