Letter to Heaven

Letter to Heaven

‘To my friend, Lee Sungjong,

How long have we known each other? Since elementary school if I remember correctly, which I do. How could you leave me like that? I couldn’t forget you. I kept thinking about you. I really missed you. You were my best friend. You spent times with me. You always replied my text and calls even though you were busy playing games with your friends. I was once bullied by the school’s Queenka; you stood up to them for me. I was crying but you never failed to make me smile. You gave me your handkerchief to keep because you said I cried too much. Then you confessed me. I broke your heart by saying, ‘Sorry, I think of you as a close friend.’ I know I was bad and broke your sensitive heart. You had done so much for me but still I hadn’t paid you back. But you didn’t show any signs of sadness after the rejection. You smiled at me.

For all the years of our friendship, there was one thing you didn’t know about. I thought about it. The confession from you. I realized I did have feeling for you. But you had moved on. You liked my best friend, Jung Leeji. You confessed to her but she didn’t give you the answer. She came to me because she knew I had feelings for you so she was going to reject you. But I told her to say ‘yes’ because your heart is really sensitive so I didn’t want it to get broken again. You two started to date which made the distance between me and you friends grew apart. My friend started to grew feeling for you. She kept saying ‘sorry’. I made a promise, I told her to love you forever. I regret it every day. I wished I could go back and change everything. I missed you. I gave you a fake smile. I admit I was jealous seeing you two being a couple. It was too late to take you back.

If only I realize my feeling earlier, we would be in paradise right now. All I could do was; move on and wish you a happy life. Don’t forget our eternal friendship we had. Let’s meet in heaven.

Your friend, Chae Minyoung.

P.S: Why didn’t you tell me?’

I put the letter back in the envelope after I read it to Sungjong, who lay silently on the coffin. My best friend, Lee Sungjong, died of disease today. The disease that was kept secret from us. Only his parents knew. I was crying. Why didn’t he tell me, his best and closest friend? Did he tell his girlfriend, who he dated for 2 years? Leeji was heartbroken and kept blaming herself. I went back to my seat as I wiped my tears with the handkerchief. I sat next to Leeji.

“Minyoung, sorry for not telling you.” Leeji sobbed.

“He told you?” I asked surprised.

“Minyoung?” I heard someone voice calling me from behind me. I turned around. It was Sungjong’s mother.

“Yes, Sungjong’s mother.” I greeted her with a bow.

“This letter… Sungjong told me to give this to you.” Sungjong’s mother said as she handed me an envelope.

“Sungjong?” I said holding my tears back.

“Yes. Minyoung-ah, Sungjong had the disease since he was 10 years old. I told him to tell you but he kept saying he will live. He loved being with you. Thank you so much for coming into his life.” She said and walked away after giving me a light hug.

I went outside and opened letter. It didn’t look like Sungjong’s writing and read,

“Minyoung annyeong,

Sorry for not telling you. I didn’t want to tell you because I thought I would live. But that didn’t come true. Do you remember the day I confessed you? I was hoping for your answer to be ‘yes’, but again it didn’t come true. That day was the day I found out that I was dying. I had this this disease for 8 years. I thought it wasn’t serious but as I grew up I found out that this disease could kill people. I wanted to enjoy my rest of my life with you. That didn’t come true. Instead I spent it with your best friend, Leeji. I’m not saying it was your fault and it wasn’t your fault.

I tried to hide it. The disease caused my body movement to slow, my speech to shutter and my writing messy. You might have noticed that. When I got together with Leeji, she noticed right away. She asked me why I was walking slowly. I replied I was just tried. Leeji then said, “I know you are lying. Something is wrong with you, right? A disease? Don’t worry, I won’t leave you if you’re sick or disable. I promised I will love you forever.” When she said that, I liked her even more. She made the promise with you, didn’t she? Leeji promised me not to tell you. I told her I will stay strong and live. I tried to act normal around you even though it hurt when I moved fast.

You got a boyfriend, right? You two are cute together. I admit I’m jealous seeing you two being a couple. Minyoung-ah! Don’t forget our eternal friendship we had. I love you! Take care of Leeji. Let’s meet in our after-life. Let’s meet in heaven. I’ll be waiting. I’ll be looking over you from heaven.

Your friend, Lee Sungjong

P.S: Don’t cry when I’m gone!!’

How didn’t I notice it? We’ve been friends since elementary. How could I not notice it? I was crying as I read the letter. Is he really looking down from heaven? I looked up to the sky.

“Minyoung!! There you are. I’ve been looking for you.” I heard my boyfriend call me. He’s name was Yoo Youngjae.

“Oh. Really? Sorry.” I said

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Mm. Yea.”

“What’s that?”

“A letter.”

“Letter? From who?”

“It’s a letter from heaven.” I said as I smiled at him.

“Huh?” he gave me a confused look, which made him look cute.



I was sitting with Youngjae on a bench and out of nowhere; I saw a white dove flying towards us. It flew past us as it dropped a small scroll on my lap. I opened it and read:

‘Surprised, right? Heaven is great. You read the letter. I wanted to answer your question. Since I couldn’t say it face-to-face, I sent a dove. You saw that right?

I didn’t want to tell you because I wanted to keep you happy and didn’t want to make you worry. I knew you would cry. I didn’t like seeing you get hurt.

I told you I’m watching over you. I got your letter. Thank you and I’m sorry.'

>>Letter to Heaven: End<<


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wife_of_kris #1
Chapter 1: The beginning: aww.. so sad...*snffs*
*keeps on reading*
Then comes, 'I put the letter back in the envelope after I read it to Sungjong, who lay silently on the coffin.'
My reaction: *pauses* *blinks* WHAT??!! You...you ar a very gud author to make readers shout and cry...
Haha.. gud story!!
Chapter 1: OMG U!!! ;c y did u make me cry~!!!!! Waa~~~ sungjong-ah i will always say yes! XD (even doe he will never ask :{ haha) OMG i love this dramatic story! N I LOVE YOU~! 사랑해 author-nim~! this is the daebakest story ever~!! 친짜!! <3 <3 <3