First (Part 1)

School for Gifted Youngsters

That day.

That day nothing was expected. It was regular, meaningless, even boring.
And it stayed that way... only for the firsts nine hours of it.

A very excited Leeteuk opened the front doors of the school, and stepped in. He looked around, with a big smile, his dimple was showing. He saw no one around, everyone was supposed to be in class.

The winged man looked back, and noticed him being standing alone there. Chuckling, he stuck his head out "C'mon!" He said, with a gentle tone.
Leeteuk stepped aside.

...a shy, skinny boy entered slowly the place that was going to be his new habitat from now on.
He struggled with all his big luggage. He had a big backpack, an overstuffed messenger bag across his shoulder, two bags in one hand, and a really heavy one in the other one...

"Okay..." Leeteuk took another look around. "hmmm, you stay here, alright? I gotta go fix some stuff about your info, and your room. I'm gonna send someone here, okay?" The man explained, and took a few steps back "Don't. move" He added, and walked away, soon disappearing from the boy's sight.
He took his backpack off and let his bags fall to the ground.

...Evreything seemed so overwhelming, even from the spot where he was standing. The halls weren't as wide as he imagined them, or at least not this one... but that was logical, Leeteuk had told him the "school" was actually a mansion... yes, it did look like a home.

Not even three seconds later, he felt a huge wave of fear hitting him.
He didn't know how it was going to be, what were people like, how was he going to be treated. 
Will the others bully him?... Call him a witch... like the others...

Or maybe here his powers weren't as "special" as he thought, maybe the others were even greater. Maybe they'll make fun of him...

FOR GOD'S SAKE, MAYBE HE'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED... in a very fancy way.

He was surely worried... he closed his eyes and rubbed his temple, trying to convince himself that he was being silly and everything would be alright...

Steps echoed in his ears, and made him look up...
Stopping his way towards him... there was a tall man, with brown, voluminous and wild hair.

He seemed a little... puzzled?

The new boy's eyes couldn't help but stare at the guy's... tail.
It matched the colour of his hair. It was pointing up, but it wasn't moving... in fact, it was awfuly still.
He also had a pair of... kitty ears? They look cute...

God, everything about him looked so... beautiful.

Why doesn't he talk--


The face of another guy popped from the side, right in front of him. He had a smile, and a half shaved head...

"Kwon Jiyong. You can call me G-Dragon, or just GD" He said, taking the boy's hand, and shaking it with enthusiasm. "Don't tell me your name!!" GD said, and closed his eyes, faking deep concentration "You are... Lee Taemin!!" He announced, with an even bigger smile.
Taemin only widened his eyes and looked at him, confused and startled.
"I'm kidding. Leeteuk told us to come get you. I'm not a mindreader" GD chuckled. "We have one, though!"

The tutor giggled at the boy's expression. "I'm sorry. I believe jokes are the best way to make someone feel comfortable"  G-Dragon said, and took a few steps back, opening his arms. "Welcome! Welcome to our beloved School for Gifted Youngsters, Taemin. We are always excited to recieve a new friend" He said, with a cute eye-smile. "Please don't think I sound like a recorder, I really mean it"

This time a little, shy smile appeared on Taemin's face.
GD was happy, and he moved away from Taemin's way, motioning him to come with him. Tae was about to pick up his stuff, but G-Dragon shook his head and moved his arms in the air "No, leave it! It's okay, Onew will get it"

He nodded slightly and walked to the tutor's side. Tae walked shyly, following the cheerful guy, and stopped when he did... next to the gorgeous guy.

"Onew, would you mind taking Taemin's stuff to Seungri's room? He'll be staying there" GD asked, nicely.
The guy's ears pointed up, as he heard each word. His eyes looked directly at Taemin for a moment. "Yes" He responded.

His voice was so deep and attractive...

"T-T-Thank you..." Taemin stuttered, blushing...

Onew nodded... he seemed a little shy, too. As he walked away, Taemin's eyes followed him, admiring his incredible and magestic... tail.

GD smiled, patting the boy's shoulder. "C'mon! there's lots to see!"



