Chapter 3

Can't Let Go [Unknown how long Hiatus]

Chapter 3

Stretching, JungEun walks down the hall. She was on her way to Krystal’s room to meet up with her. “Aish, what should I do?” she asks. She looks down at the floor as she walks. “Hey JungEun.” Looking up JungEun sees Amber walking toward her. JungEun put on a small smile and waves. “Hey. Coming from Krystal’s?” she asks as they stop in front of each other.
Amber nods. “Yeah, now I’m on my way to class.” she informs. JungEun nods. “Okay. Well I don’t want to hold you up.” she says. Amber shrugs. “I’ll see you later.” she says. JungEun nods. With that the two walks their separate ways. JungEun lets out a small sighs as she stops in front of a certain door. She then knocks.
A minute later, the door opens revealing a girl with long black hair in two ponytails. “Hey Sulli.” JungEun greets the girl, smiling. The girl smiles back. “Hey JungEun. Come on in.” she says. Stepping aside, Sulli lets JungEun into the room. Once in, Sulli closes the door before going to sit on one of the two beds that were in the room.

A second later, a door from the other side of the room opens and Krystal walks out. “JungEun you’re here.” she says smiling. Walking over to JungEun, she grabs her hand and pulls her over to the other bed in the room. As they sit down, Krystal turns to JungEun. “Ah, so much has been going on and we just have to tell you.” she says.

“Things like what?” JungEun asks. Sulli turns to them. “Remember how Luna was crushing over someone and wouldn’t tell us who it was?” she asks. JungEun nods. “Well, it turned out to be Onew.” Krystal reveals. JungEun looks at her. “Really? That’s great. If I remember correctly, he said that she was his ideal type.” she says.

“Yeah, they went on their first date two days ago and should be going on their second one tonight.” Sulli says. JungEun smiles. “That’s great. Oh, how are Victoria and Nichkhun doing?” she asks. Sulli and Krystal shake their heads. “Same as usual. They are still one of the couples that make everyone envious of them.” Krystal says.

“Oh I heard Taeyeon and Jessica are off again with Sunny and Tiffany.” Sulli states.

“Yeah, they all had a fight last week.” Krystal says.

“What were the fights about this time?” JungEun asks.

“Jessica just said that it was just another regular fight.” Krystal says.

“I swear like every three months both couples break up. Then get back together.” Sulli says.

“I know, I don’t understand it.” JungEun says.

“As many times as they break up and get back together, it makes you think that it’s just for fun or something.” Krystal says.

“I agree. So, what about you JungEun?” Sulli asks. JungEun looks at her. “What about me?” she asks. Krystal looks at her. “Have you got your eye on someone?” she asks. JungEun shakes her head. “Nope.” she simply answers. Sulli and Krystal sigh. “Really, no one? Why so boring?” Sulli asks. JungEun lets out a laugh. “Okay, okay, I have been looks at a few people.” she says.

“Really? Who?” Krystal asks. JungEun tilts her head to the side. “Well first have been the Jo Twins.” she says. Sulli looks at her. “Oh you mean YoungMin and KwangMin?” she asks. “Ah, they are so cute.” she says. JungEun nods. “I know right. Also Miss Nicole.” she says. Krystal and Sulli sighs. “Ah, you’ve always had a little crush on Nicole.” Krystal says. Sulli nods. “I know. For like a year now.” she says.

“But she’s so pretty.” JungEun says. Krystal nods. “Yeah we know.” she says. JungEun looks at Sulli. “What about you?” she asks. Sulli shakes her head. “There’s no one.” she says. JungEun pouts. “And you were calling me boring?” she asks. Sulli looks at her. “Okay there is someone.” she says. JungEun leans toward her. “Who is it?” she asks.

Sulli shakes her head. “I’m not telling.” she says. JungEun lets out a small whine. “How come? I told you.” she says. Sulli just shakes her head again. JungEun looks at Krystal. “Do you know?” she asks. Krystal nods. “Yep, of course I do. I’m her roommate.” she says. JungEun puffs out her cheeks. “Aish, roommates’ secrets.” she says. “This is why I need a roommate.”

