Don't Eat That

Don't Eat That

All six B.A.P members walked into their dorm room after a long day of practice. Himchan had a container of brownies in his arms that he carried to the kitchen counter.

“Those fans were nice to bake us some brownies.” Himchan stated as he carefully placed the brownies on the counter.

“Yeah. They seemed so nice. I hope we get a chance to see them again.” Zelo chirped as he danced around the kitchen like some hyped up child.

Daehyun stood by Youngjae just quietly staring at the batch of brownies. He his lips hungrily as he stretched his arm out to grab one of the baked sweets.

A slap to Daehyun’s hand had him recoiling his arm as fast as he could. He glanced over to see Himchan glaring at him.

“No dessert until after dinner.” Himchan hissed as he walked off to make dinner.

Daehyun frowned a little but didn’t say anything. He just grabbed hold of Youngjae and dragged him to their shared room.

Yongguk sat quietly in the living room watching his beloved war movies while Jongup and Zelo were busy practicing their dancing in their shared room.


Himchan was too engrossed in making dinner that he didn’t realize Daehyun had sneakily slipped back into the kitchen. Daehyun eyed the brownies once again and his plump lips where drool had started to form. He carefully looked around to make sure nobody was watching him. So far the coast was clear.

Daehyun quickly snatched up a brownie and ran full speed back into his shared room with Youngjae hoping that nobody would come after him.

He quickly plopped down in the computer chair by the study desk and eyed his newly claimed prize. It looked just like any other brownie, but these brownies had a thick layer of chocolate icing covering them.

“You know Himchan is gonna be mad when he finds out you took one of those.” Youngjae mumbled as he looked over at Daehyun.

Youngjae was lying on his bed playing on his iPad before he looked over at Daehyun.

“So? We haven’t had much to eat all day and I’m starving.” The tanned Busan boy whined.

“Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though.” Youngjae grumbled as he returned to playing on his iPad.

“Wanna split it with me?” Daehyun asked.

“No.” Youngjae replied, eyes still trained on his iPad.

“Come on. It could be just like old times. I know you want to know what my lips feel like, and I’m giving you the perfect opportunity right now.” Daehyun smirked.

The younger of the two started to blush furiously. Of course he had a crush on Daehyun but there was no way he would let him know that.

Youngjae just bit his lip and shook his head. His eyes were the only thing focused on the game he had been playing.

Daehyun chuckled at the younger before he walked over to him with the treat still in his hand.

Youngjae let out a huff as he carefully tossed his iPad to the opposite side of the bed. He just glared at the older afraid of what was going to happen.

Daehyun his lips as he hovered over Youngjae. The heat traveled up to Youngjae’s face and stopped at his cheeks.

“Please JaeJae, just one little bite.” The Busan boy said in a babyish voice.

“I-I..” Youngjae stuttered. He mentally face palmed himself for stuttering. Now Daehyun would know for sure that he had the upper hand.

Daehyun smirked at the younger as he carefully climbed on the bed to get closer to him. The younger boy tried to wriggle free but it was no use. He was trapped in a straddle hold by the beautiful tanned vocalist.

The Busan boy held the brownie up to his lips before he slowly bit down into it. A combination of flavors dazzled his tastebuds as he chewed the soft yet fudgy treat. He swallowed the bite of it and hungrily his lips.

“Want some Jae? It’s delicious.” Dae smirked seductively.

Before Youngjae could reply he felt a pair of soft lips pressed against his. This was the moment he had been waiting years for. The moment when he would finally get to feel Daehyun’s lips on his own. The kiss seemed sweet probably from the taste of the brownie on his lips.

Daehyun pulled back and smile at the younger before he took another bite of the treat. He swallowed the remains of the brownie before his lips made contact with Youngjae’s again.