Boy, was Taemin tired.
G-Dragon, who claimed to be his personal tutor, showed him all the place, and it was huuuge.

The first floor is exclusive for school facilities. Such as their classrooms, library, cafeteria, gym, study rooms, computer lab...
To Tae, those classrooms didn't even look like classrooms!! Yes, they had whiteboards and bookshelfs, but they were also so... cozy.
The ones he saw were small, with big windows, adorned with pretty and expensive looking courtains. The chairs were nicely padded.

The rest of the floors were where the bedrooms and recreative rooms were.
G-Dragon was kind enough to him to his room. He told Taemin he could start unpacking, or just rest and wait for Leeteuk's instructions.

The boy analized his room...
There were two beds, and they both had a night stand. There was a desk with a lamp and some books on it. There was a white door, that Taemin then checked and it was a closet. He saw there was someone's stuff there, so he quickly closed it and left it, not wanting to be intrusive.

Taemin didn't notice at first, because it was neatly placed between the bed and the wall, but all of his stuff was there already... 
Taemin blushed at the memory of that guy... 

What to call him? 
Kitty? Wolf? Animal?... Hot?

Tae only felt embarrassed and hoped he didn't have much trouble carrying his heavy stuff... but then, his little eyes caught something else. On top of his biggest suitcase, folded nicely, there were a couple of soft and furry blankets.

Those weren't his... 
Taemin didn't even packed blankets...

He stepped closer and picked them up.
They looked old. Taemin didn't mind, and extended one over the bed ,that he supposed was his, since the other one was on the decorated half of the room.
The boy dropped on his knees to make his bed the way his mother taught him, tugging every end of the blanket under the mattress.

While doing it... he started feeling kinda homesick already... but got distracted, when he run into a little label on the blanket, and it caught his attention.
It took him a few moments to figure out what it said, because of the raw handwritting, but, oh when he did...

The blue ink spelled "Onew".

...God, these weren't just old blankets, they were ONEW'S old blankets...

"Oh, my... So kind... I-I have to thank him!" Tae said to himself, unsure of why was he having such a spazzing moment over this.

As he go off his knees, he remembered something else...
With his heart pounding even faster, he threw himself to his stuff, looking for an especific bag... he sighed in relief, when he checked it was zipped closed, the same way he does it -so that he could notice if someone opened it- ...and that meant that gorgeous guy didn't see Taemin's wild collection of manga.


Onew leaned his back on the white board, crossing his arms over his chest, keeping an eye on the working students. Although... his mind was somewhere else.

Tae... min? Yes, that was his name.

He looked so... I don't know. I don't even know.

Just a few moments ago, when he had to leave the class he was watching, because Leeteuk said "He's here!"...
They always know when someone new is coming, and they are all so interested. 

Onew was expecting Taemin, and at the same time... he wasn't.
He wasn't expecting THAT.

Taemin's scent hit him from afar, and it was so... different? He smelled like cherries... and a hint of old book pages.
He must like to read a lot.

Onew could even hear his unsteady breathing. It told him Taemin was obviously nervous of being there. 
It was normal... and appealing.

He didn't know why... why he didn't just go and introduced himself, welcomed him.
He just froze the moment the boy's eyes adverted him.

Onew felt... scared? hmm. 
Maybe Taemin was dangerous, and he felt it... and yet, he gave his old blankets to the misterious creature...

Oh, God... 
Maybe it was that time of the year...

"Onew!" Joon exclaimed, waving his hand in front of him, after various attempts to get his attention nicely. Onew blinked a few times "W-What?" 

"Finished!" He smiled and showing him his notebook. "Okay" Onew said, taking it and walking a few steps to take his seat on the desk. He opened the notebook and looked for the last entry. 

"w-wait. YOU are going to grade it??" Joon asked, nervously. "Relax. I'm just gonna read it" The tutor responded. "Oh... alright, then. Here" Joon handed him the book he had. 

Since professor Gummy left him alone with her students, Onew told of them to bring any book they wanted from the library, and they were gonna write a little about any chapter/subject they liked during the class.

