First Day


Seo Joohyun looked at her train ticket. One ticket to Busan. Seat 11C. She sighed and fixed her t-shirt which already drenched with sweat. It was a hot summer and it should be a great weather for holiday. She checked again her ticket and got in to the train which would bring her to Busan... to her escape.

Life in Seoul really stressed her out. Her fiance left her for another girl and her job become hectic day by day. If she were a bomb, she might be exploded by now. But she was only an ordinary human, sometimes she just bottled her feeling and silently felt the pain inside. It was killing her and now when everything seemed out of her hand, all she could think was escape. Escape for a while then comeback to start a better life.

Why Busan? She even didn’t know. She just went to Seoul Station and buy the ticket randomly. Then voila! She would go to Busan in ten minutes. What would she do in Busan? Where would she sleep? She hadn’t known yet. She would decided everything when she reached there.

Joohyun sat on the seat 11C. She was glad that the train was rather empty since it was a morning train. Moreover, she didn’t have a seatmate. It would be peaceful trip. Joohyun leaned to her seat as she plugged the earphone to her ear.

She was looking out at the window until a sudden movement beside her startled her. Someone sat beside her. Joohyun cursed this unknown person in her mind. She didn’t understand, from all the seat in this train, why this person should sit beside her?

Joohyun looked at the person beside of her furiously. Her nostril flared and unconsciously pouted. Seemed her seatmate realized her uncomfortable gaze, he saw Joohyun and escaped an awkward smile.

“Did i do something wrong, Miss?” He said. He grinned foolishly and this man had no idea why Joohyun looked so angry at him.

“Nothing.” Joohyun said. She huffed and looked out at the window.

The man beside her just shrugged then he plugged his earphone too. Joohyun took a glance at him and felt glad that the man just stayed silent with his iPod. No one would get disturbed but not for so long until she heard the man beside her hummed the song that he listened. It was not loud but it really irritate her! All she wanted was peace!

“Excuse me.” Joohyun poked the man’s shoulder.

“Yes?” He answered.

“Could you please be quite? Erm.. your voice is a little bit too loud.” She said, tried to be polite.

“Oh! I am sorry.” Then he silent. Good thing. But then again he started to unpack his dosirak and made some noisy sound. Actually it was not that noisy but Joohyun was in a bad and sensitive mood today.

“Please be quite!” She hissed.

“What? I am just open my dosirak!” He hissed too, started to get on his nerve.

“But still!”

“What’s your problem actually?”

“You are too noisy!”

“What do you mean? I just hum in a low voice then i just open my dosirak! I’m not having concert with a full sound system!”

“How rude!” Joohyun gasped.

“You are!” He almost shouted. But then he sighed and massaged his temple. “I am sorry, okay. I will have my peaceful breakfast here.”

Joohyun looked at him who silently ate his dosirak. She was a bit sorry too. This man was innocent but she unreasonably threw tantrum at him. She shouldn’t do this in the first place. This was just embarrased herself.

“I am sorry.” She whispered.

The man looked at her and that was the first time they looked each other clearly. The man just stared at her confusedly with a mouth full of rice. His lips was stained with sauce. His eyes was so round in confusion. What a funny sight. Out of nowhere, Joohyun bursted to laugh. Her first sincere laugh in this past month.

“What’s so funny, Miss?” The man asked confusedly. He was torn between irritated or amused. He was really surprised with Joohyun’s sudden mood swing.

“Aniyo.. It just you look so funny when you’re eating.” Said Joohyun as he held her laughter. “I am not insulting you, though..”

The man swallowed the rice in his mouth and gulped some water. He smiled to Joohyun. His cheek was bursting and he has a snaggled tooth which made his smile even sweeter. That simple smile made Joohyun’s heart jumped a little. It surprised her that a simple smile from a stranger could make her heart warm.

“Want some?” He offered his dosirak which was gladly Joohyun accepted.

“Thanks.” She said as she bribed a spoonful of rice and meat. She chewed it and that was a very delicious dosirak! “It’s delicious!” She hummed in delight.

