
My Royal Romance II

"I couldn't think properly as I replayed what Jongin told me silently to myself. Baek had a huge crush on Yuri? Well that's understandable since she's definitely very pretty, but does he still like her? Am I just a rebound to him? An anxious pit grew in my stomach and I wanted to escape this whole dinner situation and to go home to think about everything carefully. 

Xiumin must've noticed my quietness and cocked his head before calling out my name. My head snapped up to look at him and he asked, "Miyeon, are you okay?" I nodded and gave him a soft smile to reassure that I was absolutely fine, even though really, I wasn't at all. Baekhyun glanced at me with a concerned look. 

"You full?" he asked, blinking innocently at me. 

"Uhhh yeah," I nodded again. Really, I was still hungry, but I didn't feel that comfortable eating when I had conflicting thoughts in my head. 

"You sure? You ate so little," Baekhyun jutted his lips out in a cute pout. I forced a smile and nodded my head. Just seeing him can give me such a head rush and it's so annoying how I'm so anxious over the whole Yuri-Baek thing. Come on, it's not like he can really keep on liking her after she's married and clearly in love with Kris right? She's not that type of person, I think firmly. Don't worry about it too much or you'll get gray hairs, I told myself silently. It's not worth the trouble and stress, oh no it's not. 

Quietly, I sat at the table and glanced over at everyone. 

Chanyeol was loudly chatting to Luhan about his fiance and I smiled crookedly as I noticed that he glowed brightly. Oh gosh, I bet him and his future wife are so cute together. Next to Luhan, sat Sehun and he was having a contest with Chen to see who could eat the fastest. Obviously, Chen is leading the race easily, however, the maknae was slowly catching up to him. Across from them was a disgusted Suho who could only watch in horror, pushing his plate away from him as his appetite had left him. Next to him was Kai, or Jongin, who was eating quietly, listening to Chanyeol ramble on and on. Yixing and Minseok conversed happily, laughing over video games and jokes. Kyungsoo ate neatly, dabbing his heart-shaped lips with a pristine white napkin and Tao was giggling like a child as he played around with Ace, with Yuri and Kris cooing and laughing along to the toddler who couldn't stop giggling like the Chinese boy. Everyone looked so ecstatic and enjoyable. 

I glanced over at Baekhyun, and saw him give Chanyeol a funny look. His eyebrows were furrowed in a cute way and his lips were a small drawl on his face. 

"Oh my gosh Chanyeol I can't believe you would ask that." He commented, giving the happy boy a look that said "what the heck were you thinking?" 

"S--sorry," Chanyeol apologized sheepishly, scratching the nape of his neck nervously. 

"Haha what did he say this time?" Kris asked, smiling easily at the happy virus. 

"Nooo don't say it! It's so embarrassing!" Chanyeol covered his face, which turned a brilliant red that matched his hair. Luhan just laughed. 

"He asked if Luhan's cousin was as pretty as him," Baekhyun laughed loudly, unable to hold back his tears as well. 

"Sh--shut up oh my God, I was just wondering and--" Chanyeol babbled on and on, explaining how it would be awkward if Luhan was prettier than his cousin or whatnot, when Luhan just shut him up with a sweet laugh and a "don't worry my cousin is really cute." 

The giant's cheeks still burned a rosy pink, but he grinned widely and nodded with resolve. 

Everyone went back to their conversations and food and even though I hadn't spoken a peep in a while, I was still having more fun than I thought I would've. Turning my head, I was startled to see Baekhyun staring at me with intense curiosity. 



"Do you need something from me?" I asked, cocking my head in confusion. 

"No no, I was just admiring my future wife, that's all," Baekhyun said cheesily and sent me a cheeky grin. My face grew hot with embarrassment and I made eye contact with the ground. 

"Thank you, " I murmured. "but there's nothing really to admire..." 

"You're just being humble. You have a cute nose and to me, noses are so ugly. Like oh my gosh noses are ugh, but your nose isn't ugh," Baekhyun shuddered at the thought of them and I giggled. 


"Yes, noses." 

"You don't like noses?" 

"I think they're so weird." 

His proclamation against a body part had me chuckling at him. Out of all things, he just had to think noses were weird, and it was noses. Oh gosh, I can never get over this. Rolling my eyes, I replied, "And my nose is cute?"


"What if I got plastic surgery?"

"No! Absolutely not, you cannot change your perfect nose because if you do, I'll forever lament on how you gave up your pretty little nose for plastic surgery." Baekhyun said stubbornly.

"Dang, you must really like my nose a lot," I answered, pressing against it with my index finger and laughing softly. "I guess I shouldn't do plastic surgery for my nose then."

"Yeah, never do it!" Baekhyun agreed and brought up his fist, extruding out his pinky. "Promise?"

I linked pinkies with him.



