On the Other Side

The Other Alpha

Upon The Other Side

He sighed as he signed the last piece of paper that needed his signature for the day.

Office work was never his favourite task specially poring over documents and communications. He’d rather not deal with them if he could but they were part of his duties and something that he really needed to attend to. He sorted through them one last time and made sure he had signed all that he needed to and separated the ones that he had rejected into a different folder. He always felt a sense of relief wash over him every time he finished his office tasks.

He leaned back on his chair and stretched his arms above his head and smiled as he heard the popping of his joints. He turned his head to look at the clock hanging above the door to see that it was already fifteen minutes after five in the afternoon. Sehun and Jongin should soon finish with their dance practice if they haven’t yet.

He smiled as the thought of his mate filled his mind.

He had been in grade school when Sehun and his mom came to their town. Sehun had barely begun walking at that time and he found the boy cute with his wobbly legs and stubborn defiance whenever he offered his help every time Sehun tripped. Sehun rarely spoke and most of the time Joonmyun didn’t understand him but he didn’t know if the boy was having speech problems or just that he was shy.

He fished for his phone from his jacket's pocket and tapped the device.

He smiled as the photo he had taken of a beaming Sehun, eyes twinkling in amusement, greeted him. He often had the urge to kiss his phone's wallpaper and had been caught by Chanyeol, his tall puppy-looking assistant, a few times. He shot a glance at the door and hoped Chanyeol was not going to burst through any moment before pecking the electronic device in his hand. He smiled goofily, happy that he had done it without anyone seeing him.

It took only a minute before his message got a reply from Sehun. Bubble tea. Of course. He should have known. Sehun loved that drink too much. Joonmyun sometimes thought he should be jealous. And maybe he was but seeing Sehun sigh and smile in contentment whenever the sweet cold drink touched his lips made everything bearable for Joonmyun.

Maybe not everything.

He took a glance at the picture frame on the right side of his mahogany table and sighed as he thought of his family. Or what resembled a family. The picture had been taken years ago when they were but children unaware of the complexities of the world. Before their world became a murky puddle of blood, lies, and betrayal.  It was the only picture he had with his brothers and their father. The edges of the photo had since turned yellow but still clear. Joonmyun sat to his father's left, Jongdae to the right, while baby Jongin who was barely three sat on their father's lap. They had waited for Jongin to stop squirming which took quite a while since the youngest had been a ball of energy ever since. They all had happy smiles on their faces.


Joonmyun would give an arm and a leg to be back to that time but he knew it will only be wishful thinking. Jongdae has never looked at him the same. He rarely even looked at Joonmyun as if just seeing the other gave him unbearable pain.


Even though Jongdae seemed to have lost any and all trust he had with other people he still talked to Jongin. The youngest would give him a visit from time to time and tell him things about school, his crush, his hopes of one day becoming a famous dancer, or his wish of becoming an idol. Jongdae would smile at the youngest and ruffle his hair while telling the boy to study hard and enjoy his youth by doing things that he likes because nobody knew when things would change or when life would take a detour.

Joonmyun never got that much interaction with Jongdae nor any attention for that matter and whenever Joonmyun came over Jongdae would just lock himself in his room and refuse to come out unless the older had left.

Despite the cold treatment and avoidance Joonmyun still cared for Jongdae. They were as close as any brothers could be after all before that fateful night. He silently looked after his slightly younger brother without the other knowing it. Now it worried him that he had not seen Jongdae for weeks. He had asked around particularly his neighbours if anyone had seen Jongdae around or knew of his whereabouts. The trouble was that Jongdae didn't have any friends. There was no one that Joonmyun could rely on to tell him of Jongdae’s whereabouts.

It wasn’t really strange for Jongdae to leave for a few days. He had on some occasions spent a few days in Jeju Island where his mother’s family now lived. However Jongdae was never gone for longer than two weeks. It now worried Joonmyun that something might have happened to his brother. The last that he heard of Jongdae was that someone saw him going to the bus stop with a small bag slung over his shoulder. He has tried calling him on his mobile phone but it seems that Jongdae has had it cancelled.

