Just A Love Coach (Kwanghee One-Shot)


I'm just a love coach to you. I'm just a good friend who has helped you out with problems you had with your previous girlfriends. 

I thought I was just a friend to you. Not until I noticed how much I wanted you to notice me, talk to me, and even hang with me. 

I thought I was just a love coach. 

I've known you for so long, now. What do I do about my feelings for you? What about when you ask me for help with a girl you're trying to get over?


Title: Just A Love Coach

Characters: You (reader) and Kwanghee (ZE:A)

Plot: You have been friends with Kwanghee, ever since you found him on the sidewalk, drunk, because of a terrible heartbreak. You have helped him through both the good and bad times of every relationship he has been through. Now he's trying to get over his girlfriend, but at the same time, you're developing feelings for him as well. Will your feelings for him get to him or will he be too busy trying to get over his girlfriend?

A/N: It has been a while since I made a "You" fic. I hope you guys enjoy! And the image is just an image! So don't think the girl is her! 


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Niya23 #1
Chapter 1: IT was SOOOO! CUte! Author-nim! Sequel pls!
nicetomeetyou #2
Chapter 1: The story was really long, you must have put in a lot of effort in the planning and writing. Good job with this one-shot.
nicetomeetyou #3
woahhhhh,interesting foreword you have! Update soon please ^^