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We finished dinner shortly, and the maids cleaned up the tables. Everyone was resting in the living room, which was a room the size of my whole house, and had a giant TV near one wall, and lots of furniture throughout the room. The TV was to a comedy movie, but our gazes were focused on Ace, who was babbling baby talk and crawling all over the floor. He captured the full attention of the maknaes, Sehun, Jongin, and Tao, and they laid on the ground and tried to play with him. 

"Oh gosh, I can't wait until you fetuses have babies," Yuri joked. 

I noticed Baek giving her a quick glance, and laughed, sending a pang to my heart. Was I so sure that he stopped liking her? What if he still harbored secret feelings? 

Shaking those thoughts and jealousy away, I just paid attention to Ace, who was busy gumming on a rubber toy that Chen had given him. 

"Ahh, Ace is such a good baby." Luhan said. "He's never fussy." 

Yuri laughed sweetly and rolled her eyes. 

"She's quiet just like Kris," she answered, giving her husband a sassy glance. "Maybe he'll have my fiesty spunk when he grows up?" 

With that comment, Kris groaned. "I don't want to deal with another baby like you though," he grumbled. "You're worth a handful!" Yuri just pouted. 

"But you love this sassy baby though!" She used her hands to make a v-shape around her face, laughing with embarrassment. Kris rolled his eyes and flicked her forehead. "Oww!" 

Baekhyun laughed and said, "Hyung! You're so mean to your cutie wife!" 

Okay, that really sent a pang to my heart. I made sure not to show my hurt, but that comment lowered my self-esteem by a tenfold. Does he think that Yuri has a cute nose too? Why did I feel so special when he said that to me? He clearly thinks that other people have cute noses. I'm not the only girl to him. Of course I'm not. 


I blinked and saw Ace in front of me, cheerily climbing onto my lap. "Aww," I instinctively said, grabbing onto him, and settling him on my lap. 

"Hi Ace," Baekhyun cooed, poking his giant cheeks adoringly. The baby just looked up at your fiance with wide, curious eyes, making a weird gargling sound, and cocking his head. 

"Say hi to noona and hyung!" he pinched Ace's cheeks endearingly, joyfully playing around with him.

"Yaah, Baek is so good with kids!" Yuri complimented, and I saw a slight pink tint on his cheeks. Was he blushing? Oh my God no way. 

"Thanks," he mumbled sheepishly. Oh my God, don't tell me he really has a crush on her. I can feel the suspense heavy on my shoulders, my stomach starting to feel nauseous again. Byun Baekhyun, you are really one dumb and confusing boy. "Me and Miyeon are gonna have the cutest kids!" He wrapped an arm around my shoulder as I smiled weakly. Damn right I'm gonna have your babies if you like another girl! Anger surged through my body along with stress and confusion and basically upset feelings. What does Baekhyun really think about me? 

After a few hours of just talking and playing with Ace, I checked the time and saw that it was already ten. "Ah, I have to leave now. It's getting really late," I stood up and announced, bowing. "Thank you all for letting me eat dinner here and letting me stay so for long. I have to get home before my parents get really worried about me though."

"Aw really? We enjoyed your stay! Thank you for coming to join us for dinner; it was a really fun time with you around!" Yuri got up and gave me a hug. As much as I was jealous of her, I couldn't seem to dislike her too much because she was so nice and sweet to me. Hating her would only leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Do you have a ride? Do you need me to drive you home?" Baekhyun asked.

Carefully, I replied, "Uhh I don't have a ride home."

"Ah," he nodded. "I'll drive you then."  

"I don't want to trouble you though," my brows furrowed. It would be a nice gesture if the fact that he liked Yuri wasn't bothering me too much. 

"It's not a bother! I'm just doing all I can for my beautiful soon-to-be-wife!" Baek grinned brightly. 

"Haha yeah thanks." 

My answer was awkward and I hoped Baekhyun didn't think too much of it. Luckily, I guess he didn't because he quickly ran off to grab his keys in his room, leaving me with enough time to say good bye to everyone. 

"We'll miss you, noona!" Sehun said with a childlike innocence. "I hope you come back soon okay? I wanna see my pretty sister-in-law!" 

That boy really has some charm. 

"Don't worry Sehun, noona will come back with some candy for you," I teased the taller male, poking his nose. 

He pouted and replied, "Dang noona, you treat me like I'm ten." 

"There there, noona might think of you as eleven one day, you just have to wait, okay Sehunnie?" I patted his head and he narrowed his eyes and whined like a child. 

"Fine! Jeez noona will be a grandpa before she'll think of me as an adult." 

Instead of taking it as an insult, I just pat his cheek before saying goodbye to everyone else. 

"You better come back and see my fiance when she comes okay? She comes in a few days so please come! It'll be a lot of fun!" Chanyeol exclaimed excitedly. "I'll get Baek to call you!" 

"Yes yes, of course I'll come," I promised, laughing at his hyper personality. "I can't miss seeing your fiance, can I?" 

"No you can't!" Chanyeol proclaimed loudly and proudly. Chuckling, I said goodbye to everyone else, and Baek came right on time. 