Joonmyun frowned at the picture in his hand. The bond he shared with the pack as their alpha  was strong but the bond he shared with Jongdae and Jongin was even stronger because of their blood. He could feel his father alive and well somewhere. He could feel Jongdae as well.

But the question was where.

Joonmyun’s frown turned into widened eyes when his phone buzzed with a new message from Sehun.

I’m thirsty!

Joonmyun couldn’t fight the smile that bloomed on his lips. Of course his mate would be thirsty. He and Jongin and three of their friends have been practicing since morning. The competition was five days away. Jongin and Sehun really wanted to win the grand prize this year since they had to pull out at the last minute last year when Jongin suffered a back injury so close to the competition. He typed a quick reply informing his mate that he was on his way. He took another look at the picture before setting it back on the table with a wish that his brother was safe wherever he was.

Joonmyun pushed his chair back and stood up before collecting his things. After he checked that he had all the things that he needed with him, he strode towards the door with a spring in his steps. He handed the papers in his hands to Chanyeol who had been waiting on him to finish. He bade the tall man a hasty goodbye and got a grin in response. Chanyeol was aware of Sehun's impatience; the younger man resorting to sulking and pouting whenever he was made to wait.

Joonmyun stood still for a while and tilted his face up to the sky appreciating the breeze despite the heat of the afternoon sun. He had been cooped up in his office handling business and matters about the community that had put its future in his hands. He had taken up the responsibility with the conviction that he could at least atone for the darkness of his past if he took care of the people whose care had been entrusted to him. He heaved a sigh; trying to relax his body and mind. It wouldn't do good for Sehun to pick up on his uneasiness when he was already stressing enough as it was.

He crossed the road and headed towards the direction of the cafe where Sehun always bought his bubble tea. They have frequented it often enough that the staff working there were familiar with them on a personal level. There was a short line at the counter as it was the time for most people to get off from work. He was greeted with a wide smile and a cheerful hello when he finally reached the counter.

“How are you today, Kyungsoo?” Joonmyun smiled at the small male with big round eyes that Sehun said reminds him of an owl.

“I’m fine, Joonmyun hyung. How are you? You look quite busy lately.” Kyungsoo has worked long enough at the cafe to know each regular customer by name and it also helped that he was particularly prominent in their community. Joonmyun was also one of those regulars that Kyungsoo liked talking to, especially since the older man had told him to call him ‘hyung’.

“I’m fine, but yeah, I have been busy at the office. Sehun is busy too so we haven’t been able to come here more often.” Joonmyun then gave his order for a chocolate bubble tea to take to Sehun. After the transaction was completed and the order given, Joonmyun left with a wave to Kyungsoo.

With hurried steps, Joonmyun started his way to Jongin’s house where their group had been practicing for the past week. It was only ten minutes away on foot from his office and Joonmyun appreciated the quick exercise that he got out of walking to and fro when he dropped and picked up Sehun from there. His attention was stolen away from his thoughts of Sehun when he felt something collide against his thigh which was shortly followed by a whine. Joonmyun looked down to see what had made the sound and to his horror found a little girl sat on her just beside him. He had been so distracted that he had not sensed anyone near him. He quickly crouched down and helped the girl on her feet.

"Are you okay?" Joonmyun worriedly turned her from side to side to check that she had not been harmed in any way. The girl only blinked at him with wide staring eyes.

"Are you really an angel?" The question took Joonmyun by surprise. He stopped moving and looked at the girl intently.

"Unnie said you are." The girl had a serious face and an even more serious tone even as she looked at Joonmyun's face with awe.

"You look like one." Joonmyun had to smile despite himself. He knew Sehun wouldn't be happy that he was taking so long to fetch him but the cute, innocent, and earnest statements from the girl couldn’t be ignored.

"I am sorry but I am not an angel." The girl frowned at him after hearing Joonmyun's reply.

"My name is Joonmyun."

