First Day

The Man With A Broken Spirit


He remembers everything so vividly. 

Sungjong was 16 years old when he was laughing on his walk home with his friends from school. He remembers skipping to his front door and stopping in his tracks when he noticed that the door is slightly open.

Hesitantly he steps inside. His living room is trashed. Everything was tossed about and strewn across the floor.

"Hello?" He asks, not sure if anyone is to hear. "Umma? Appa?" No response.

He forces himself to move foreward cautiously. Coming up on his parents' bedroom, he peaks around the corner, eyes widening when he sees a deep red color pooling on the wood floor. He covers his mouth to stop his whimpers he fully steps into the room only to find his parent's dead on the floor. Loosing feeling in his legs he falls to his knees sobbing into his hand helplessly.

"Yah! Kid!"

His head flew in the direction of the voice to see an intimidating man in all black standing in the doorway. Sungjong took immediate action and dashed out of the house, pushing the man out of the way. And he ran. And ran.-

Sungjong sat up in bed panting. It’s been two years since then. His shirt was drenched with sweat. He felt his face noticing that his eyes were wet. He rubbed his face and shook off the cringing feeling he had. He looked around his room and saw a small cramped room with a futon bed and a pile of clothes on the floor.

‘It’s over now.’ He thought, and went back to sleep after taking off his shirt.


Sungjong woke up the next morning sighing to himself. Today was his first day of his new school. He changes school about every half-year. Afraid that his parents’ killer wants to kill him too.

Little does he know that the man that killed his parents died in jail last year.

The brunette rubbed his eyes and got out of bed to get ready.


He arrived at the front gate of his new school and took a deep breath before stepping foreward.

Sungjong wandered the hallway that he supposed held his home room. He wasn’t quite sure. The bell rand, indicating that everyone should be in their classes by now. Frustrated, Sungjong pulled at his hair desperately.

“Aish! Where is it?” He mumbled to himself.

Just then he was abruptly knocked into by someone. He looked up to see a boy with dark brown hair that was cut handsomely. The stranger bowed his direction.

“Mianhae” he said cooly before striding quickly into a classroom just a bit further down the hall. Sungjong shook his head before looking at the slip of paper with his roome number, and looking up at a classroom number just down the hall.

“Ah! It’s here… isn’t this where that guy just went?” He stepped in shyly, trying to ignore the odd stared being thrown his way. He bowed apologetically.

“Ah! There he is. Class, this is our new student.” The teacher motioned for Sungjong to come to the front. He obeyed. “Please introduce yourself to the class.” He nodded.

“Annyeonghaseo. My name is Lee Sungjong. Please treat me well.” He heard a couple of boys scoff at him for his politeness. He scanned the room for a seat and found an empty one towards the back by the window. He gladly made his way over, stammering a little when he saw the same boy from the hallway sitting just next to his seat.

“Okay class, today we’re…” the teacher began the lesson, but Sungjong wasn’t quite paying attention. His eyes crept slyly over to the man next to him, examining his features. He had to admit that he was pretty handsome.

“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” Sungjong froze. He was caught.

“Uh-I-uh-sorry.” He stuttered, blushing at his mistakes, earning a slight chuckle from the other boy.

“You’re cute.” The other brunette said boldly. “My name’s Myungsoo, but you can call me L.” He flashed the younger boy a charming smile, making Sungjong flush a bright pink. He nodded, returning his attention to the lesson without another word.


It was lunch time and Sungjong was extremely hungry. He only had a small bowl of stale cheerios, not being able to afford much else with his crappy half-time job at a local café and no parents.

Once he had his food, he found an empty table in the far corner of the cafeteria, and sat down diving into his food gratefully.


L was sitting with his five friends not far from where Sungjong sat. They were all laughing at something Sungyeol did. Except L. He found himself looking. No. Staring at the younger boy he had met earlier, Sungjong. He couldn’t help it but be intrigued. Sungjong seemed to be independent, and quiet, making L want to know more. L’s thoughts were lost when someone nudged his shoulder, almost making him  fall off his seat.

“What’s with you today?” His rather close friend Sunggyu asked. “You’re even more isolated than usual.” That earned him a cheekly smirk from L, glancing back at Sungjong in the process. Sunggyu noticed this and followed his eyes. Sunggyu’s eyebrow raised. “Are you fixed on that new kid, Sungjong was it? I saw you guys talking in class too.” Sunggyu probed, making L feel a little uncomfortable, but played it off cooly like always.

“yeh. He just seems interesting.” L shrugged. Sunggyu looked Sungjong’s way.

“I wonder what his story is.”

 L nodded. “Me too.”


After lunch both L and Sunggyu kept glancing at the mysterious boy in the corner, when L had an idea and looked over at Sunggyu on the other side of him and whispered.

“Hey we should see if Sungjong wants to come over to our place after school. See what’s up.” Sunggyu nodded in agreement, and returned to their assignments, and silent stares.


The end of school was here and Sungjong gathered his things together at his desk, making sure to jot down the homework for today, when someone’s shadow fell over his desk and looked up to meet eyes with L… and someone else next to him.

“Erm. Hi.” Sungjong greeted awkwardly. L didn’t waste any time with petty talk.

“Do you wanna come over to our house and hang out?” L asked bluntly.

“Erm, sorry, but no. I have somewhere that I have to be.” And with that Sungjong was up and out of the classroom headed for work.

Sunggyu looked at L with a confused expression and shrugged. L looked back at where Sungjong had made his leave.

“Tomorrow.” L made a determined face and a mental note to find out more about this man.


Hay ouo here’s the first chapter ^0^ I hope it’s enjoyable

Please leave comments so that I know that I’m doing good, and can see where I need improvements c: Comments also give me more passion to write~




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rei_zha #1
Chapter 1: Wow it's seems gonna interesting....
poor sungjongie....
update please, i like your story^-^
Tat-chan #2
Chapter 1: like the plot~
looking forward for more :з <3
AznDuckies #3
Chapter 1: Lol aww poor sungjong don't worry u will get more food ;(
Haha L being so demanding and GyuGeeGee confused haha