Onew pointed at the desk, telling Joon to leave it there. The ghost guy did, and went back to his seat, waiting for the other to finish... and distracting them. 

The moment Onew read the title of Joon's work, he rolled his eyes and rubbed his temple... it was just the topic he wanted to get off his mind...

-Mating Season-

"Hey, Joon?" 
"Why did you choose this topic..?"
"hmm, it sounded simple. And the book had cute wolves in the cover!" Joon pointed at the book on the desk.
Onew sighed... "Right..."


"Aaaah, finally" Leeteuk half smiled, when he found Taemin in Seungri's room "Finally I'm available. I'm sorry I left you there, Taemin-ah, I had other matters to take care of..."

"Oh, no! I-It's okay! Really!" Taemin smiled nervously.

"Okay~ Come with me. I have to talk to you about some stuff. Nothing serious don't worry" Leeteuk smiled, showing his charming dimple, and motioning Tae to follow him.

As the boy followed his steps, Leeteuk asked "So, who's your tutor? I sent I few to you, I don't know who went..."
"Oh.. hmm, G-...G-Dr--"
"OH. GD! He's a great tutor"
"...I ...I also saw.. O-Onew" Taemin stuttered.
"Ah. Were they nice to you?" 
Tae nodded fast. 

"Good. Well, since GD is your tutor, anything you want to know, you can ask him. But you can come to me too"

Taemin listened with well-opened eyes to everything Leeteuk said. The older man stopped walking in front of the stairs...

"So, Tae... remember what I told you on our way here?... How... everytime a new student comes, we--"
"Run tests on me?" Tae mumbled. 
"...yes. I want to know you are okay with that"
"Y-Yeah!" Tae nodded again "I understand!"

Teuk smiled "You're such a good boy. Hmm, since you just got here, today I'm just gonna take a blood sample. A little one" He said, not wanting to alarm the new student. "...t-that's okay" Tae responded.

The older man guided him downstairs to the basement, where the lab's entrance was.
Taemin was beyond impressed, seeing Leeteuk insert a code, and then having his iris checked by some weird red laser thingy.
"I though that only happened in movies!" He exclaimed, with big eyes.

The angel chuckled. It was the first time he heard Taemin talk that way. Not shy or sounding scared.

"Ah, you'll like professor Gummy, Taemin-ah. She is the responsible of all the technology you'll find here" Leeteuk tapped Tae's shoulder, to make him step inside the facility. "uh, a-and... what... what does she..." Taemin mumbled.

"What does she do?" Leeteuk smiled "hmm, to make it simple, I'll just tell you she knows everything"
"E-Everything...?" he asked, even more curious and a bit cunfused. 

Leeteuk couldn't respond his question, as they he stood in front of a transparent door that slided open on it's own, and stepping aside for the boy to come in.

The room was so white. There was a little, tall bed. The kind of bed the nurse from Tae's old school used to have.
There were a lot of gabinets, a couple of metalic tables, some devices, and a lot of other instruments.

"Please, take a seat there" Leeteuk pointed to the bed, as he took a white lab coat that was hanging next to the door, and putting it on. It covered his wings, as it was cleaner and better for the people he treated. Slowly, Tae walked, and climbed it.
He felt very intimidated. 

"Taemin, it's okay if you don't want to do this yet. We're not gonna to force you to do anything you don't want to.." The angel said, his back facing the boy, since he was talking as he put a pair of latex gloves on, and gathered the materials from the gabinets.
"N-No... I'm okay, really"

Leeteuk turned around, holding a syringe, a bad of cotton balls, a little bottle and a test tube with a black cap.
Taemin just stared at the syringe... with that long, silvery needle...

The man walked to him, pulling one of the metalic tables and setting the stuff on it. "Can you show me your right arm?"
A bit shaky, Taemin extended his arm to him.
Leeteuk poured a bit of alcohol on a ball of cotton, to cleaned Tae's forearm. The younger flinched at the cold liquid, but...
maybe Taemin wasn't completely "okay"...

With his left hand, Teuk held Tae's arm firmly, yet gently, and took the syringe with his free hand "Here it goes..."
The boy saw with worried eyes, that obviously sharp needle getting closer and closer to his skin, with all means to invade his body...