"I know that already. Unnie said you are Kim Joonmyun and you helped build this playground. She said you are an angel." She pouted at Joonmyun, disappointed that the man her sister told her was an angel was denying it.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Lami. And my unnie over there," Lami turned and pointed at a girl sitting on a swing near the entrance of the playground. "Her name is Seulgi."

Joonmyun did help build the playground in more ways than one. It was his idea in the first place because the nearest playground before had been a bit far from the grade school across his office building. The kids had to walk for fifteen minutes just to have a place to play and enjoy their free time in the afternoon. He shelled out a portion of the budget for the construction of the playground himself and did days of actual labour for it. But Joonmyun wouldn’t call himself an angel. Not ever.

Lami had a pout that Joonmyun found quite adorable and beads of sweat on her forehead. It was a warm day and the time spent playing must have made her tired. He resisted the urge to pinch her cheeks and opted instead for ruffling her hair.

"How old are you, Lami?"

"I will be seven years old next month. My Unnie is eight."

"Are you thirsty? Looks like you are."

Lami nodded at the question.

"I ran really quickly so I could catch you. I've always wanted to catch an angel. Unnie said you were one so...." Lami trailed off and hung her head low, upset that she had ran after someone and that she might have bothered him.

Joonmyun raised the small plastic bag that held the tall cup of bubble tea he had just bought for Sehun so that it was in front of Lami's face. Her head went up immediately. She eyed the bubble tea that had condensation running down the sides and the ice cubes that were floating inside. She blinked at Joonmyun as if wondering why he was dangling it in front of her face.

"I will give this to you..."

"You will? Really? You will give it to me?"

"Yes. But..." The smile on Lami's face quickly disappeared upon hearing that there was a catch.

“You have to promise me that you will share this with your unnie. Can you promise me that, Lami?” Joonmyun looked straight into Lami’s eyes but his tone was gentle. Lami nodded, her smile brilliant and contagious.

“Mmm!” She hummed as a reply, now parched and anticipating the burst of cold sweetness that was about to come. Joonmyun didn’t fight the chuckle that spilled forth from his lips this time making Lami blush.


“Thank you, Joonmyun-ssi. I am sorry for bothering you.”


“You are welcome, Lami. You shouldn’t run to catch people next time. Unless you are a cop.” Lami joined in the laughter this time, their voices attracting attention from some of the people nearby. “You should go back to your sister now. I’m sure she’s thirsty just like you.”


Joonmyun took out the straw from the plastic and punched it into the lid of the bubble tea before handing it over to Lami. He straightened up as Lami took a tentative sip of the cold drink. Lami smiled up at him, her eyes disappearing into crescents even as Joonmyun ruffled her hair.


“Now go.”


“Thank you, Joonmyun-ssi!”


With a wave of her free hand she turned around and headed back inside the playground where her sister was still seated on the swing. Joonmyun watched her as she reached her sister and offered her the bubble tea before turning around to go back to the cafe, sure that Sehun wouldn’t be too pleased if he came without his favourite drink.


Joonmyun was about to reach for the door handle when an old couple approached him. They looked like they were in their sixties with grey hairs on their temples but they both had a smile on their faces as they held hands even as they squeezed through the door. They thanked him at the same time for holding the door open. Joonmyun watched with fascination as the old man lead the woman to a free table and helped her sit down before going to the line to order. There was a longer line now than when Joonmyun had bought the bubble tea.


Joonmyun wished he and Sehun would grow old together just like that old couple. He wondered if they could go out on afternoon strolls and drink bubble tea together when their hairs turn grey. He rather liked the idea even if Sehun was never one for public displays of affection, his mate quite opposed to excessive touching when out in the public except for the times when he felt like holding Joonmyun's hand or wrapping his arm around Joonmyun's shoulders.


Joonmyun let go of the door handle and let it close in front of him as an idea suddenly came to mind. No better time to start than now. With a newly found determination adding a spring to his steps Joonmyun turned around and headed for Jongin’s house.


