
Sweetness In Every Flavour

100% - Flavor


4th Heartbreak.


This is the fourth time I’ve broken up with a guy. Not just any guy. But someone who is loved by everyone. Someone who everyone thinks that has no flaws and is simply perfect. Someone who I thought I could trust. Well I’m glad I didn’t trust him fully. Now that we broke up. I have too much time in my hands and now my brother will force me to help him in mom’s shop again. Arghh.


*Flash Back


 “Look Saera I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you but you’re just too.. how can I say this without being harsh..” My ex-boyfriend, Jinyoung is being a he is trying to find a word to describe me.


Goody two-shoes. I write it on my board. Yes board. A white board to be exact. I didn’t lose my ability to talk if that’s what you’re wondering. I'm scared to talk. Period.


“Yes that’s it! I can’t be with someone like you. You’re too innocent and too nice. The rumors you’ve heard of me about me liking cute and innocent girls are fake. I actually like the opposite. I’m more into noonas type. I’m really sorry! Please don’t cry because of me!” Jinyoung said cutely.


All I could think of is how dumb I was to even be with him. Guess I lose the ability to read people when I met him.


“Hello? Saera are you there?” Jinyoung wave his hand in front of me. 


I wrote something quickly.


Delete my phone number. Don’t acknowledge me at Uni. Shut the up about this break up and never talk a single about this relationship to people. You’re an ugly person. Goodbye.


Jinyoung was reading it and when he was done, he said okay and left.


I took a rock from the ground and throw it at him. It hit his head. Good. I need frozen yogurt ASAP.


*End of flash back


Now here I am in Sweetness In Every Flavour.


“It’s been a while since I last saw you. On a Sunday afternoon too. Where’s Jinyoung? I thought Sunday’s a picnic day for you and him” My ex-manager, Kim Joonmyun a.k.a Suho said with a curious voice.


I wrote down the whole shabbang story regarding the break up and Suho mm-ed all the way.


What a nice way of saying I pity you, dear baby sister.


Yes Kim Joonmyun is my brother. Twin brother. Surprisingly, he works in a cafe instead of being just like our father, a lecturer in Seoul’s University. My dad was actually happy that Suho wants to continue what our mom left us. Yes left.


But that just leaves me studying for what my dad works hard for. Damn. And I hate literature.


“So what flavour suits your taste buds today sweety?” Suho ask while making kiwi frozen yogurt for a customer. Somehow I wonder if he is gay or just trying to act like our decease mother.


Get me the top 3 sweetest flavour you have and put it on my tab. I wrote it and sit on one of the high stools near the counter. This area should be limited to me and only me.  Suho gives me the okay sign. He is so gay.


“By the way sweety, I never liked that Jinyoung guy and you’ll be creating 4 new combos since you left your brother alone for 5 months ts ts” Suho said dramatically. Now I think he’s trying to be our mom.


I swear that guy is really like our mom.


I never knew you know how to make lattes, smoothies, frozen yogurt and what is this... I jot down but he didn't look at it. How rude.  


I look around the store and a lot has change. There are more customers. Mostly girls. And there’s more decorations and Polaroids hanging on the walls. Moreover, there's more space and I never knew we have spiral stairs. 


“We have new workers if you’re wondering why there are more customers. They create bunch of combos while you're gone and Jongin's the one who add the lattes, smoothis and suchs in the menu. Some of workers are from dad’s Uni and some of them are graduates but all of them are my friends so a friend of mine is A MUST TO BE A FRIEND OF YOURS SAERA.” Suho said to me sternly. Now he’s Suho. Always trying to make me have friends. 


So what do I do? I wrote it again to him. But now I shove it in front of his face. Please let me work as a cleaner


"We needed a pretty waitress to attract male customers. It's okay if you don't want to talk. Just smile and you're good to go." He said to me and gave me my order.

Strawberry Tropicana Sunday with oreo dust and apple juice at the side. I smile at this sight. 


"I know apple juice is tarty but I'll make sure to always give you your very first combo after you've broken up with a guy" Suho said cheekily and wipe the counter. 


"Who's this pretty lady?" A blonde waiter ask Suho. 


"Don't you recognise your own sister Jongin?" Suho ask. 


"But I saw noona and gay- at the park on my way here and GOOD GHANDI NOONA!" Kai literally scream and hug me. Rubbing our cheeks together. 


Now I regret rubbing our cheek together when we're younger. 


Hi Jongin. Why the heck are you blonde?


"I lose a bet with a customer and my penalty was to dye my hair blonde. Mind you, it's hectic and I'm waiting for th month to end." Jongin said sulking. 


That's what you get for making a bet with customers. 


"I know I know I'm dumb and hyung's dumber. But look on the bright side! It's a holiday and you and hyung will be staying with us! Yay!" Jongin is like our grandfather. Childish. But then it's good he's like that. I need entertainment in my life. 


"Oh it's 4! I'm sorry everyone but shop's closing right now! But here's a coupon card on 50% discount for our monthly combo~ Goodbye and have a lovely Sunday"  


Announcer too? wow. Jinyoung must've done something to me that makes me stay with him longer. 


"Aww Luhan's not here" a customer said sadly.


"I thought today's Monday! No wonder Xiumin's not here.." A girl said to her friend. 


"And here I thought I could confess my love to Baekhyun. Hmph!" Another blonde said. 


Luhan? Xiumin? Baekhyun? 


I want details by detail dear brothers. I don't care how long it is but I want details. And a 'HIRING A WAITRESS" sign out there. Someone who's immune to your good looks. I'm this shop's assistant manager and I will not tolerate your whines. Get that?! 




You see mom. We're happy here just like we promise you. I promise I'll try and overcome my fear of talking soon. 


"Noona! Hyung is drinking yor apple juice!"


"Jongin was eating your sundae!" 


On second thought. We're happily crazy over here mom. I mouth I miss you while looking at her picture by wall. 


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angel41195 #1
Chapter 2: This needs to be continued!! It's so adorable!! I wanna know what's gonna happen between her and Baekhyun! Will their relationship get even worse? Will it get better? Will she end up making all of them fall in love with her, with the exception of her brothers? Please update if you can!
Chapter 2: are you still gonna continue this? ;A;
airheadme12 #3
Chapter 2: Author-nim! I'm a new reader. i like this story a lot and your grammar is good. Please update more! I'm looking forward to all the chapters! You have my support XD /salutes/