Luhan Imagine #1 - It's Too Late

You waited for your boyfriend, Lu Han, to get home from practice in your lonely apartment. Well, without him it was lonely. Yes, if you were wondering, it is Lu Han from EXO, that baby faced Chinese idol. It wasn’t new to you that he was late as usual. He always came home late. It’s fine, you were used to it. With that in mind, you decided to stay up and wait for his arrival.


You felt your eyes grow heavy whilst laying on your instantly comfortable bed. You “rested” your eyes, or, how you like to call it, daydream with your eyes closed. It was relaxing until you felt tears escaping your eyes. In your dream, Lu Han had left you. Everyone seems to leave you. Your parents could care less about you, showing all of their love and affection to their only son, to your brother. Your best friend betrayed you when you caught her making out with your first boyfriend, your first love. Therefore, you didn’t let anyone else into your life. That is, until Lu Han shattered all of your walls.


You felt the bed sink down and a winced at a butterfly touch. He wipes your tears.


“Hey,” Lu Han whispers. “You know I hate it when you cry alone. Perhaps, it’s because of me?” the red haired boy asks. You sniffle whilst sitting up and wiping you damp cheeks.


Bringing your knees to your chest, you answer, “Maybe.” You avert your eyes from his intense gaze but that didn’t last long when Lu Han lifted your chin up to look at him. He leans forward and places a gentle kiss on your lips, you melting into the familiar softness.


“If you’re still thinking I’ll leave or betray you,” he whispers across your lips, “I won’t. I’m not like the other,” he assured. You pull back a little bit, feeling uneasy and like you can’t trusts his words. Your heart has been shattered too many times.


“You know my past, Lu Han. I can’t help but think about it, expect it. Plus,” you leisurely intertwine your fingers with Lu Han’s, “there are so many more beautiful, talented girls who would love to take my place. I’m nothing special. I’m not worthy enough to have someone like you.” He started at you, flabbergasted. He kisses you again, but deeper and more passionate this time, more full of love.


“You’re special to me. I will never break your heart, and I promise you that I will never, ever, leave you.”



2 Months Later



You grin as you turn your speakers up loud. Lu Han has already last for practice, like always, so you decided to kill time. And what better way to kill time than to jam out to your favorite songs? Singing and lazily dancing to SNSD’s I Got a Boy, you started feeling hungry so you lowered the volume and walked to the kitchen. As you make yourself a sandwich, your phone started ringing. It slipped your mind to look at the caller id before answering but you could care less. No harm, no foul, right?


“Yoboseo,” you answer.


“Hey, Y/N,” Chen, on the other line, greeted back. “How’s it going?”


“Chen? I thought you guys were in practice today. And I’m fine, by the way,” you say as you put the last layer of bread on top of your sandwich.


“We were, but it’s break time right now.” Your mouth formed an “o” shape. “There’s a party happening later here in the building. I was wondering if you wanted to join. Lu Han would’ve done it but he’s a little busy, uhm, balancing an open water bottle on his forehead,” Chen said. “You’re going to drop it,” Chen yelled out to Lu Han. You chuckled. Sounds like him, you thought.


“Yes, I would love to,” you answered. Then, an idea popped into your mind. “But don’t tell Lu Han. I want to surprise him,” you said.


“Arasso,” Chen hummed, hanging up the phone moments later.



Later That Day



You ended up being a little late because, like all girls, you couldn’t decide what to wear. You wanted to be y, yet cute at the same time. This is a party. What else were you going to wear? But anyway, you concluded in wearing a strapless white dress that tightens around your body. You, yourself, even thought you looked like a but you were positive plenty more girls would look like s too. Your long hair was curled and you wore tan high heels.


“Hey Chen,” you greeted, talking a little bit louder than usual because of the loud music. He turned around and looked at you with wide, terrified eyes. Oblivious, you smiled at him.


“Hey, Y/N. How about you try a drink?” he asks as he hands you a glass. Smelling alcohol right away, you cringed and shook your head no.


“Where’s Lu Han?” you asked. Chen nervously chuckles. His weird chuckle dies down when Lay shows up right next to him. Watching as the situation gets carried away, you tried to ignore the two boys attempting to distract you for an unknown reason. You finally had enough of the two cretins and slipped past them, searching for your one and only. It was then that you realize why the two did that.


You recognized the back of his head easily. Therefore, you walked up to him, ready to greet him with the biggest smile on your face. But in reality, you had a frown on your face and tears blurring your vision. There was Lu Han, your lover, locking lips with another girl. There was Lu Han, the one who swore to you that he wouldn’t break your heart, grinding in sync with the girl. It was so clear, you gagged when you saw him feeling her up. This was unbelievable.


“Never leave, my ,” you hissed to yourself. You slid the promise ring Lu Han had gave you a couple weeks back off your ring finger and clenched your fist around it. Your body trembled in anger. You threw it at him with all of you might, and with your outstanding athletic abilities, you hit him right on the head. He turns his head and glares at the perpetrator but his glare grows soft when he realizes who it was.