Joonmyun was standing about a hundred meters away when doubt overcame him. Sehun wouldn't be happy that Joonmyun came without the bubble tea. Sehun might not agree to come with him after all. He should have just gone and bought the sweet drink before coming and now it's too late to go back. He could hear the last notes of the song that Sehun and Jongin's group were dancing to so he swallowed the lump in his throat and pushed himself forward.


The door to the house opened even before Joonmyun was able to knock. He was greeted with a welcoming smile and hug from a tall beautiful woman who always reminded him of Jongin. Her smile and eyes most definitely something she had passed on to Jongin aside from the long slender limbs. She had a gracefulness about her and her movements that Joonmyun knew she acquired from years and years of dancing.


"Aunt Yuri, how are you?" Joonmyun asked once they let go of each other. "Have you been well? I hope they are not bothering you too much."


"I am doing well. I should be asking about you. You are always busy in that office. Don't work too hard like your dad. And don't worry about those brats. I can keep them in line."


Joonmyun couldn't help but admire his father's third wife. She was (and still is) beautiful and smart aside from being well-liked and respected in their community. She danced with passion and such lively energy that watching her when he was a kid made him want to dance too. Unfortunately, Joonmyun's talents never included dancing.


Yuri left Joonmyun after a few minutes and instructed him to go ahead to the practice room down the hall. Joonmyun didn't need any more guidance as he was familiar with the house as if it was his own. He turned the knob of the white painted door hoping Sehun was in a good mood.


Joonmyun was greeted with the sight of five sweaty bodies on the floor; some of them sprawled and spread a good distance. One particular male with brown hair clad in sweat-soaked tank top grabbed Joonmyun’s attention. The lean back of the tall figure is undeniable even in his slouched position. Joonmyun swallowed the lump that suddenly lodged in his throat intending to call his mate but before any sound left his lips his name was called by three other voices. He turned to look at them; all appeared exhausted as they panted on the floor trying to catch their breaths. Joonmyun had seen the choreography that Jongin and Sehun made for the competition and it was nothing easy. The routine had an edge to it and highlighted with a lot of powerful moves that he was sure would impress the judges of the competition.


They noticed his presence and greeted him in a chorus. Except Sehun.


Sehun's brow quirked the moment he turned around and noticed the conspicuous absence of a cup of bubble tea in Joonmyun's hands. Joonmyun smiled sheepishly and greeted the three teenagers in the room who were not personally related to him. They all looked like they were about to pass out from exhaustion.

"Are you guys alright? Taeyong looks like he is going to collapse if he wasn't on the floor already."

Taeyong laughed hoarsely. It sounded more like a bark to Joonmyun's ears to be honest but he wasn't going to tell them that when they looked like they were just a few breaths from passing out. Jaehyun and Hansol were in not much a better state than Taeyong. He was worried for the three boys in front of him. Sehun could be considerate when it came to ordering and directing people around but Jongin was a totally different case. Jongin was a slave driver when it came to perfecting his craft. He could go on for hours on end ignoring the tiredness and aches in his body until every turn and move was fine tuned to perfection.

"We're fine, Joonmyun hyung." It was Hansol who answered. He was panting but seemed to have more control over his breath than his friend did. "We really need to practice more. The competition is just a few days away."

"Just don't practice too hard that you are left drained when the competition day comes. And be careful not to hurt yourselves while practicing." Joonmyun received a chorused reply from the three boys on the floor before the door was once again opened by a maid with a tray of refreshments at hand. The three boys literally crawled their way to the small foldable table to the side where the tray was set. Joonmyun felt the stare of his mate from where he faced the floor to ceiling mirror as he exchanged pleasantries with the woman who had helped Yuri watch over Jongin for as long as he could remember.

Joonmyun looked up to see Sehun's reflection in the mirror. As he had expected Sehun's right brow was raised to his sweaty fringe, the look on his face incredulous. They locked gazes and Sehun's eyes narrowed into slits.

Joonmyun smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. He was about to explain himself to Sehun when a chuckle reached his ears, the familiar deep voice laced with mirth.  Of course. Only Jongin would laugh at him in a situation like this.