“Well, thanks.” He said. “I made it by myself.”


“Yep. By the way, my name is Jung Yonghwa.”

“Seo Joohyun.”

And that was how Joohyun met Yonghwa. Her trip-mate for her journey to Busan. She thought that Yonghwa would be annoying but surprisingly Yonghwa was a person who was easy to talk. He was a funny person and it was refreshing. Joohyun felt a little attraction towards Yonghwa but well, Yonghwa was only a random stranger whom she met once and then they would never met again.

They almost arrived at Busan Station. Her interesting encounter with Yonghwa was nearly met an end too. She was kind of sad but it was how everything worked. She hoped that she would spend more time with him but maybe she asked too much.

“So, where are you going?” Asked Yonghwa as they arrived in the station.

“Hm? I don’t know.” Joohyun answered. She definitely didn’t know where to go. Maybe she would find a hotel and stayed there.

“Eh? How come you don’t know?” Asked Yonghwa confusedly.

“I don’t know... i haven’t come to Busan before.” She shrugged.

“Hmm?” Yonghwa tilted his head in confusion. He surely concerned about Joohyun. The mysterious attraction pulled him to get to know her.

“I just want to leave Seoul, that’s all. I don’t care if it’s Busan or elsewhere... “ Joohyun sighed then looked at Yonghwa, “So it’s our farewell, then?”

Farewell? It obvious that Yonghwa didn’t want a farewell. “How if you stay in my villa?” Suddenly Yonghwa blurted out and his offer really surprise her.

“What?” Joohyun was flabbergasted.

“Besides, you don’t know where to go right?”

Joohyun nodded.

“So it’s a yes then?” Said Yonghwa and smiled gleefully. He grabbed Joohyun’s hand then dragged her to walked out from Busan Station. Yonghwa halted the cab then they got in to go to the so called his villa.

“Where are we going?” Asked Joohyun.

“My villa, Joohyun-ssi...” He smiled at her as he patted her head.

Joohyun was still confused and still couldn’t absorb this sudden event. She did like Yonghwa but he was just a stranger. But eventhough Yonghwa was a stranger, the idea of spending time in his villa wasn’t bad. She was torn. She was scared that Yonghwa was a bad person who would take an advantage from her but the other side of her heart told her that Yonghwa was a good person. What should she do? She didn’t sure but her heart really wanted to be with him.

“Why you so quite?” Asked Yonghwa.

“Aniyo.....But, Yonghwa-ssi, we just met..and..i.. uhm..”

“I understand that you don’t fully believe me.” He said then rummaged her bag, took his wallet and gave her his ID card. “This is my ID card, just keep it just in case that i do something to you. I swear i’m a good person.” He winked at her. Okay, one wink could kill. So Joohyun hide her blushing cheek by reading his ID card.

She found that Yonghwa was born in Seoul, 22 June 1989. He was two years older than her. He lived in Gangnam district. His job was a bussinessman and his status was single. Oh great!

As Joohyun read Yonghwa ID card, Yonghwa looked at her intently. He got a strong feeling towards her. Never in his life that he wanted a woman so bad like this. He realized that Joohyun had an attraction towards him too but he still saw a doubt in her eyes. So he would find every way, every reason to convince her to stay with him. When he saw her insecureness, he immediately gave her his ID card. That was an authentic thing that would convince her that he was a good person. And the real fact, Yonghwa was a good person. He was handsome, educated, successfull bussinessman and never played with random girl.. except this girl, Seo Joohyun. He really wanted to play with her.

“Ah! We’ve arrived.” Said Yonghwa.

The cab stopped in front of the big villa. It was a two story white villa with a garden infront of it. It wasn’t so big but it had a homey nuance.

“It’s beautiful!” Joohyun said.

“It is. Come inside.” Then again, Yonghwa took Joohyun’s hand and walked her to the villa. Joohyun didn’t refuse when Yonghwa held her hand. She liked it, very liked it.

