Welcome home, baby Kyungsoo

Baby on Board

Baby Kyungsoo was crying when he first came out from his infant bed, he was wide awake. His little legs were kicking under his cocooned blanket and his chubby cheeks started to draw colors due to the colder air outside the baby ward. Hyukjae felt his heart stop beating.

Hyukjae was bewitched as he looked at the crying baby. Kyungsoo was perfect in Hyukjae’s eyes. His heart wavered when the little one finally settled in his arms, he finally held his baby boy. Kyungsoo stopped crying.

“God, baby…” He murmured as he held Kyungsoo close to his chest with one hands while his free hand started to caress the little feature of his baby. He traced his finger on Kyungsoo’s nose, his chubby cheeks, his perfectly shaped lips and his small chin. Kyungsoo yawned when Hyukjae planted a kiss on his forehead. “My baby boy…” He smiled as he felt his baby boy snuggled closer to him. Oh, he was a proud parent already.

It was only a couple days away before they brought Kyungsoo home and Hyukjae was restless. He was anxious yet the excitement kept running through his vein. Oh yes, thrilled he was. “We’re going home soon, baby. Very soon.” He said as he toyed his fingers on his baby’s nose. The little one stared at him with those dark innocent eyes of his. He was so beautiful.

“You’ll be coming home with me and your daddy. Oh baby, he’s so excited to meet you.” He said, rocking the little bundle of joy slowly but the baby yawned at him, he laughed a bit in return. “You don’t want to see him, baby? Why not?” He asked due to lack of interest from his baby boy. “He’s going to be sad if he heard this. He’s a very good man, you know. He’s so perfect like you. And you have his eyes, baby. So beautiful.” He said in adoration, he was so in love with his husband. As if his mind was playing a trick on him, he thought his baby boy resembled his husband a lot. “Kyungsoo-ah, you’re going to love him.” And he didn’t stop telling the innocent baby about how amazing his daddy was.

He was on the verge of tears when Kyungsoo went back to his crib. He wasn’t ready to be separated with his baby boy, not when he just held him for a while. His baby boy hasn’t seen his daddy and he still wanted to hold his baby. His beautiful baby boy.

He waited in front of the baby ward, watching his baby boy cried as the nurse rocked his little body and laid him back on his crib. Hyukjae felt like breaking in the sterile room and hug his baby boy. Kyungsoo was crying, it was a war that he has to face to ease his anxiety. His parental nature almost took over his senses.

The young nurse was smiling at him as if she knew what was happening inside his mind, she understand his worries. Her smile was assuring, she tried to tell him that baby Kyungsoo was perfectly fine. She assured him that his baby would be alright under her care. After all it wasn’t the first time she had to deal with newborn and anxious new parents. She knew exactly what to do and Hyukjae felt at ease as he saw his baby boy sleeping in his own crib.



Kyuhyun was having a major headache and his joints were aching, he felt like sinking in the hospital couch and Hyukjae wasn’t really helping. The smaller male was clouded by the excitement of welcoming baby Kyungsoo home. He was practically exploding in excitement. It was amusing how Hyukjae couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear the whole day.

It was a fine Saturday and contrast with the other days where he could only spend an hour or less in the hospital with his baby boy, Kyuhyun could finally spend the entire day with his own family. He was excited but the headache was torturing. Blamed his damned work and employer.

His immune system wasn’t really cooperating with his will and he could tell he was having a fatigue. Works were rather tight and he often missed his chances to have some rest for the past days. It was tiring indeed and not to mention his employer was being an by rejecting his request to take some days off to take care of his baby boy. He couldn’t actually blame the middle aged man though, because their company was preparing a big project that cost them a lot and Kyuhyun was chosen to take part in the said project. It was understandable that he rejected his request, Kyuhyun was just unlucky.

He went to work earlier than his coworkers and often skipped his break so he could leave the office early so he could paid Kyungsoo who was still in the hospital a visit. It was worth the sweats and efforts because it was all gone once he arrived at the hospital and saw his baby boy sleeping in his infant bed. Even when he only got an hour to see his son before the visiting hour ended, it was worth it. His baby boy was beautiful, just beautiful. He was blinded by love and adoration.

He chose not to inform his spouse about his poor health condition. He thought Hyukjae didn’t have to know about it. His mood was too bright to be ruined and Kyuhyun didn’t have a heart to do so. It was a pleasure for him seeing his spouse glowed in bliss. He could bear a small fatigue as long as Hyukjae stayed smiling on his side.

“Kyu, you’re not listening.” Hyukjae’s voice was alarming and Kyuhyun smiled in apology as he turned his attention back to his spouse. It was a bit hard due to the headache but he managed to keep his posture firm. “Are you okay?” The latter asked and Kyuhyun could see worries in his beatiful dark brown eyes.