About a centimeter away from his white skin, the needle was unable to penetrate the purplish shield protecting the arm. Out of nervousness, Taemin unvoluntarily caused the needle to curve backwards...

Very surprised, Leeteuk held the useless syringe in front of his eyes, chuckling lightly after a few seconds "...remarkable"
"Oh, Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I-I was nervous, it won't happen again, I promise!" Taemin apologized, covering his face with shame, while the angel was still admiring the ability that was just displayed "Wow... Metal. Well, we can agree it was a very thin metal, but still! You bent metal, that's pretty impressive, Taemin"

The younger blushed "I-I'm sorry"
Teuk stopped staring at the syringe, to smile at him "Don't worry" he said, setting the item down on the table "My bad, should've waited at least a day, not be pointing needles at you the moment you arrive. I'm sorry" He bowed slightly, with a hand over his chest "We'll try again another day, okay?"
Taemin nodded, with pink cheeks.

"Alright! There's still some things we have to talk about" Leeteuk said "Hm, I saw your stuff is already up in the room I asigned for you, but, if you don't feel ready to be introduced to the rest of the students, we can bring your stuff for you to stay down here for a few days. You shouldn't feel embarrassed, because most of them take a while before meeting the others..."

"No! I want to meet them!" Taemin exclaimed, hurriedly... and then blushed again. "hm? Are you excited?" Leeteuk smiled.
"Y-Yes..." Tae stuttered, going back to shy boy "I-I want... I want to meet... other people who are..." He bit his lip "... like me"

The other man smiled and nodded "I can understand that. We were all alone once, Tae. You'll see how friendly these people are! And I bet they are just as excited to meet you!"
"...T-They know I'm here?"
"Well yeah. I always announce when a new student is coming" Leeteuk responded, happily. "Taemin, we also need to talk about the issue with your classes, since I don't want you to be. confused when you finally start, I'm gonna give you some books for you to read and have an idea of what you'll be learning, okay? I hope it isn't to stressful for--"


The man, interrumpted by the sound, searched quickly his pants pockets, and took a device out. He took a look at it's screen, and faced Taemin "Oh! Would you excuse me for a moment? Please don't go anywhere, okay?" Teuk put the device back in his pocket, and walked to the door, that immediately slided open. "I'll be back in five minutes, Taemin!"

"Y-Yeah!" The boy replied.

Leeteuk walked about two rooms down the hall, entering a room that was similar to the one where Taemin was, only with more equipment.

"I'm sorry, Onew! I totally forgot!" He said to the guy that was sitting on the nursery bed. "Oh, no problem" The other answered "I bet your busy" he added, with a chuckled.
Leeteuk giggled and sighed "Well, I've running around all day! I didn't even get to sleep, since I left last night. I couldn't sleep on the way here either, cause--"

As the older man walked by him, to the room's gabinets, Onew's hand suddenly grabbed Leeteuk's arm. The half beast rubbed his cheek on his sleeve, and sniffed it deeply with eyes closed.
He detected a hint of that "old books, cherry" scent...

After a few moments, Onew's eyes snapped open, and let Leeteuk go "I-I'm sorry!" 

"It's okay. I swear I didn't play with another dog" The man joked, as he walked to the gabinets, to get materials and change his gloves for a pair of new ones. 

Everyone is used to this kind of behavior coming from Onew. True, if it's your first time, is weird having a guy sniffing, , or purring against you, but once you know him well, it's really sweet and normal, and one should feel flattered.

"So, how've you been these days? Anything abnormal?" Teuk asked. "Ahh..." Onew mumbled "No..."

"Okay. Then we'll just do the regular tests, hm?" As Leeteuk said this, Onew nodded and laid down on the table. The winged man rolled a table to be near Onew's head. "Can you take your shirt off?" Teuk requested, rolling a courtain that would cover the guy's bed, in case someone happened to pass by, because of the big windows on every room.

