Thought Process

Explanation for Song Request #1


1.     Suho was the main character for a reason--his stage name is 'to protect,' so it's only appropriate that he became the main lead.

2.     The beginning sequence is a dream, as you know, and it shows the visual version of Junmyeon's and Yeonhee's reality. There's an unbreakable barrier in between them. The girl is helpless to do anything about it, but Suho turns to drastic measures to reach her. (Hence the reason for three different ways to claw his way closer to her: hack, peel, slice. It highlights his desperation more clearly that way.)

3.     If you read the Andersen version of The Little Mermaid, you'll realize that I really twisted the ending to a more literal view of the story. (Poetic license, anyone?)

4.     Even from the very beginning, Suho showed signs of being the mermaid of the story—he is the one who falls in love at first sight, the one who went out of his way to reach out to her.

5.     The song reassures the girl that she won't turn into foam. Yeonhee, in this story, really doesn't. Suho keeps that promise. In order to stay true to that promise, he turns the situation around. He gives his heart to her, quite literally, knowing that there's no way for her to reciprocate the action. Her heart is broken, also literally, so it becomes a one-way street where Suho alone crashes and burns. He truly becomes her little mermaid. But as a reassurance to her, and also to my readers, he mentions that the mermaid doesn't disappear. Her love made her the daughter of the air, one who lingers forever. That's the effect Suho's sacrifice has: he stays with her through their shared heart.

6.     The dream sequence is repeated for a reason: it shows another reflection of their reality. As mentioned in the beginning, it's been the same dream for months. But Suho manages to break free of the cycle because of his sacrifice. "He never woke up" was a direct reference from earlier, when he woke up from the nightmare. This time, though, it isn't a nightmare: it's become a beautiful release for him.

7.     The story ends in a tragic note. "I'll call you back as soon as I can" is a false promise. It brings back reality in a jarring crash: there's no way he can return the call.

I hope this little bit of analysis shed a better light on the story. It’s nothing groundbreaking or deep, but I hope it’s helped you appreciate the story even just a little bit more. Thanks for reading, y’all. :D

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Chapter 1: Aww, just reading bits and pieces about your story just makes me wanna tear up haha >~< When you put your story this way (with the explanation and stuff) it sounds so deep. Now I see your story in a more... meaningful way. Hwaiting authornim!