“I’m fine, baby. Just a bit sleepy.” He said as he felt the smaller male caressed his neck but Hyukjae didn’t seem to buy it.

“You look tired.” The smaller male said but Kyuhyun shrugged it off and faked a smile at him.

“I’m okay for real.” He said. “Finish with the list?” He asked as he eyed his spouse’s smartphone, trying to divert the conversation which was a success because now the smaller male turned his attention back to his phone. After a while Hyukjae handed him the said gadget.

“I’m still not sure that this is enough.” He said as he looked thoroughly at the list that he made before. It was a list of the things that Kyungsoo would need once they brought him home. Everything started from diaper to powder milk was written in the list and Kyuhyun was stunned because the list was way longer than his expectation. “I’ll ask Sora once more.” He continued and Kyuhyun could see that the smaller male was anxious.

They were after all new parents. They were inexperienced and they knew nothing about baby. Yes, they did prepare themselves for this but neither of them thought that it was enough. There was Kyungsoo, their baby that was their responsibilities. It was a big deal for them and they couldn’t mess this up.

“I think this list is fine, though. You don’t need to call her.” He said as he patted his spouse’s tight but the smaller male said nothing as he gazed at him in doubt. “I’m pretty sure that this is enough. If there’s something we need, we could always buy them.”

“But still…” The smaller male mumbled. “We need to be prepared.”

“We are prepared, baby.” Kyuhyun said in confident to assure his spouse. “We've been preparing for months. It's more than enough” He smiled in relieve when the smaller male finally gave in. "Remember, we agreed not to stress ourselves over this." He continued and he put his heart at ease when he saw his spouse smiled at him.





Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were early, visiting hour has just started when they stepped inside the hospital and went straight to the baby ward to see his baby boy, they couldn’t wait to see him again. Hyukjae felt content because just like the day before, Kyuhyun dedicated his whole day for them. It was just him, Kyuhyun and their baby boy. He was excited to meet his son, but it couldn’t feel any better when his husband was just beside him.

“He’s still sleeping.” He said as they stood in front of the baby ward and saw the said angle inside his infant bed, his beautiful eyes were lidded and his cheeks drew some color. He looked so perfect in their eyes.

His heart thumped when he saw his husband rested his hand on the glass which separated them with their baby to support his tall posture and looked closely to the innocent newborn. His eyes were focused to their baby and a smile appeared on his face. He looked solely to their baby boy, everything was forgotten, even Hyukjae was left out but it didn’t matter because Hyukjae understood how much his husband adored their baby boy.

His husband never admitted it but he desired a child more than Hyukjae does. He longed to have a family and it was pure happiness that was drawn in his face when he first saw Kyungsoo. Hyukjae remembered how much effort the taller male gave to win their right to adopt a child. He remembered the hardship that they had to overcome and Kyuhyun faced it all by himself, while he could do nothing other than tailed Kyuhyun and crying on his back. Even when the stakes were high and everything was so close to fall apart, Kyuhyun never failed to embrace him and assured him that everything would be alright. Kyuhyun was his rock, his everything.

The young nurse that Hyukjae saw before was there inside the ward and Hyukjae offered her a smile when she glanced at him, the said nurse gave him another heart-warming smile. It looked calming inside the ward, and after a while the young nurse stepped outside the ward to see them. “Good morning, sir.” She greeted and both male turned their attention to the beautiful nurse. Hyukjae grinned as he greeted back. “You are early today.” She stated, making Hyukjae chuckled in return.

“We can’t help it.” He said as he rested his weight on his husband’s posture, the taller male willingly wrapped his hand around his waist. “We miss him already.” He continued and his heart flattered when Kyuhyun smiled at his words.

“He’s a beautiful baby boy.” She said.

“He is.” Hyukjae murmured as he leaned his weight to his husband and hugged Kyuhyun’s middle. They were so happy they couldn’t describe it. It was perfect.

The young nurse brought them to the nursery room before she went back to the baby ward. Hyukjae gasped when she appeared from behind the door with baby Kyungsoo in her hands. The said baby was crying as the said nurse disturbed his sleep and the nurse rocked his body apologetically as she asked Kyuhyun to hold him, the taller male froze in an instant.

He saw Kyungsoo everyday but he never got the chance to hold his baby boy, he always came at late hour and ended up only watching his baby boy from outside the ward. He never complained though, because he thought it was enough.

He nervously held his baby near his chest and enveloped him in his warmth. His baby boy was still crying and as his parental nature took over he rocked Kyungsoo’s body and planted a kiss on his tiny forehead.  “Hey, boy.” He whispered as he planted another kiss on Kyungsoo’s forehead. His baby was so warm and tiny, Kyuhyun thought he got a taste of heaven.