“Can I join you two?” JungEun asks. She then looks at the two with puppy dog eyes. Sulli and Krystal laughs. “Even if you could, there’s no space in this room for another person.” Sulli says. JungEun nods. “That’s true.” she says. “Aish, I knew I should have moved into the room with Minako when Samona left and moved into the room with Henry.” she says.

“Why didn’t you?” Krystal asks. JungEun shrugs. “I don’t know. But now it’s a little boring being in a room by myself.” she says. Sulli shrugs. “Well there are a lot of people at this school that would love to change spots with you and not have a roommate.” she says. JungEun nods. “Yeah but you two already have two of the best roommates.” she says.

Krystal smiles. “Well you can always do sleepovers.” she says. JungEun shakes her head. “Yeah, I’ve stopped doing sleepovers.” she says. Sulli looks at her. “Why?” she asks. JungEun looks at Krystal. “Because every time JungEun did a sleepover at someone’s room, Taeyeon and Jessica would come and get her the next day and have her spend the night at their room.” Krystal says.

“Well why is that bad?” Sulli asks. JungEun looks at her. “Because they don’t care what I have to do, I’m staying with them. And sometimes I’m trapped sleeping over in their room for more than one day.” she says. Krystal lets out a laugh and nods. “That’s true. One time they keep her for like two weeks. They would hardly let her go back to her own room.” she says.

“Yeah instead when I was sleep, they would sneak off to my room and get my stuff, that way I wouldn’t use the excuse that I have to go get stuff from my room just to leave.” JungEun explains. Sulli looks at her. “Why did they keep you there?” she asks. JungEun looks at Krystal. “What excuse do they give you?” she asks.

“Oh, because they’re broken up with Tiffany and Sunny so they need something to occupy their time.” Krystal says laughing. JungEun looks at Sulli. “I’m sometimes like a pet to them for some reason.” she says. Sulli lets out a laugh. “Really? I never knew that.” she says. Krystal looks at her. “I think that’s because you wasn’t here when it all started.” she says. “It’s all really crazy.” she adds.

“After a few months, I got used to it. It’s better that way.” JungEun says making Krystal laugh. Krystal looks at Sulli. “I’ll inform you about the whole story later.” she says. Sulli nods. “Oh, wait, Taeyeon and Jessica just broke up with Tiffany and Sunny again. Does that mean they might come for you again?” she asks. Krystal and JungEun looks at each other.

“Aw man. You’re right.” JungEun says as Krystal laughs at her. Krystal pats her on the back. “Well at least most of your classes stopped. It means you won’t be late to them this time.” she says. JungEun sighs. “Ah, that’s true.” she says. Krystal pats JungEun on the back. “I wish you luck on that.” she says.

“Now onto what else I have to show you.” Krystal says moving off the bed and standing up. “Me and Sulli went shopping the other day and brought some amazing stuff.” she says and motions for her to get up. With that Sulli and JungEun stands up and follows Krystal to the closet. “You’re going to love these outfits.”


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~


And that’s Chapter 3. :D

Sorry if it seems a little boring.

This chapter is basically just girl talk just random information thrown together. XD

It’s just telling you some things about some of the side characters like: Luna, Victoria, Taeyeon, and Jessica.

But some of the random information in this chapter is important for future chapters. So I hope you paid attention. XD

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Waffles #1
Yay your back and JungEun is kicking
MeDeux #2
Omo that means the kiss is on the tape, right?
@Mccraeheather: Taeyeon is with Sunny. And Jessica is with Tiffany.
Waffles #4
Haha I just realized how much of a player JungEun is she has 3 girls, though not when she wants them, still she has 3 girls after her and yet no girlfriend or boyfriend<br />
I also love how accepting her family and friends are not even going to help her<br />
Oh and Taeyeon is with Sunny right or is Jessica with Sunny
this is awesome :o
@mccraeheather XD okay give me time to write them then I'll post them as soon as I can. :D
Waffles #7
Awesome an update your friend is awesome for letting you use the computer and wow JungEun is like everyone's toy and a one at that doing 2 girls back to back some energy she has and yes we want those scenes lol
@pinkbubbles you want those parts?
OMG U UPDATED!! <3<br />
and make with JungEunXTaeyeon and JungEunXJessica and then go on with the story!! :]
its ok! update when you can ^^