Yonghwa gave Joohyun a short tour in his villa. In the first floor there was a big living room, one bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. In the second floor, there was a TV room with a cozy yellow couch, another bedroom and bathroom. They entered the bedroom. There was a king sized bed on the center and other simple furniture. Yonghwa sat on the bed then Joohyun sat beside him.

“I usually use this room but for now you can use this and i will use the room downstairs.” Yonghwa said.

“Thank you....” Said Joohyun as he scanned the room. “By the way, is it yours?”

“The villa? Yes, it’s mine. I buy it as my secret place. Whenever i need a refreshing, i come here.”

“Oh... it seems that we are the same.”

“What do you mean?”

“I leave Seoul to get some refreshing time. I really want to escape from my hectic life and this is all what i want. This place is really peaceful.”

“Well, just forget your life in Seoul for a while. Let’s us enjoy ourselves here. Just you and me, Seo Joohyun and Jung Yonghwa. No stress. No burden. Just free yourself and do what you want to do. How is it?”

“Seems interesting..” Joohyun smiled.

“By the way, I stay here for two days....”

“Well, i go with you..”




After changed her clothes, Joohyun walked out from her room and went downstairs. She heard a noise in the kitchen and found that Yonghwa was rummaging the refrigerator. She came closer and found that Yonghwa already changed her clothes too. Yonghwa was wearing simple black tanktop which showed his muscular muscle and knee length short. Joohyun gulped at the sight. This guy was surely tempting.

“Hey.” Joohyun called. Yonghwa looked up at her and froze for a second.

Yonghwa ogled shamlessly at Joohyun. How couldn’t he? Joohyun looked so beautiful although she only wore v-neck fitted white t-shirt and denim shorts. Althought it was very casual but damn! Joohyun looked so hot in those outfit.

“Hey.” Answered Yonghwa after he could compose himself.

“What are you doing?” Asked Joohyun as she kneed beside Yonghwa. It was so close that Yonghwa could smelled her perfume.

“Checking whether we have something to eat or not. But apparently, the refrigerator was empty of course..”

“Hmm.. should we go out and shop?”

“Good idea. Kajja!”

“Where is the supermarket?”

“It’s not too far.” Yonghwa held her hand and led them to front door. At first Joohyun kind of surprised when Yonghwa boldly held her hand but she was getting used to it. Actually she liked it.

“How we get there? Walking?” Joohyun asked.

“Nope. With this!” Yonghwa showed her bicycle beside the garage. Yonghwa rode it and patted the seat behind him, “come on.”

“What?” Joohyun walked closer and sat in the passenger seat behind him. “Is it safe right?”

“Of course! Hold tight.” Said Yonghwa and Joohyun held her seat tight. Yonghwa took a glance at her, “No. Hold tigh on me.”

“Ne??” Joohyun was startled. She looked at his broad back then blushed. The idea of backhugging him kind of tempting but she felt so shy.

“Hyun-ah, palli~” He said with aegyo. It was another surprising moment for Joohyun. Yonghwa called her ‘Hyun-ah’ never in her life someone called her that intimate. With hesitation. Joohyun finally held on Yonghwa’s waist. After Yonghwa felt Joohyun held him, then he started to ride the bicycle.

The summer breeze swept Joohyun’s face. He closed her eyes and felt the fresh air hit her. If only her life this happy and this simple. Only her and Yonghwa, riding this bicycle with no end. She tighten her hands on Yonghwa and slowly leaned her head on Yonghwa’s back. The warmth of Yonghwa’s body was really comforting, felt like home.

On the other side, Yonghwa grinned like a fool when he felt Joohyun’s head on his back. He slowdown the bicycle to make the way to reach supermarket longer. He wanted this bicycle trip met no end. Just him and Joohyun who tightly held him.


“Do you know how to cook?” Asked Joohyun as they arrived in the villa after went to supermarket.

“A little. You?”


“You can’t cook, right?” Asked Yonghwa playfully.

“To be honest...yes.” Joohyun answered and covered her face in embarrassement.

Yonghwa chuckled, “It’s okay... let’s cook together.”