Youngjae melted into the kiss as he pulled Daehyun closer to him. His lips parted slightly as he felt Daehyun slip his tongue into his hot cavern. Their tongues fought for dominance but Daehyun had easily won. A smooth hand brushed under Youngjae’s shirt that caused him to gasp.

Daehyun pulled away from Youngjae but began to run a finger over Youngjae’s barely formed abs.

“You’re right. That brownie was delicious.” Youngjae chuckled.

“I know something that’s even more delicious.” Daehyun smirked.

Youngjae was about to open his mouth to reply but Daehyun quickly silenced him with his lips.


In the other room where the two youngest were Zelo stopped dancing as he heard his stomach rumble.

“When do you think Himchan will be finished making dinner? I’m starving.” Zelo pouted as he plopped down on his bed.

“I’m sure he will be done soon, Zelo.” Jongup reassured his friend as he patted the youngest on the back.

“I can’t wait. I’m so hungry. Can you go get me something to eat, please?” Zelo asked cutely as he batted his eyelashes.

Jongup merely smiled at his friend. He could never say no to his beloved Zelo.

He walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He spotted Himchan making dinner and he carefully approached the elder.

Jongup smiled sweetly at Himchan and he could see the elder of the two blush a little.

“What do you need, Jonguppie?” Himchan asked as he stirred some noodles in the large pot on the stove.

“Zelo and I are hungry. Could we maybe get a brownie while we wait for you to finish cooking?” Jongup asked sweetly.

Himchan swore his heart stopped when he saw the younger smiling oh so sweetly at him.

“Of course. You know I can’t say no to you, Uppie.” Himchan cooed.

Jongup blushed a little and thanked Himchan. He walked over to the brownies to find that one was already missing. Daehyun must have grabbed one, he thought. He just shrugged his shoulders and picked up two of them.

He quickly made his way back to the youngest. Zelo was still in the same place he was when Jongup had left him. He carefully passed the youngest a brownie.

“Thanks Jongup.” Zelo beamed as he quickly bit into the sweetened treat.

Zelo’s eyes widened as he devoured the brownie.

“This brownie is so good!” Zelo exclaimed.

Jongup just arched his brow at the younger before he too ate his sweet chocolate treat.

“This is good.” Jongup said as he nodded in approval.

The two youngest happily started chatting away about the treat they just had.


In the living room, Yongguk stretched as he stood up from the couch. The war movie was now over and he walked into the kitchen to where Himchan was.

“Need some help?” Yongguk asked.

“No. You have terrible cooking skills. Remember what happened last time you tried to cook?” Himchan questioned.

Yongguk just shivered at the thought of it. That poor roasted chicken never saw it coming.

“Just thought I’d ask man.” Yongguk mumbled as he leaned against the counter.

“Yeah. Just go see Zelo. I’m sure he’d love to hang out with his leader.” Himchan snickered.

Yongguk’s face turned every possible shade of red. It was no secret that Yongguk had a crush on the youngest. Well, it was more along the lines of obsession. Yongguk would always steal little glances at Zelo when he thought the youngest wasn’t looking or he would linger around the youngest a bit longer than he should.

“Just tell him how you feel. I’m pretty sure he feels the same way about you.” Himchan stated as he waved a hand at the eldest.

“I can’t. I’ll just make a mess out of it. You know I’m terrible at expressing my feelings.” Yongguk said nervously.

“Fine. Don’t come crying to me though when Zelo finds someone else. You have your chance.” Himchan informed him.

Yongguk chose to ignore that comment as he swiped a brownie from the container leaving a nagging Himchan behind him as he rushed to their shared room.


Himchan stood over the stove grumbling about Yongguk acting childish. He sighed and quickly finished making dinner. He glanced over to the brownies and noticed that half of them were already missing. Those guys are gonna get it later, he thought to himself.

“Dinners ready!” Himchan yelled out as he set the dining table.

All five guys scurried out of their rooms and quickly sat down in their respectable seats. Daehyun and Youngjae were busy playing tonsil hockey and Himchan shot them a dirty glare.