"Are you in trouble, hyung?" Jongin's voice sounded so amused that Sehun turned to scowl at him instead. Jongin looked from Sehun to Joonmyun before he burst into laughter.

The expressions on their faces told him enough.

He slowly stood up and dusted himself off before approaching his older brother who still stood in the middle of the room. He is Sehun's best friend. The only one who can read Sehun like an open book. Aside from Joonmyun of course. He had seen the message (by chance he would insist and not because he was being nosy) that Sehun had sent Joonmyun earlier and how his friend had smiled when he got a reply instantly.

Sehun was someone easily pleased with small, simple things. But Sehun was also someone easily displeased when people don't do as they said they would. Now that Joonmyun had failed to bring what he had probably promised to Sehun, Jongin knew his brother has just made his best friend very unhappy. However Jongin also knew his brother well. Joonmyun was someone who did as he says and works very hard to keep his word so Jongin was of the thought that their alpha had a reason behind it.

Jongin went to the table at the corner and poured two glasses of the iced fruit juice before walking to where Sehun was just starting to get up, scowl etched on his usually stoic face. Jongin one glass of the cold drink at Sehun's face allowing him to smell the fresh fruits extracted for it. Sehun raised an eyebrow at him before taking the proffered drink and giving it a tentative sip. Jongin then offered the other glass to Joonmyun who declined by shaking his head. Jongin just shrugged and took a gulp of the juice, smiling at the sweet but slightly sour zing of the passion fruit mixed with tangerines.

It took just a couple of minutes for Sehun to finish the entire glass allowing for Jongin and Joonmyun to exchange a few words.  Jongin then took the empty glass from Sehun and grinned mischievously. Sehun raised an eyebrow at his grinning friend; he didn't know what could be amusing at that moment. He didn't have to ask because the moment he opened his mouth, a snarky remark ready, Jongin nudged him with a sharp elbow.

"You can punish him tonight, you know? I am willing to wager Joonmyun hyung will accept any and all punishment you have in mind." The words that left Jongin's mouth were innocent enough that anyone who could have heard that wouldn't have had any indecent thoughts.

The dirty wink that followed right after was far from innocent and made Sehun choke on his own spit and Joonmyun to turn red on the spot.

Some sniggering came from the three teenagers on the floor and it took all that Sehun had to not strangle his best friend right then and there. Joonmyun cleared his throat. When Jongin and Sehun’s attention were on him he shifted on his foot and scratched the back of his neck.

“Actually it was so hot outside so I thought that if I buy the bubble tea before I come the ice would have all melted when I get here. I know you don’t like it when all the ice melts and the tea isn’t as nice as when it is just made. I thought we can just go to the cafe and drink there. They have some new cakes too. Bubble tea is better with cake, right?”

Joonmyun smiled, the kind that brightens his face and stirs Sehun’s hormones. He gave Joonmyun a sceptical look before his eyes narrowed upon understanding. He then turned to face Jongin and slapped him with the wet towel that moments ago hung on his shoulder.

“That is how your brother asks me for a date. So cheesy. Aren’t you ashamed?” Sehun sounded bored and unaffected, but Jongin knew otherwise. That poker face of his stopped working on Jongin nearly a decade ago.

"I would be if not for the fact that that's what made you fall head over heels for him." Jongin answered nonchalantly much to Sehun's vexation. Jongin easily dodged the slap to the arm that Sehun wanted to give him but not the kick in the shin.

"Why am I even friends with you?" Sehun scowled at Jongin who rubbed the part where the former has kicked him. It wasn't too forceful but had enough strength behind it to cause a dull ache. Jongin straightened then before reaching out to pinch Sehun's cheek.

"Because I'm the best you've ever had, Sehunnie," Jongin crooned into Sehun's ear making the latter stumble back a few steps while pushing at Jongin's lean chest.