It was a normal thing, so Onew just casually did, throwing the shirt to the ground. Leeteuk the machine that was near his student head, connecting a couple of white electrods on his bare chest. The machine started beeping, synchronized with the beat of his heart.
The older man took a quick glimpse at Onew's abs, while he fixed a few settings of the little machine "You look different from te last time I checked you. Have you've been working out more?" 

"Yes. I have a lot of energy lately..." Onew responded, too embarrassed to say he was entering the mating season of this year... 
"Well, just don't worn yourself out, okay?" Teuk grinned.

While Leeteuk checked Onew's vital signs, and compared them to the entry of the last time he checked him, he tried to talk a little "Onew, how's everything?... I mean, has anything happened this week? Something I need to know?"

"hmm... nothing special. I caught Seungri trying to get Luna to do his paper--"
"Aish! I've talked to him about that!!"
"Don't worry! We made sure he did it himself" 
"Oh, good. Anything else?" 
"hmm... no..."
"You know Onew... I didn't want to say anything or sound too immature, but" Teuk started smiling, unable to contain himself "Is it possible that you... might have a crush on Joon?~"

The beeping of the machine increased it's speed slightly. Onew's eyes widened, as he lowered his ears and chuckled nervously "What?? N-No!"
"No!... but w-why would you think that?"
"Well... I see you two together a lot. And you laugh with him"
"Yeah, he makes me laugh. He's funny"
"That's nice. And if you say there's nothing there, I believe you~" Leeteuk winked at him. But then he leaned over Onew, and whispered, as if someone could hear "By the way... is Joon okay?" he asked, with a worried look.

"...yes. He's doing well in class, and he likes watching tv a lot. I think he is okay"

Leeteuk sighed, relieved and brushed Onew's hair softly. "Oh, hey!" Teuk exclaimed "I heard you met Taemin? Our new student?"

The beeping increased more...

"Yes, I did"
"What do you think?" The older asked, a little too excited.

"W-What do you mean?"
"You know, what do you think of him? I promise I won't tell~" Leeteuk giggled, "zipping" his mouth closed. 
"I... we didn't talk, you should ask GD" Onew responded, breathing slowly to get his heartbeat back to normal.

After hearing the tutor's flat tone, Teuk frowned "You're weird today. What's wrong?"
"I'm not "weird", I'm just... a little tired"
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm fine, I swear!" Onew chuckled.

"Alriiight" Leeteuk rolled the courtain open "I think that'll be okay for today, but you can come if anything comes up--"

The sound of the door slidding open made Onew's ear twitch, and turn his eyes to the entrance.

"I-I'm sorry!! I-I just, I thought maybe something happened, I didn't know what to do..." Taemin explained playing nervously with his hands, and blushing deeply to the image of that guy that helped him earlier, shirtless...

That strange scent.
Inviting hips.
The undeniable appeal he had.

Onew could smell his pheromones.

His heartbeat increased a lot, making the beeping of the machine go crazy and loud.
The beast straightened and pulled the electrods off his skin, leaving the monitor with a flat-line sound. He got off of the table, picked his shirt from the floor, and walked pass Taemin, out of there. 

He tried not to look too rude, but he was nervous as hell.



GD grinned, waiting right outside of Seungri's -and now Taemin's- room. The new student came out, closing the door behind him.
"Are you ready?" The tutor asked.

"Y-Ye..." Taemin starting saying, but got distracted seeing GD's look... it was different from the one he had in the morning. Well... only his hair was different, but it wasn't like he just put clips on it! He had a half shaved head in the morning and now he had short blonde hair...

G-Dragon chuckled "Do I look good?" He asked, pointing to himself. Taemin blinked a few times and said "Y-Yeah! I-I just..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You don't know, right?" GD giggled to himself. Since Leeteuk always orders not to ask the new ones "what they do", he must've forgotten to tell Tae what HE does. "This is what I do" in front of they new boy's eyes, GD, not wanting to show too much, changed his hair from blonde, to pink, to silver, to black and white. He grinned and did a little hair flip. "*That*. just imagine it all over" he said, pointing to himself. 