“No tonguing each other at the dinner table!” Himchan screeched.

The youngest of the six suddenly started giggling to himself.

“What’s so funny?” Himchan asked, arching his brow.

“Your face looks funny Himchan.” Zelo said as he started giggling again.

If this was a cartoon then Himchan would have steam coming out of his ears right now. He chose to ignore the youngest and focus on eating his food instead.

“I’m starving!” Daehyun said as he pulled his mouth off of Youngjae’s long enough to shove some food into his mouth.

Youngjae had his head down and blushed as he could feel all eyes trained on him.

Nobody said a word as they all quickly finished their meals and sat down in the living room to relax for the evening. Himchan and Youngjae had snatched up brownies for themselves since they had finished their dinner.



It was around an hour later when it first happened.

Daehyun sat on the couch beside Youngjae just staring out into space. He wasn’t even focused on the tv anymore.

“What’s wrong?” Youngjae asked him.

“My head feels funny and your face looks weird.” Daehyun said softly.

Youngjae muttered something before his eyes widened and his pupils dilated.

“Dae, your face.” Youngjae mumbled as he started giggling.

“The room is dancing.” Zelo mumbled as he had his head in Yongguk’s lap and looking at the wall.

“I want to pet the puppy.” Himchan giggled as he gently stoked Jongup’s hair like he was a pet.

“Will you be my master?” Jongup asked Himchan through puppy dog eyes.

“Yes. All puppies need a master.” Himchan giggled.

Jongup frowned at Himchan, while the older of the two stared at the wall.

“What’s wrong with the puppy?” Himchan asked as he looked down at his adorable puppy.

“Puppy needs to potty.” Jongup whispered.

“I’ll take puppy to potty then. No accidents in the house.” Himchan replied.

Both boys stood up and took very very slow steps towards the bathroom. They both looked like they were walking in slow motion.

Himchan patiently waited outside the bathroom for his puppy to finish doing his deed. He noticed his vision started to blur and he placed his hand on what he thought was a wall. It wasn’t a wall but Jongup’s legs instead.

“I like this wall. This wall feels nice.” Himchan murmured as he leaned against the “wall.”

Jongup started to make whining noises like an actual puppy.

“Puppy. What’s wrong?” Himchan questioned as he ran his hand up the “wall.”

“Puppy is lost.” Jongup whimpered.

“Master will help puppy find his way back.” Himchan stated.

Himchan suddenly let go of the “wall” and got on all fours and started to crawl.

Jongup also followed after Himchan and started to….bark? Yes, he started barking like an actual dog.



Meanwhile, Zelo and Yongguk were busy staring at the ceiling now when they heard barking noises.

“Dogs are loud.” Zelo giggled.

“Si.” Yongguk replied.

Zelo just smiled before he rolled over and placed his face on Yongguk’s crotch.

“It’s dark in here now.” Zelo mumbled although it was muffled.

Yongguk just lightly grabbed Zelo’s dark blue locks of hair and pulled his face to the side.

Zelo started giggling uncontrollably followed by Yongguk laughing in that deep voice of his.



Daehyun and Youngjae were still sitting on the couch but they were staring at Himchan and Jongup who were crawling in slow motion on the floor like a pair of dogs.

Both of the vocalists started to giggle like school girls as they watched what was happening.

“Puppies are so funny.” Daehyun giggled.

“I think the brown one is cute.” Youngjae giggled.

“I like the black one!” Daehyun replied.

“Let’s take them home with us.” Youngjae said happily.

“Yeah! Good idea!” Daehyun replied.

Both vocalists slowly stood up from the couch and stumbled over towards the two “puppies” laughing the whole way.

Youngjae leaned down to Jongup and patted his head, “want to come home with me little puppy?”

Jongup just barked in response. If he was an actual dog I’m sure his tail would be wagging right now.