Tonight, they would cook dwejjang chigae and omelette. Mostly, Yonghwa who did the cook and Joohyun just help. Joohyun was in a full concentration in cutting the vegetable for the chigae. Yonghwa saw her and commented, “The cut is too big!”


“Here, i’ll show you.” Yonghwa purposely stood behind Joohyun. His hand held both of Joohyun’s hands from the back. His head rested on her shoulder as he showed how to cut the vegetable.

Joohyun held her breath as Yonghwa did that. His chest was literally stuck on her back. She could felt the heat forming in her core and spread along her body. Her heart beat faster and faster.

“Just cut like this.” Yongwha said close to her ear. She could felt his breath swept her neck and it made her knee trembled.

“O-okay..” Said Joohyun without even looked at Yonghwa. Yonghwa just smiled triumphantly and continued to stir the soup happily.




“Let’s eat!” Said Yonghwa then sipped the dwejjang chigae. “Massida.”

Joohyun also sipped the chigae and bribed a spooful of rice, “Yes, it’s delicious. You are really good at cooking.”

“ properly!” Said Yonghwa as he wiped the rice on her lips. It made Joohyun blushed and silent. Yonghwa just smiled as he looked at the shy Joohyun. This girl really a turn on for him.

Their ate dinner in silence. Joohyun was surely nervous. She repeated all their moments backthen in her head. Reanalyzing her feeling and made sure that she actually interested on Yonghwa or not. The answer was only one. Yes, indeed her interest towards Yonghwa raised multiple times than before. And from Yonghwa gesture, she started to believe that Yonghwa liked her too. She was deep in thought until she finished her dinner.

“Let’s clean this up.” Said Yonghwa. She took all the plate and put in on the sink then sat again beside Joohyun. “What you want to do?”

‘I want to know you more....’ Said Joohyun in her mind. But instead of said that she only escaped an ‘Hmm....’ from .

“How about watching movie?” Yonghwa suggested.

“Good idea.” Joohyun agreed. She would do anything though, as long as she was with him.

They went upstairs to watch movie in the TV room. Joohyun flopped herself on the fluffly yellow couch while Yonghwa scanning the movie they would watch.

“What movie do you want to watch?” Asked Yonghwa.

“Anything beside horror movie...”

“Why? Are you scared?” Yonghwa took a glance at Joohyun.

“It’s not that. I just don’t like it. Let’s watch a funny movie...”

“Hmm.. how about Despicable Me 2?”

“Sounds good.”

“Okay then.”

Yonghwa put the disk on the DVD player then joined Joohyun on the couch. He sat so close to her and purposely leaned on her. Joohyun realized his gesture. Her mind busy to decide what she would do and suddenly she remember what Yonghwa said before “No stress. No burden. Just free yourself and do what you want to do.” She decided to do what she want to do. She freed her mind and let her heart guide her. Slowly, she leaned closer to Yonghwa and rest her head on his chest. Both of her hands held his waist.

Yonghwa a bit startled at Joohyun’s action but he did like it very much! Her boldness was a sign for him that Joohyun started to surrender. Then he moved his arm to hug her and rested his hand on her waist. No reaction from Joohyun, so it mean she like it too. He sighed in contentment as he tighten his hug on her.

The movie was playing in front of them but no one really payed attention on the movie. Joohyun was distracted at Yonghwa’s hand which leisurely her arm. Up and down up and down so slowly.. so softly.. then his hand glided down to his waist down to her tight and her finger drew an invisible circle on her tight. A tingling sensation shot on her stomach. It made her finger curled and unconsciously traced a random patern on his chest.

Yonghwa groaned at her touch then hooked her legs to make Joohyun sat on his lap. They both looked at each other. His hand touch her cheek before kissed it gently. Joohyun closed her eyes as she felt the countour of his lips made a contact with her sensitive skin. Yonghwa kiss Joohyun cheek several times then kissed her jaw then moved down further to . Joohyun willingly tilted her head to gave Yonghwa more access. He held her back as he kissed her neck. Kissed her there lovingly for several times and back to look at her again.

