
Love of a Friend





“Chan!” The little 4-year-old Min ran towards his best friend, Chanyeol.


“What is it?” The tall boy asked.

“Look at this cake I made!” Min reached out her hand and showed a cake made out of soil and mud, with a touch of twigs and leaves. “I worked hard for this and decorated it with icing and- hey! You’re not even listening.” She pouted.

“-oh what? Oh sorry. It’s just that my friends over there are calling me. I promised I’ll play with them today.” He said.

“Oh.. I see.“ She said sadly.

Chanyeol saw her face fell and immediately thought of something, “B-but I promise I will play with you tomorrow!” He flashed her a wide grin.

Her face brightened immediately, “All day?”

“All day.” He smiled.

“Yay! I can’t wait for tomorrow!” Min jumped up and down feeling all excited.

Chanyeol patted her head, “See ya later, Min!” He ran towards his guy friends and played with them.




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“Psssst. Min!”



“Whaat is it!?”


“Ugh. Whatever, Chanyeol.”

“No, seriously.”

“What!?” She asked, clearly irritated.

“I.. uhm.. kind of need your help with this girl..”



“It’s just a girl, go do it yourself.” She turned her heel and got ready for her next class. She and Chanyeol were in middle school already.

“Oh come on!” He ran in front of her, then spread his wide arms to block her. “Please?” He did his best to act cute so that his best friend would agree.

Min tried to hold her laughter, but failed. “Fine! Fine! I’ll talk to her.” She said, she threw her hands up, as if she was surrendering.

“Yayayayayayay. Oh thank you!” He hugged her tightly before going inside the classroom. “You’re like my bestestestestest friend ever! I owe you one!”

“Of course!” She rolled her eyes.



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Chanyeol paced back and forth at Min’s dorm room while Min herself was just lying on her bed.  Just a few more years, they’ll finally graduate high school and move on to college. Today is Saturday so they’ve got nothing to do.

“Can you like, stop moving? You’re making me dizzy.”

“Can’t.” He said, as he continued to pace back and forth.

“Why not?” She raised her eyebrows.

“I just asked Soojun to be my girlfriend.”

Min's eyes doubled in size. She checked her ears if she has gone deaf or something.

Suddenly, Chanyeol stopped pacing and approached Min. He suddenly hugged her with all his might and placed his face on the crook of her neck.

“I-I’m sorry. I just.. Can I hold onto you for a second..?” He whispered. “It’s just that I’m really nervous. I don’t know what to do. She hasn’t been talking to me since this morning.”

Min, quite taken aback, slowly wrapped her arms around him, “Calm down. Just give her time, dude.” She started to affectionately touch his hair. That seems to calm him down every time he’s nervous.

“Y-yeah. That must be it. I’ll give her time. Maybe she’s just nervous as me, right?” Chanyeol asked her, but Min said nothing and continued to caress his hair. Chanyeol looked at her face with hopeful eyes and asked once again, “Right?”






She closed her eyes and hugged him even tighter.




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“Ugh! It’s the 2nd time this day, you better not break all of my stuff!”

“I was just helping!” He said, looking all innocent.

“You know what, just get out.”

“You need my help.” He pointed out.

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.”

“No, I don’t!”

“I’m your only friend to help you.” He snorted.

“As a matter of fact, I have a lot of friends.” She fired back. “And if you’re just going to break my stuff, I suggest you to get the hell out of my house.”

“Oh come on, Minnie.” He cooed, slowly hugging her from behind.

“Ew. Don’t ‘Minnie’ me, you jerk.” She removed his hands on her waist harshly.

“Aww. Don’t be mad. I’ll help you! Really!” He held her hands and swayed them from left to right.

“Whatever, Chanyeol.” She said tiredly.

Chanyeol then got a bright idea, he slowly crept up to her and lifted her, spinning her around and around. Suddenly, he tripped over the leg of coffee table sending them both down to the floor. They both looked at each other, when Chanyeol decided to laugh uproariously.

“HAHAHAHAHA! Oh my God! You should’ve seen your face!” He tried to do Min’s reaction again, exaggerating it a bit more, which caused him into fits of laughter. “HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.”

Min looked at him, admiring his beautiful features up close that she haven’t notice before. From the way he his eyes turns into a thin line when he laughs. His adorable face but has a deep voice that just makes her warm inside. Everything was perfect, she thought.

“Dammit, Chanyeol. You’re laugh is so contagious!”

“Well, it’s not my fault!” He said, as he continues to laugh more.

Min looked at him one last time, and everybody can see she’s in love with her own bestfriend.




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Chanyeol went inside the apartment and slammed the door shut, looking exhausted. He went straight to the couch and laid flat on it. Feeling frustrated, he placed the throw pillow on his face and screamed everything out.

“UGGGGGGGGGH!” He muffled his scream into the pillow, trying to fight back the tears that welled up in his eyes. He started to kick the coffee table in front of him. Soon, Min stumbled her way out of her room and flicked on the lights.

“Chanyeol?” She yawned, rubbing her eyes. “What’re you doing here?”

He looked up, he just looked like he would collapse any minute. He looks so weak, and not seeing him all happy and energetic makes her sad too. The moment she looked into his eyes, she knew. She immediately went to his side and rubbed his back soothingly, “You okay, buddy?” She asked.

“Min...” He sighed deeply. “It’s over.. It’s all over now..”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s Soojun...” He whispered, pain evident in his eyes

“What about her?”

“She.. s-she-“ Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly couldn’t take it anymore and choked back on his own tears.

“Shhhh. Calm down..” She rubbed smoothing circles around his back and hugged his side.

“She’s freaking in love with someone else!” He sobbed.

Min got shocked too. She knew how much Chanyeol likes Soojun, even if it hurts her. Even though Soojun doesn’t like him back, seeing Chanyeol like this makes her heart break even more.

Min got no other choice but continue to rub his back and say encouraging words to him.

After minutes of silence, Min noticed Chanyeol fell asleep on her shoulder. He was sleeping peacefully while he clings on to Min. She reluctantly looked at his side, admiring him again.

“Why does the world have to be so cruel, Chanyeollie?” She whispered to no one.

“Why do we have to be hurt?” She said sadly, tears threatening to fall down from her delicate cheeks.

She rested her head on top of his and wondered off to dreamland. The night ended with the two cuddling each other.



There are times when things don’t go our way. There are times when we feel hurt and pain.



 Life is not all bad. Most of the time, life is a matter of dealing with its difficulties. We know for a fact that life is made up of two opposed realities, joys and sorrows, or fortunes and misfortunes. Awareness of these realities makes life bearable and less miserable. We are able to resort to our coping mechanisms in dealing with most difficult problems.


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Chapter 1: Wow! Short but meaningful
Love it :)