He hummed a song as he kept on showering his baby boy with kisses, the innocent baby stopped his cries and snuggled to his chest.

“I’m your daddy.” He said and he thought his heart exploded in joy as he addressed himself as the baby’s father. Yes, he was a father. He was Kyungsoo’s father. It couldn’t be more perfect than that.




It took them a while to adjust with Kyungsoo’s constant cries. It was torturing how it felt to hear him cry but the always reminded themselves that their baby boy was okay. It took them time to calm their anxious mind every time Kyungsoo started to cry. They told each other that it was how Kyungsoo’s way to communicate with them. He was just a baby, he couldn’t talk. He could only cry when he was in need and listening to his alarming cries reminded them that their baby was a healthy perfect baby boy.

The doctor told them that Kyungsoo was perfectly fine and by the noon he was finally discharged from the hospital. Kyuhyun finished every paper that needed to be done, he even made an early appointment for Kyungsoo’s immunization. Kyungsoo was sleeping in Hyukjae’s hold when Kyuhyun took their car from the parking lot and brought it just by the front of the hospital’s lobby. Hyukjae quickly went out from the hospital’s building once Kyuhyun’s SUV came in sight and Kyuhyun let him occupied the back seat for Kyungsoo’s safety.

They were so excited to go home and a big smile appeared on their faces when Kyuhyun parked his car in front of the front yard. Kyungsoo opened his eyes when Kyuhyun opened the car’s door and started to cry, Hyukjae let out a small laugh as he made his way inside their house. Tears threatening to come out from his eyes once they stepped inside. “Baby, we’re home.” He whispered to the crying boy and rocked his little body, he couldn’t be any happier.

“Welcome home, Kyungsoo.” Kyuhyun whispered as he planted another kiss on Kyungsoo’s forehead and the baby boy stopped crying.

Kyuhyun brought baby Kyungsoo to his room and once he stepped inside, Kyungsoo’s eyes wandered to the ceiling where he saw hundreds of stars twinkled above him. Kyuhyun was drowning inside Kyungsoo’s big brown orbs.

He settled himself on the rocking chair and turned his attention to the door when he saw Hyukjae joined them inside the room with a bottle of warm milk on his hand. Hyukjae turned the heater on to make Kyungsoo’s more comfortable before he handed Kyuhyun the bottle. “You feed him.” He said and Kyuhyun smiled as he fed Kyungsoo with the warm milk. Kyungsoo finished it in no time.

“You must be hungry, right?” Hyukjae chuckled as he slowly took Kyungsoo from Kyuhyun’s hand and settled him near his chest, Kyungsoo’s head on his shoulder. He patted Kyungsoo’s back to help him burp and as he rocked Kyungsoo’s body, Kyuhyun went to his back and wiped the stain of milk from Kyungsoo’s little lips. “My baby boy is really good boy.” He continued, making Kyuhyun chuckled but he chose not to mind it. Kyuhyun planted a kiss on his crown before he kissed Kyungsoo on his forehead.

“God, this is amazing.” Hyukjae murmured when Kyuhyun pulled himself away from their baby and a small smile appeared on his husband’s face.

“It’s finally perfect, isn’t it?” Kyuhyun asked and Hyukjae nodded as an answer. They were so happy, their wish just came true. They were home and Kyungsoo was with them.



A/N : baby Kyungsoo is finally home :D what happened next?? ~ 

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emma13 #1
Chapter 2: Wwaaaaaaahhh..sorry i just know this 2nd chapt,and i just love it soooo much. It's like i wanna go to their house only to see by myself how beautiful this family are. Oh,how much i hope that this is a real.. ^.~

Always thankyu for the update and pleaseee keep writing this <33
Chapter 2: kyahhh so cutee!! Ahh i luv dis family so muchh... Gentlemankyuhyun n sweethyukjae n adorablekyungsoo.. Luveee dis story! Please update soon.. Gomawo!!
Chapter 2: omo omo daddy is sick and mommy is taking care both of them...kya kya kya...i wanna see bb kyungsoo huhu...i stan cho family kkk...thank kyu for the update neeeee
ionlytoldthemoon #4
Chapter 2: awww this is so cute! Cho family are super duper adorable! I love the fluffiness at the end, I like that the story seems so realistic I feel like I'm watching a movie in my head while reading!! ^^ please keep writing about the Cho family because they are so precious!! Thank you! ^o^
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 2: Cho family so sweet^^
Chapter 1: I like it~ like it~ there's baby...>,<
emma13 #7
Chapter 1: I always love cho family <3 so sweet and cute..
ThanKYU for make it,just can't wait for update.. >.~
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaaa daddy and mommy cho with their baby...
ah kyeoptaaa kyeoptaaaa..cant wait for the next update ^^
heyitstheduff #9
Hihi! I always love cho family^^ kkkkk~ update soon ;;)