"Eww. You are worse than your brother. I need to find a new best friend. Right about now." Sehun jogged to where he had placed his bag and grabbed it before heading straight for the door without so much as a backward glance. Jongin's cackling still reached his ears even as he hurried out the door and into the hallway. Joonmyun turned to Jongin who's doubled over in hysterical laughter and gave his youngest brother a grateful smile.

"I owe you one."

"You always do, hyung. You always do," Jongin wheezed out. "Now go after him before my efforts are wasted."

Joonmyun waved a quick goodbye to the three other occupants of the room who are already turning pale from holding in their laughter, Taeyong's face contorted strangely with his lower lip in between his teeth.

Sehun was saying goodbye to Yuri when Joonmyun reached the living room. Yuri saw them out and they went on their way to the cafe. Joonmyun took it as a good sign when Sehun let go of his sports bag slowly as soon as he tried to pry it out of the younger man's hand.

They walked in silence on the way to the cafe with their hands brushing constantly until Sehun grabbed Joonmyun's hand to drag him. Joonmyun laced their fingers and allowed himself to be dragged at Sehun's pace. Joonmyun made a mental note to treat Jongin to lunch or dinner, grateful that his brother had successfully distracted Sehun enough that his annoyance toward Joonmyun had been forgotten.

They settled at a table beside the window where the playground was visible. Sehun had ordered a slice of Blueberry Cheese Cake and bacon sandwich with his bubble tea. (He's hungry! Jongin is a slave driving bastard when it comes to dance practice. He really needed to find a new best friend!)

Joonmyun ordered a muffin and a cup of coffee for himself and quickly went back to the table where Sehun was waiting. Their food arrived shortly and they thanked Kyungsoo for bringing it to them. They ate in relative silence as Sehun savoured the taste of his food bit by bit. Joonmyun watched with fondness as Sehun ate. He noticed the slight upwards turn of Sehun's lips and he couldn't fight back the smile that made its way to his own as warmth flooded his chest. Sehun looked up feeling that he was being stared at only to find his mate smiling that bright, gentle smile that never failed to churn Sehun's emotions.

Sehun had grown up an insecure child. He had been teased about his lisp and made fun of because of it. He had grown up avoiding people and often times only talking if the necessity called for it. It didn't help at all that Sehun's mother was as beguiling as she was beautiful. She often left Sehun at Yuri's house and entrusted him in her care while she went away for days, sometimes weeks, on business trips. With his father absent from his life from since he could remember and his mother always away to who knew where, Sehun almost grew up alone if not for Yuri and Jongin.

Sehun watched the kids in the playground as the setting sun bathed the horizon in hues of orange and yellow. Joonmyun noticed the wistful look that clouded Sehun's beautiful eyes. Sehun has one of the most beautiful pair of eyes in Joonmyun's opinion. From the day he saw the younger wolf he had the strong urge to protect him from the harsh world.

 At moments like these, when Sehun forgets to wear his mask of indifference, Joonmyun’s heart would ache for him. He could feel the uncertainty in Sehun's mind bubble to the surface and made visible in his hooded eyes for a fleeting moment. It might be their bond as mates or maybe Joonmyun just really was that much head over heels over Sehun that the pain felt like a knife dug and dragged through Joonmyun's flesh.

Joonmyun reached for Sehun's hand that laid idly on the table, gave it a squeeze before rubbing the knuckles with his thumb. Sehun looked at him and Joonmyun gave him a smile which he hoped reassured his young mate. Sehun squeezed his hand in return before withdrawing it and placing it on his lap. There was a slight upturn of the corners of Sehun's lips when he returned his attention to the cake in front of him.

The sun had completely set when Joonmyun and Sehun came out of the cafe. Their short meal had been prolonged by too many interruptions from people who greeted Joonmyun while Sehun just looked on with mild interest. The walk to their house was mostly in comfortable silence with the backs of their hands slightly brushing from time to time. Joonmyun was startled when Sehun suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him before sprinting.

When they stopped in front of a shop only then that he understood.

"You want chicken for dinner?" Joonmyun asked with a raised brow, "Should I blame Jongin for infecting you with his 'I love chicken' virus?"

