Let's Break Up


I glanced at my side, there she was sitting by my side, while resting her head lightly on my shoulder. I felt her warmth nears me, but why I felt coldness wrapped around my heart slowly? I looked at our entwined hand. I raised it a little, looked at her reaction. But she seems impassive. I observed our entwined fingers. My clean-cut nails with her manicure nails, at other people perspective we looked like a sweet couple, but ironically deep in my heart I felt our entwined hands were not fitted. Like we’re not make for each other. I ran my thumb on her pale knuckles before kissed it, but still no reaction from her. Slowly; reluctantly I released the holding make she looked up.


“Do you feel what I feel right now, Soojung?”


She raised her eyebrows, “What do you mean?”


I let out a forced chuckled; keeping my gazed steady upfront, “You know everyone said we’re perfect fit, but I felt we’re different.”


“That’s why we’re perfect fit, we’re different to complete each other emptiness.” She replied.


“But why I felt we don’t? I felt we’re far different…Too contrast to be with each other…” I clenched my fist.


I heard no words from Soojung, make me looked at her, “Every day after I woke up, I will pray our relationship will become more meaningful and more affection from yesterday. But I want to give up now. Maybe we fated to meet only as friend not as lover.”


A several minute silence, “Are you breaking up with me, Kyungsoo?”


I slowly nodded while readying myself for any hard slapped, but after a long time I didn’t receive any.


Soojung still looked at me, with a blank expression; “Will you live happily without me?”


I startled heard her question, I opened my mouth but nothing came out; not even a sound.


“Will you be happy without me?”


Still no answer from me.


“I want you to be happy even without me. Because you’re my happiness. So, find another partner before break up with me.” Soojung replied before stood up and walked a few steps front before came to halt, “I’ll pretend I don’t listen the break-up word.” She said while looking at me from her shoulder before continued her walking.


Hearing her words make my dead heart slowly beat faster, just like the first time I met with her at the music store. My stomach wobbling just like when the first time she placed a chaste kissed on my cheeks. My head spinning just like when we have our first deep kiss in front of her house. With wobbled legs I stood up and chased for her.


I leaped and hugged her small back figure, “I’m sorry.”


I heard the small chuckled before she turned around and nestled comfortably on my chest, “Don’t just break-up with me without any reason. I want you to be happy even without me, love.”


“And I regret my words, baby. I’m sorry, I just a fool that felt insecure. I promise you I’ll love you more than yesterday.” I said before gave a kiss on her forehead.


“You don’t need to be insecure, love. You just need to trust in our love, in me.” Soojung said before looked straight to my eyes, make me felt warmness creeping in my soul.


“I am, I trust you, and I trust in your love, baby.” I said before cupped her face lightly.


“I love you, Do Kyungsoo.” Soojung placed her lips on mine, make me felt light-headed. I replied it fervently before mumbled against her lips, “I love you too, Jung Soojung.”




Experimenting a new couple.







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sooju_ #1
Chapter 1: dont feel insecure. kyungsoo-yaaaa!....
Chapter 1: I actually like Kyungstal a lot more than Kaistal. It just seems that Krystal would like Kyungsoo better.
Chapter 1: Kyungstal kyungstal kyungstal ♡
exostal #4
Beautiful <3
Love your story ;u;
risantiica #5
Chapter 1: uwaaaaaah kyungstal kekekekeke i love it:)
Chapter 1: oh my kyungstal feels <3333 this is good. make another one please. but longer that this please?? kekeke
Chapter 1: kyaa..when I know this is kyungstal fic,I'm really excited.I love them,especially at Goodbye Summer,they make beautiful harmony.thanks for this beautiful fic,author-nim ^^
hwangrin #8
Chapter 1: kyyaaa!! sweet!
keep writing^^
katiedoll565 #9
Chapter 1: Ahhh such a good story!