Taemin just stood there with an open mouth. He wasn't getting used to all of this yet. "hahaha, c'mon, let's just get going. i bet you're hungry" the tutor patted his shoulder and got him to start walking. 


"Okay, listen up everyone!" The powerful voice, louder than all the chatter, made everyone in the cafeteria stop talking, with pain on their faces. 
KangIn then nodded to Leeteuk, who clapped a few times, smiling. "I bet you've all heard already, we have a student with us this day. Please, let's all be nice and don't smother him, although I'm sure he'll be happy to make new friends! His name is Lee Taemin, and remember, he's not only the new student, he's from our family now!" 

Taemin was too shy to look at anyone directly, even with Teuk, KangIn and his tutor besides him. 

"Is there anything you's like to say?" The winged-man asked Taemin quietly. Tae opened his mouth, but before any words came out, a voice between the student shouted. "Hey, can you show us what you do?" 

Leeteuk smile change into a scolding frown "I've told you, that's not how we introduce ourselves!!" 
Taemin grinned nervously. "It's-It's okay..." He didn't wanted to be too pampered. Leeteuk looked at him and said "Well... if you want to. Go ahead"

Tae looked at the students for a moment. All of those eyes staring. "I'll... I'll just do something small" He raised his voice, although it was still shaky. He quickly looked for an object, and he chose a plastic, red tray from behind him. He took it and very slowly, let go of it. However, the tray didn't hit the ground, it floated in front of Taemin, making some gasp. The manipulated object soon started to shake, and finally obeyed the gravity laws. 
"I'm-I'm sorry--"

"That's amazing!!"
"Yes, oh my God, do it again!"
"C'mon sit here!"

Soon the place was filled with the sound of chatty voices again, half was complementing the boy, and the other half was commenting on how interisting their new friend was. 

Taemin's smile grew wide and his cheeks red, trying to respond to everyone. 

There was only one person who was still, although just as amazed. Watching the boy drown in a little sea of people, Onew left his seat, and then, the cafeteria. the sound of the doors closing behind him got to Tae's ears. And althought he was happy, he had an upsetting feeling when he noticed who was the one missing afterwards.


It wasn't that Onew wanted to keep Taemin away. 
He *needed* to. The wolf guy was sure that the thing that was bothering him so much about the new one, had to have something to do with Seungri's hormones. Maybe they were being passed to Taemin, and that's why he couldn't think right and felt weird whenever he was near him. 

It was all going to pass in a few weeks. His "urges" were going to go away by then and everything was gonna be alright and back to normal. As normal as things could be around here...

But not a second sooner, apparently. One evening, a particular smell hit him while he was walking in the library. He sniffed his way to it, and it lead him to a lonely notebook abandoned in a table. He picked it up and closed his eyes to decode that scent... 



Onew wanted to growl loudly, scratch the wall, rub his face against something to let out "those feelings"... but he didn't wanted to freak the new student out... 
He was biting his tongue as he held the notebook out and Taemin took it. 

"Thank you so much!! I have a lot of notes here!! Hm, Leeteuk-hyung told me I should read all these books and I like to write some stuff down... you... you came all the way here just to give this to me?" 

Taemin wanted to talk.

"...Yeah" Onew barely mumbled.

Tae smiled, while the other simply nodded... what Taemin didn't know, was that Onew was struggling intensely with himself at that moment.

Truth was, he didn't come just to give him the notebook back, but he was also hoping to have a talk. Every since he saw was Taemin was capable of, he couldn't stop thinking about it and was deeply interested... but the second Tae opened the door, he was hit with a strong hormonal scent.
It was possible for it to come from Seungri's stuff, this was his room to, after all, and it was easy for things to get saturated with his powerful pheromone...
But it was also the Taemin's unsteady breathing and the coloring on the boy's cheeks and lips.

"Oh..." He responded, now embarrassed. "Okay... thanks" Taemin said, bowing before closing the door softly.

Taemin just couldn't get that fantastic sight out of his mind... to think that a man like that exists.
So... surreal and dazzling.


Days passed, and Onew's state only got worse.
He would find himself feeling hot during classes. His cheeks seemed to be red almost the entire day, his tail was a lot puffier than the usual and he couldn't stop rubbing his face against his own sleeves... or someone else's.