Joohyun’s face was all red. was parted and escape a hard breath. Yonghwa was already lost his sanity. He must kissed this girl right on the lips or he would die anytime soon. In no second, Yonghwa sealed his lips on hers. Yes, Yonghwa kissed Joohyun. Finally. He hugged her tighter as he deepened the kiss. Joohyun held his neck and kissed as eager as him. They tilted their head right and left, tried to eat as much as they could. He pushed opened with his tongue roughly then explored her as he pleased. Her hands began to travel to his hair and messed it all around. She couldn’t hold her desire anymore. She stradled him and rubbed herself frantically towards him and bite his lower lips hard. His hand moved freely on her back under her t-shirt, feeling her smooth skin against his fingertips.

They broke the kiss and locked their gaze, tried to read each other mind. There was only one in their eyes, irresistible attraction. Joohyun was the first who pulled him and started another round of kiss. Yonghwa was gladly kissed her back as his naughty hands played with her lacy bra, teasing the sensitive mound under it. Yonghwa broke the kiss and made Joohyun whimpered in protest.

“Be patient, Baby..” He whispered on her ears then lifted her up in bridal style. She clung to him as he lead them to the bedroom.




The morning sun penetrated the window. Joohyun woke up from her deep slumber. As she opened her eyes, she smiled at the moment that happen yesterday night. After Yonghwa lied her on the bed, he started to kiss her madly. She didn’t know when it end because she ended up fell asleep.

While reminiscing their kiss, Joohyun felt Yonghwa moved behind her. He tighten his hug on her. Joohyun stayed silent, pretented to still asleep. Yonghwa started to kiss her neck, bit and it greedily. His hand left her waist and trailed to her tight, rubbed it up and down in a slow motion. Then both of his hand trailed up to her stomach, up.. up.. and it landed on both of her . His hand fully cupped her mound. Joohyun bit her lips to restrain the sensation. Slowly, his hand massaged her mound gently. Joohyun couldn’t held this anymore and finaly she escaped a moan. Her moan didn’t stopped him, he even palmed her harder.

“Good morning, baby..” He whispered on her ear as he bit her earlobe.

Joohyun turned around to face him, “Good morning too...” She pecked his lips and immediately got up from the bed and stormed to bathroom. She really need a cold shower to calm her mind. On the other hand, Yonghwa just watch her gleefully with a satisfied smile on his lips.


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Chapter 2: Awww a romantic trip to Busan. They met as stranger and came back Seoul as a soulmate. I hope there is a sequel!
Chapter 2: hot hot yongseo ... love yong's cheesy line : tripmate for a lifetime .<3
pipipink #3
Chapter 2: Love it... Trip mate for journey of my life... Uwaaahhhh....
It sweet :)
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwwwwwwwww love it !!!!
SeiraAiren #5
Chapter 2: Eonnieee!!!! *Sreaaam at your ears*

where's in earth I was... why I never notice this fic?????

*jedotin tembok* aku kayaknya harus ubek story kamu deh un..

Aaargghh.. brb read the squel... lol gegara itu aku harus baca ini haha XD

ampuuun eon *sungkem*
Chapter 2: is really looooong one shot..... kkkkkkkk
no matter how, where and when they meet and for long or for any reason.
hyun always enchanted by yong charm, and vice versa.
YOng just for Hyun, like Hyun Just For YOng.
Chapter 2: Eonni, it's always pleasure to read your story. I love it~
and don't know why, Yonghwa's villa in Busan it reminds me of Full House. A Villa near the beach and cycling. Lovelyyy~ :)
Penggwyn #8
Chapter 1: Nice. I usually don't like these kind of endings but this one is good!
YongSeoForever7 #9
Chapter 2: Such a cheesy line, but it was so romantic! :3
mela_elyza #10
Chapter 2: Hehee i still like ur story eventhough it seems unrealistic kkk
Thanks for this long oneshot
And see u later at the venue dear mela2!!! Cant wait to see him soon!! ^^