"Hey I got my keys," he smiled as he strided across the room effortlessly, wrapping his arm around my waist when he stood next to me. "You ready?" I nodded and he guided me to the garage, which held a ton of cars. 

"Dang, you guys are rich. How many cars are in here?" 

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows, before shrugging. "I lost count at 34," he said nonchalantly.

I felt my world reel around; oh my God there's more than 34 cars? Royal families are hecka rich. I wish I was rich like them oh gosh. Baek led me to a cleanly polished black car, and opened the passenger door. "Ladies first," he said politely, and I thanked him before climbing in. It was airy inside and there was even a pineapple scented charm hanging from the mirror. Baekhyun entered the car and sat in the driver's seat, turning on the car. We both buckled up and he started driving steadily. 

I have got to admit, he is a really random driver. He would be smooth and graceful, as if gliding on water, but then he would get reckless and his turns would get sharp and that's when I think I'm about to die. Taking another sharp turn, he grunted an apology and I sat there silently, trying to recover from the last turn. If I knew he was this bad at turns, I would've drove, God this boy needs proper teaching on how to turn and make people feel good. Soon, he reverted back to his smooth driving and I slightly relaxed, before we got to my home, him screeching to a stop. 

"Thanks for the ride," I said. "It was really nice." 

"Yeah sorry for the horrible driving," he said sheepishly, scratching the nape of his neck. 

"No it was fine," I smiled softly. 

"You sure? I'll practice my driving some more so you don't have to suffer," he laughed. 

"You don't have to if you don't wanna," I answered. 

"No I will, so I can make you feel comfortable," Baekhyun answered with resolve. Gingerly, I laughed, and ran a hand through my messy hair, before reaching the seatbelt buckle. 

"I'm gonna go now," I said, clicking the red button and pulling the belt away. "Thanks for everything."

"Wait you're forgetting something." Baek blurted out. 

"I am?" 

"My kiss!" He said cheesily, causing me to blush. Don't you just want to kiss Yuri, I thought bitterly, but instantaneously regretted thinking that. That was so dumb of me to say; I literally feel like I'm getting dumber and more jealous the more time I spend with Baek. 


"Yeah, if you don't kiss me, I'll be sad," Baekhyun sobbed, faking tears. I rolled my eyes at him; what a ridiculous boy. 

"What if I don't wanna kiss you because you're gross?" 

"I, Byun Baekhyun, am not gross!" he gasped with indignation. "I am very very very very very clean and neat and tidy!" 

"I haven't seen your room, but Minseok tells me it's quiet a mess," I laughed. 

"Don't listen to him, listen to me! I'll die if you don't kiss me!" Baek groaned. Chuckling, I sighed. 

"Fiiine, I'll kiss you." I rolled my eyes. 

"Really?" Baekhyun perked up. 

"On the cheek?" 

"Fiiine," he whined, and presented me with his cheek. "Here's Byun Baekhyun's one of a kind cheek! The softest cheek in the world!"

"You're an idiot," you laughed and gave him a quick peck. "Night." 

"Good night. Get in safely okay? I know you just kissed the Byun Baekhyun's cheek, but don't fall!" 

"Well aren't you cocky?" you laughed and nodded, opening the door. "See you next time." 

"See ya," he flashed one of his brilliant smiles, his pearly whites practically glowing at my face. I shut the door, and waved at him, before stepping into my house, and hearing him drive away recklessly. A small, yet bittersweet smile found itself on my face and I sighed. What am I gonna do with that dumb Byun Baekhyun? 


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Hi guys! omfg I'm seriously so sorry for the super late update, ugh. Life has been so busy, but now that school's over I can actually finally work on this story. (: I hope you guys liked this chapter (it wasn't proofread omg sorry again ;~;) and I hope you guys comment! ^^ Have a nice night! 


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[2014.8.16] ayyy i updated tho hollaa


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Chapter 15: Aww they are so cute.i love this story.
jajoesomma #2
Chapter 14: Enjoyed the series. Beautiful ending but would love to have read more about Chanyeol and Fei and maybe an update on the other guys and Seoyeon.....Are they too all in happy marriages/relationships? Anywho much appreciation for your efforts and good luck in your future endeavors. Fighting!
lyhome #3
Chapter 14: Hahaha gorilla hands xp
Good job authornim
I'll miss this story also
Hiavanui #4
Chapter 12: That's sooo cute ^ w ^
lyhome #5
Chapter 12: Aww so cute
But sehun is a bit........ He could at least let Miyeon in for a while
EXOticsMia #6
Chapter 12: Awww ~~ both of them are so cute >< I hope you make a good happy ending with some fluffy scene too >< Haha...
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 11: what happened to the sudden font change :OOOO
jihyo55 #8
Chapter 10: I can't wait for the next chapter^^
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 10: Still shipping Krisyu couple so much whatever their ship name is