Onew didn't know why. He's been through several periods of time during his life, where he feels particulary "anxious" -and he knew what that was- but it was never this severe.

Normaly, he would just be a little too perceptive of other's pheromonal scent, or feel a bit bothered, but he could always control that...
Now it's so bad, a bathtub full of ice sounds a-ma-zing.


Classes were going great for Taemin. He was catching up with the rest just fine, and the teachers were happy with his work.
Although he was more talkative, he still felt shy around the other students, specially when it came to use his habilities. Taemin saw how the others used them all the time.

It was their life style.

For Taemin, even when he knew he was one of them, he couldn't help but feel surprised at how casual they were about it, since he never had spent any time with others like him before.

Everyday, while walking around the halls with his books, he bumped into all kinds of scenes.

Kyuhyun appears in front of him often "Oh, mian" He says before walking around him.
More than one has Joon walked right *through* him.
Eunhyuk would change from floor to floor from outside the building. At first Tae was horrified to see him climbing on the columns of the wall to go up to the ceiling and then jump outside the window. He ran and looked down with fear, but he heard a sound above his head, and he saw Eunhyuk climbing fast and with no problem, until he went inside another window.
The other day he saw a long line of Park Boms passing boxes to one another, to help get them in a storage room, while chanting "Go! Go! Go!"
If Taemin felt a sudden breeze of air next to him, he now knew it was Minho running around.

Taemin wanted time to go by faster, and feel comfortable enough to follow their example...


"Class, you can go now. The ones that didn't finish the execises, please bring'em tomorrow, okay?" Professor Gummy smiled, picking up her books and pen, before leaving the classroom.

Between laughs and light talks, everyone left the room, while Taemin was still putting his books inside his bag.

Just as he was fixing the strap around his shoulder, he looked up and saw GD hurring inside, along with TOP.
"Oh good, you still here!" GD said, running a hand through his short dark hair. Taking a few seconds to recover his breath, he chuckled, looking at TOP,then at Tae...
"So... how's everything?"

"G-Good!" Taemin smiled a bit awkwardly.
"Yes, my classes seem e-easy so far"
"Oh yeah, yeah! That's great" GD said, taking another breath afterwards.

He looked at TOP again, who threw him a look, raising his eyebrows.
G-Dragon sighed, looking a bit guilty

"Ok, listen" He said to Taemin, pulling the chair next to the boy and sitting close to him, with a hand over his desk "I kinda... need to ask you something"

Taemin was a little surprised, but let him continue.
"It's... a favor"
"O-Okay... what is it?" Tae asked, looking at both.
"U-Um..." GD hesitated, and turned his head to TOP "C'mon, do I have to?"

"Yes..." the tall man replied with a deep voice that scared Taemin a little, even when he knew he was there to help "Unless you're willing to sleep just one hour a day and promise to still be efficient and puntual, I suggest--" 
"Okay, okay!! I get it!!" GD sighed again "Listen Taemin, I need to ask you... to tell Leeteuk you want a new tutor"

"W-What?... Did I do something wrong?" Taemin asked with a worried look.
"No! I mean, I think you're one of the best students I've been assigned in years! So smart and with so much potential. The thing is... um, we, tutors..." He said, pointig at himself and at TOP as an example "...have a lot more responsabilities than just guiding students about the school matters. We also take care of the safety and security, we take over some classes, give personalized help to others and, right now, professor Gummy has designed a new project, and whenever she does that, we have to help built, create organize or whatever she needs us to do"

"U-Um... I think I understand" Taemin said.
"I'm sorry! I need you to ask Leeteuk for a tutor change, because I... I don't want him to think I'm being lazy or something. I have certain reputation as a tutor... but I also have a bunch of stuff that is gonna take all of my time, and I don't wanna neglect you..."

"Oh... well, that's actually pretty nice" Taemin smiled lightly.
"Oh, great!" GD smiled too, relieved. "And don't worry, I won't leave you wandering either, I have the perfect replacement!! Wait here!" He said, quickly running outside and leaving TOP alone with Taemin.