“Y-Y/N?” he stutters.


You turned your heels and paced out of the suffocating room. You were almost out of the building when you felt someone grasp your wrist, preventing you from leaving and turning you around. You reacted quickly when you realize it was Lu Han. You pulled your wrist away quickly, making him fall forward. When he leaned in close enough, you kneed him where the sun did not shine and punched his gut. When that was over, Lu Han was on the floor groaning in pain. He had forgotten how strong you really were. You ignored the urge to go help Lu Han up. So instead, you turned around, eyes fiery with anger and disappointment, and continued out of the building.


You caught a cab and rushed back to your shared apartment, packing your things instantaneously. You grabbed everything that would remind him of you but left the things that would remind you of him untouched. You then scurried out of the wretched apartment and, well, left. Nothing of yours was anywhere to be seen in the apartment. You took all of your pictures, clothes, jewelry, heck, even your toothbrush.


When he arrived back at the apartment, still a little sore, he dropped down to his knees defeated.


Gone, he thought. You had disappeared.



6 Months Later



Lu Han looked for you far and wide, one his breaks and his free time. He would stroll the streets of Seoul looking for you, hoping you would show up unexpectedly. He really wished you would’ve at least left one picture but nope, nothing. All of the pictures of you and him together were torn in half, you taking the one with your face with you. The only thing you left him was the goddamn ring that stabbed his heart every time he looked at it.


Today would mark six months since you left him, since he made an idiotic mistake, since he began searching for you. He had to give you a reason. No, he had to give you the reason why. She had you beautiful, silky, long brown hair. Her skin was as soft as yours. Heck, she probably even smelled like you to him when he was drunk. Chen didn’t keep his promise when he said he wouldn’t tell Lu Han you were coming. The dinosaur told him right when he got off the phone with you. Lu Han anticipated your arrival, but ended up getting drunk as hell before he even knew you arrived.


He was so into his thoughts, he hadn’t realized he was pushed to the ground. Then, his nose picked up a scent, your scent. Vanilla. He quickly got back into reality and whipped his head in search of the source. His eyes locked on a familiar female figure and he got up instantly. He grabbed your wrist and turned you around.


He was taken back, shocked, and absolutely stunned. The you he knew was an all-out tomboy, but right now, as he eyes you up and down, he realizes that that has certainly changed. You had dyed your hair back to brown and chopped off at least six inches, making it now fall to your bra strap. The fact that you were wearing a skirt surprised him the- Holy , are you wearing makeup?!


“We are never getting back together Lu Han,” you said, snapping him back into reality. “No matter what you say or do, I will never forgive you.” You pulled your hand out of his grasp and walked away. A flash of déjà vu went through his mind. You were leaving, just like you did at the party.


No, he thought. His body disobeyed him though, preventing him to move. He struggled to pick up his feet but managed anyway. Faster and faster, he ran to you. He captured you into an embrace, his hot breath hitting your collar bones and his soft lips tickling the side of your neck. You shivered but fought the urge to turn around and kiss him.


“No, I won’t let you run away again,” he murmured as his arms wraps around your neck.



Moments Before



You stood in the middle of the park, your mind going down memory lane.


You were practicing basketball, your favorite sport, all by yourself as usual. Ever since you were disowned by your family, you stopped your daily basketball games with your brother. You ran back and forth the court, shooting hoops, and doing drills whilst listening to music. Sweating and in need of water, you ignored all of your needs and kept on doing the same things over and over again. It didn’t matter to you that your legs were starting to get sore but when you twisted your ankle, you fell to the floor hard.


That was when he rushed out of hiding and towards you. He helped wrap your injured ankle and scolded you for pushing yourself too much. Then, he told you that you were very pretty and didn’t seem like the girl who would be doing a sport, receiving a slap on his upper arm. But he made you laugh. And at first, you refused his sudden confession because of your trust issues. Eventually caving in, you said yes. We all know how that turned out.



Present Time



“You broke your promise Lu Han. I can’t trust you again. No, I refuse to trust you again. All of your words sound like lies to me. And I promise you, I won’t fall again.” You pushed him away and locked eyes with him.


“Good bye Lu Han.”


He stood there stunned, letting your words sink in. He had no right to beg for forgiveness. He had no right to follow you. But only an hour later, he received a text message saying, “I love you.” That’s when he found himself in tears because it only took an hour, just one ing hour, for him to lose you forever.






The ending was rewritten btw

If the ending confused you at all,

"you" commited suicide right after "you" sent him the text by jumping in front of an active car.

You were always depressed before, during, and after your relationship with him.

Catching him doing that with someone else didn't help either.

Sorry if you didn't like the ending.

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Chapter 1: Loved it !!
Chapter 1: ADORABLE!! :')
atoeva #3
Chapter 1: awesomee fanfic <3
Chapter 1: awesome !! really interesting
Chapter 1: oh gawdddd !!! This is freaking adorable freaking amazing !!!!