Inhuman Living Arrangements


It was a normal day for Kayla and Bri, that is~ until a horrible storm hits. The storm seemed to have been caused by the entering of 12 super natural boys crashing landing on Earth. Right outside their apartment. After discovering this inhuman group, they are given the task to teach them how to be Human. :3


All together, there were 12 hot men in our livingroom, and we had a broken window. It looked horribly good. But, our semi good situation took a sharp turn when Kris explained, "We come from EXO planet, and have crash landed here-" he glared at Kai then continued, "Where are we?"

I stared at him, speechless from the information we had just recieved, while Bri only managed to gasp out, "So, your aliens?!"






This is my first story that I'm not scared to post. I'm usually really shy about my writing, so I usually don't let others read it. But, I hope you'll enjoy this <3 i know I dont post regularly, but that's cause I'm waiting to see if anyone will even read it. <3 thank you for reading this and I hope it was worth reading!


Comment, subscribe, or dont. :P I'm just glad you read it!




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