Daehyun was hovering over Himchan staring at him intensely, “come with me little puppy. I’ll take care of you.”

Himchan nuzzled his face into Daehyun’s outstretched hand and gently it. Daehyun giggled a little before him and Youngjae brought the “puppies” back to the couch.

All four members were now curled up next to each other sleeping soundly.


On the other couch Zelo and Yongguk were busy giggling at very random things. Zelo nuzzled his head into Yongguk’s crotch and the eldest let out a grunt.

“Can I have your lollipop?” Zelo asked sweetly as he batted his doe like eyelashes.

“What?” Yongguk questioned.

“The lollipop in your pants. I want it.” Zelo mumbled.

Yongguk’s eyes widened as he realized what Zelo was actually talking about.

“You want my……lollipop?” Yongguk asked in disbelief.

“Yes. I want it but you’re being greedy and not sharing.” Zelo pouted.

Before Yongguk could reply Zelo had crawled into his lap and grinded down hard on his crotch. Yongguk let out a not so quiet moan.

“Give it to me.” Zelo whispered seductively in the leader’s ear.

All form of sanity was thrown out the window as Yongguk gripped Zelo’s hips and threw him on the couch purposely shoving his clothed in the younger boys face.

“Is this what you want?” Yongguk asked in a deepened voice that sent shivers down the youngers spine.

“Yes.” Zelo said confidently.

“Then take it.” Yongguk smirked.

Zelo hungrily his lips and went in for the kill.


The following morning was awkward to say the least. Jongup had woken up on the couch in Youngjae’s arms while Himchan woke up to Daehyun’s in his face.

Himchan quickly smacked Daehyun’s earning a yelp from the younger, “wake up! You is in my face.”

Daehyun yawned and stretched all while wiggling his in Himchan’s face. Himchan growled and sunk his teeth right into Daehyun’s firm . The Busan boy quickly shot up off the couch and started fiercely rubbing his .

Jongup gently woke up Youngjae as they all stood up from the couch and looked to where Yongguk and Zelo were.

Yongguk was passed out on the couch with only a pillow covering his private area. Zelo was also with his pale bare in the air and his head resting on a pillow. A few bite marks could be seen on his skin.

Himchan stomped over to them and shook them both awake. Zelo just turned his head and stared at the visual. Yongguk grumbled something before he blushed once he realized he was and lying beside Zelo.

“What happened last night?” Jongup questioned them.

“I have no idea but my head is throbbing.” Daehyun mumbled as he yawned a little.

“My head hurts too, and why can’t I remember anything?” Youngjae asked.

“I don’t think those were normal brownies we had.” Zelo mumbled.

All five members face palmed at the youngest. Of course they weren’t normal brownies, they all realized that once they started losing their sanity. The question is, what was in those brownies?

“I’m going to go change in my room now. Zelo and Yongguk put some clothes on. Nobody wants to see all that.” Himchan motioned to them in disgust.

The visual walked off to his and Yongguk’s room and let out an ear piercing scream.


Looks like Jongup didn’t make it to the bathroom after all.

A/N: I honestly have no clue what this was. HAHA!! I think I need some serious help cause I'm losing my mind here. Comments and subscribers(?) are very welcome here. I hope you enjoyed this!! Thanks for reading!! ^_^

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Chapter 1: Omfg!!! LMFAO!!!!!! This is so funny, really!!
Chapter 1: hahahhahahhha xD xD omg this came out of nowhere and so funny hahaha.
xD *upvotes*
Chapter 1: your lolipop Yongguk... sry it cut off
Chapter 1: omg i couldn't stop laughing. Especially at the end. Poor Jongup haha! and a making out daejae! whoo... haha share y


rararakun #7
Chapter 1: lolwhaaaaaat omg I'm laughing like a maniac thanks to this fic XD
Chapter 1: damn this is soo funny xD and the lollipop... xD
Chapter 1: hahahaha omo was funny!!