Lucky Ones


Could it be, that you and me, are the lucky ones?


Krystal Jung // 18

Describes herself as a plain jane, with a somewhat casual yet boyish style. Never dated a boy in her entire lifespan more or less, never found anyone interesting and attractive enough. Has an older sister, Jessica aka the town's resident deliquent. Enjoys singing in the shower and dancing while no one's watching. Proclaims herself to be a bit of a gamer and is an avid blogger. Likes cats, writing stories and reading the odd book or two. Took her first drag of a cigarette when her sister's ex boyfriend told her that she'd never get anywhere if she didn't live a little; Krystal was 15. Has one best friend, Sulli, who has a sick sense of humour and a dark, twisted personality behind all that so-called innocence of hers.

Sulli Choi // 19

Thinks herself to be moderately pretty and is quite happy with her physique and looks. Wants to pursue a life of modelling. Enjoys shopping, singing out aloud to Krystal and avidly cracking the odd joke with Krystal. Is an only child and surprisingly not a spoilt brat. Recently ended her long-term relationship with the school's voted most charming and romantic third year, Henry Kim. Likes poetry and assorted scented candles. Thinks forbidden romance is cute. Once taught Krystal to write poetry but critiqued her friend too harshly explaining that it was too morbid and depressing for Sulli's liking and that Krystal should stick to writing short horror stories because that's what she excels best in. Is Krystal's best and only friend. Has other friends but only feels comfortable showing her true colours with Krystal.


course language and possible rated scenes in future chapters


Hello, meowstal here.
This is the first time I've tried writing a story of this genre. 

There's not much for me to say about the story except for read and you'll find out.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
Much Love,
― meowstal.



As the story progresses, we're bound to meet some 
new characters and when new characters are introduced,
I'll make a 
little traits/fun fact section for them like I did
Krystal and Sulli! Stay tuned for more and 
remember to sub, comment and upvote!


wheezes because people reading my fic. ;;/


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