Taemin nervously played with his fingers, while TOP tried to find something interesting to stare at...

"So..." The man said, still looking around "You... you have telekinesis, that's pretty impressive. We've studied about it before. A person is supposed to be very poweful to do that"
"O-Oh... well, thank you, b-but remember I'm really just starting to learn, so..."

Just when Taemin was about to ask what TOP's hability was -since he didn't recall seeing it before- they both heard G-Dragon's voice from the hall.
"C'MON. You owe me a favor and you know it"

The classroom's door was pushed open and GD entered, pulling a victim with him.
He then pushed him in front of him for Taemin to see.

Oh, God.

"Your new tutor" GD announced proudly with a cute eye smile "You've already met, right?"

...Onew looked at Taemin, blushing and unsure of what to do.
"Y-Yeah!" Taemin answered, nodding.

"Well, great!" G-Dragon pulled TOP's arm "Oh Taemin, please, don't forget to tell Leeteuk, ok?" He then rushed to leave the room along with his friend, while shouting "Bye!"

Onew coughed and tried to act more secure, taking his role as a tutor "O-Ok. Lee Taemin, I'll be  guiding you from now on. You can come t-to me, for... anything you need and I'll be keeping an eye on you" 

The student listened him while looking at him with big eyes, and nodded fast when his new tutor finished.
"Ah... alright. I'll be around. Go eat something" Onew said, leaving the room as soon as he could, before he did anything weird.

Still proccesing it, Taeming mumbled to himself "...Y-yes, tutor"

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sorry to my subscribers, I was writting the update but I got tons of inspiration for my other fic "Friends like Oxygen" and I MUST write that!!!


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AsianLunatic #1
Chapter 13: "Testosterone… hormonal levels… stamina…!?!"
-LOL I bet this is Taemin's benefits in bed~
Chapter 13: OMOMMOMOMOMOMO THAT WAS FANTASTIC; YAY I'm fangirling sooooooooooooooo hard right now lol, I love how they were with each other, so cute and totally adorable keke then Onew saying that Taemin doesn't mind him seeing him changing hahahhahahaha; nearly died, can't wait to see what happens next, I'm guessing that those are Onew's results and they aren't normal for him; really looking forward to finding out what's going on, update super soon hun pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, I neeeeeeeeeeed more. <3 XD
Chapter 13: omg yay new chaper and they were soooo cute i cant wait for more my inne rfangirl is enjoying this greatly 0.e
Chapter 12: ofc i am still interested!!!! sdjsadskhfkf i wonder what happened after onew gone wild! i am glad you are back! welcome ^^
Chapter 12: So glad that you are writing this again! I just reread it recently while I was going through my old subscriptions but I'll probably come back and reread it again later when I have time xD will be looking forward to your next chapter!
Chapter 11: hahahhaha heechul the matchmaker kkkk
oohhhh asdkfjfjgl i thought somehow jinki would have calmed down when he smelled him or sth lol aajdjjfkgll
u go amber xD
Nomnommonster #7
Chapter 3: Lol minho marble
Chapter 11: *OMO Onew letting the beast out was pretty HOT, going totally wild, keke; I love how strong he is, gahhhhhh; and he totally listened to Taemin; I have a feeling I know what would have happened if Amber hadn't done what she did; Leeteuk was so cute understanding and setting that up for him to let go, but that's not what he needs, he needs to claim a mate, and Taemin is his mate; come on Heechul read Onew's mind and tell them about Taemin, poor Onew's holding back his instincts because he doesn't know Taemin feels the same, if he did everything would be ok; I loved when Heechul read Taemin's thoughts and was shocked by them keke; don't judge a book by it's cover; ;-P and when Onew howled and Taemin held his chest, it was so cool and cute, I bet it really turned him on too, keke; update super soon hun please, I really need more, I really love this story. <3 XD
Chapter 11: at heechul part when he read taemin's mind
this is more exiting....let out the beast, onew
update soon please
Chapter 11: Its good. Cant wait for the next chapter. Fighting!