"Yes and yes." Sehun replied with a smile on his lips and glint in his eyes. Joonmyun didn't bother to suppress his bubbling laughter. He ordered a bucket of honey-garlic chicken (Sehun prefered the sweet-tangy taste of this than the regular or spicy one) at the take-out counter with Sehun rocking on his heels behind him.

The walk home afterwards was faster as Sehun kept pulling Joonmyun.

"Are you getting old, Joonmyun-ssi? Arthritis giving you trouble?" Sehun snickered just as Joonmyun swatted his hand from the alpha's wrist.

"Brat." There was no bite to Joonmyun's remark, just a soft smile and fondness in his eyes. He has gotten used to it by now. Sehun liked to about getting old especially when Joonmyun complained of being tired. Joonmyun often wondered if he'll ever get tired of Sehun. 

Nope. Never.

Sehun's steps sped up when finally the white roof of their house came in sight. Joonmyun just allowed himself to be pulled. Sehun unlocked the door, quickly toed off his shoes, and wiggled his toes with a sigh of relief. Joonmyun had only just put the bag of chicken take out on an adjacent table when he was pushed and slammed against the door. He didn't have the chance to ask as he soon found himself being kissed aggressively and his clothes being pulled off of his body.

The kiss is harsh and urgent but Sehun's lips are soft and his moans even softer as Joonmyun helped his mate get rid of constricting clothes. The more clothes that Sehun got rid off, the more his scent attacked Joonmyun’s senses.

Joonmyun didn’t bother getting them to the bedroom.

Sehun’s needs and wants always came first before his own so Joonmyun made for the couch where he made Sehun get on all fours and spread out for him. Sehun’s fair smooth skin had always fascinated Joonmyun. It still did. He made sure Sehun was aware of this by mapping every inch of Sehun’s skin with his tongue and hands earning him moans and whimpers from the younger man. Joonmyun gave Sehun what they both needed and wanted as he pounded Sehun’s plump , slow and steady until both of them shuddered at the force of their s.

The chicken they left by the door remained there until morning when Sehun woke up hungry with Joonmyun’s limp still buried in his . Sehun didn’t complain though. He had woken up the way he would always want to wake up for the rest of his life, wrapped in Joonmyun’s arms.



(AN: I don’t even know where to begin or how to say sorry for how long this chapter took to finish. With everything that has happened in fandom and irl, it makes me ashamed that most of you thought the story had been abandoned. Sorry!

In light of recent events, we assure you that this story will be written until it’s plotted ending.

Thank you for sticking with us!)

A/N 2:- I also offer my own apology. Fandom drama amongst other things made writing a difficult thing. However, we do assure that it shall be written to its end…..just bear with us a little please. ...and Yayy!! for new OTPs.....welcome to Seho ^^


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 5: Ah sad, still no new chapter
BaeBie_PikaChu #2
Chapter 5: please don't abandon this story
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 5: So the three Jon's are Brothers? I love suhun Herr. Great Stift.
PLZ update
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 4: Omg. Thats so sad :_(
The poor guys.
I love there relationship and also hpw caring yifan is
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 3: Whats goin in there yifan? Poor luhan. Whats the story behind this?
Chapter 5: Finally catched with all the chapters...God now I wanna marry Kris thanks to you guys (not that I didn't want to marry him before) hmm what Kris hasn't claimed Luhan? Lol if it was me I would've claimed Kris long time ago ;) hahaha ...and wow I think Suho is one of those people that has an angel face but acts like the demon himself...but he's sweet with his mate the spoiled Sehun ...Laychen..I approve !!!!
Chapter 3: Why Yifan didn't claim Lu yet?
sugarplum23 #8
Chapter 4: Pleaseee update soon! The fic is so good, i keep rereading it because the character dynamics are so well done. I cant wait to read more :) fighting!
Kpoploveralways #9
Please update this:) it's so good!
Chapter 4: Aww...lulu..so cute~~
there must be a reason why yifan didn't claim lulu yet..am i rite?