The first day pt1

untitled (any sugesstion?) EDITED VERSION



The alarm clock ranged Chae Young shut the clock down lazily and grunted

  Aish....6.30p.m. already? need to wake up now or else I might oversleep then I might late go to school and today is my first day of school after transferred from the Vampire Slayer academy.Now,I 'm attending the most prestigious Vampire School in town

While she try to get up from bed,she felt there is a force preventing her from getting out of her bed and also she felt something moved around her waist and the thing pulled her and tighten its grip until she can't move even an inch.

Hm....that odd...why I can't get up from my bed?

Slowly, Chae Young looked down to see what's on her waist that preventing her to move.

Ah! there is hand wrapped around my waist,that mean some is sleeping with ...wait ! someone is sleeping with me?OMO ! SOMEONE IS SLEEPING WITH ME? WHO IS SLEEPING WITH ME?WHOSE HAND IS THAT?o.O

Chae Young waited till the hand loosen its grip a bit and quickly take the chance to have agood look who is sleeping beside her  the whole night(day for the human)before she could turn around she heard a male voice mumbled into her ear (more like whispering)

"Mmmm.....Chae Young could you stop moving around? I'm try to get some sleep here"

Her eyes widened. That voice....o.O its him.....oh dear I'm sleeping with him again? I thought I had locked my door before I went to bed.

her gather all her energy and kick the person out from her bed who is sleeping with her till the person hit the hard and make a loud 'thud " sound.

"Yah,Lee Jin Ki...what are you doing in my room? How you get yourself in? and how dare you to sneaked at your sister's room while she was asleep" Chae Young shouted at the guy named Lee Jin Ki

"Yah,Lee Chae Young what strength do you have in that tiny body of yours? How dare you to kicked your handsome brother like that? Is this the way you should treat your brother?" He shouted back while rubbing his back


"Yah,you deserve that..How many times I told you that you should go to your own room if you get sleepy?" asked Chae Young angrily

"hehehehehe....because I can't sleep without you by my side...and you ssssmmmmmmeeeeeelll gooood that why I always ended up sleeping with you...I cant sleep without the smell....."

After listen her brother explanation she makes her disgusted face and said.

"You, sick psycho weird vampire...."in between gritted teeth  

Jin Ki's face change in sudden, he wear his teary puppy eyes face and looked at her then headed down and start mumbled something in his mouth

"Ouch...that harsh...I'm doing that is because you are my sister..." and looked up again at her face then headed down 

(Grunt) that face again Chae Young sighed and say

"Fi...fine I'm sorry okay.Now,would you go to your own roon and get ready? Or we might be late for school.Besides,today is your sister first day at her school remember? You don’t know your beloved get a bad impression on her first day do you?"

Jin Ki made an 'O' face and said 
"Right, starting today we’ll attend the same school”. Then he disappear as soon as he finished his word all you can hear is the door sound being shut..

Then Chae young shrugged and said

"Heh....vampire “                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ************************************************************************************************************************************************

  After take a quick shower, Chae Young go to her closet to take her new uniform and wear it.Then she look at her reflection on the miror  and turn around to see wether the uniform were perfectly fit or not.

uh..oh ...The skirt is short ...he might gonna nag at me ...Chae Young sighed



"wait a sec, I almost done. " Said Chae Young while looked at the door then she quickly tie her shoulder length hair into ponytail,wear a short pant before wear her knee length socks before she open  the door.

"Okay,I'm d......"before she could finish Jin Ki cut her off

"Lee Chae Young,why your skirt is too short?you should wear a short pant underneath your skirt...did you wear it? yah,I'm talking to you hear me?The guys at school will see your undergarment if you dont wear it....blax10000"

Chae Young frowned at her brother and try to explain something to him but she don't stand a chance so she just ignored him  and went downstairs followed by Jin Ki still nagging behind her back

(sighed) aissshhh.... I knew it he'll nagged at me....(sighed again)what I can do if the school provide to their students this kind of uniform....As if I had a choice not to wear this stupid skirt...

(at dining room)

"Good morning darling,so what is all about the nagging session this time"asked their father while looked behind Chae Young 

"Good morning to you too daddy,its...nothing actually he only complained about my skirt that I were wearing today is too short "Answered Chae Young with  a sigh

Their father raised his eyebrow and said.

"hm... really?let me take a look....turn around Chae Young"he ordered

Chae Young nodded then she did what her father asked while her father observing her from head to toe..suddenly his face changed his forehead frowned and his right hand rubbed his chin.

worried about the sudden change, Chae Young ask her father "What's wrong dad? Tell me about it....."while grabbed his arm

(still frowned and rubbed his chin)" my opinion......"before he could finish his word Jin Ki cut him off

"See? daddy also agree with me about your skirt !"

"No...(looked at Jin Ki) I not finish yet....Jin Ki you shouldn't interrupt when someone who older than you do the talking understand?"

"Yes,daddy (head down)"said Jin Ki

"Chae Young,in my opinion your skirt should shorter than this (pointed at the skirt) you can show off your beautiful thighs of yours to make the guy drooling over your beauty"

Both of their jaw dropped,their eyes were widened and both of them shout at the same time "Daddy!!!!"

Lee Hong Ki(Chae Young & Jin Ki's father name),chuckled and satisfied by looked at their reactions then he smiled and patted their head

Suddenly,their mother popped out from the kitchen and said.

"Now will you stop tease our kids(pulled their father ear),(looked at Chae Young and Jin Ki)both of you seat down and eat your breakfast or both of you'll late for school"

"Ok mom" (both of them)


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i get it while i'm googling<br />
the photo is so cool...<br />
where did u get it?
sorry...Im quite busy rite satsuki not able to help me to give idea...I'll try to update it asap
chap 2 is soooo short, hope you will update soon
sorry the 2nd chappie are not finish cause this stupid rabbit feel sleepy already...i'll continue for the next part...ciao
and thank for helping me satsuki love ya....<br />
muahahaha this the long and edited version