Chapter 1

Mud puddle

Kyungsoo was wet and cold. Cycling along the country roads in the early hours, he thought, was meant to be nice and refreshing; enjoying the countryside with little or no other people about and a clear blue sky overhead.

Oh no. That couldn’t possibly have happened today, could it? Rain slashed down in sheets over himself and his ‘waterproof’ coat; which he had renamed as the biggest damn liar of the century. Sodden and dripping along the road he pushed his feet down, one after the other, again and again in the hope that the rain would stop if he ignored it for long enough.

Cycling under the trees was the worst. They collected the rain—hoarded it—until a suitably timed gust of wind would blow so the tree would dump all that water straight over Kyungsoo and his beloved bike.

Stupid weather.

He was meant to be volunteering today; but halfway there he realised, feeling his t-shirt stick to his chest, that he could do little else other than drip on their floor if he actually did arrive. So he’d called in, apologised profusely and promised to do an extra day to compensate.

So here he was, more water than human, cycling through the pot-hole ridden lanes with a slightly hollowed expression trying to cheer himself up with thoughts like ‘At least I can’t get any wetter!’

He picked his head up a little, and saw a puddle ahead- a rather big one at that and decided to try and edge his way into it, raising his feet to try and save the colour of his shoes.

An engine roared behind him and a feeling of pure “please god no” washed through Kyungsoo as the Mitsubishi raced past him, sending a muddy spray and very cold wave of water towards him.

Kyungsoo felt the wave envelope his shoes and crash into his cycling shorts. All down his right side he could feel the mud reluctantly sliding off his jacket only to fall straight onto his bare and still raised legs. He didn’t dare open his right eye or – god forbid- his mouth and held his face taut.

Keeping his arms rooted to the handlebars he glided silently out of the monstrous puddle and with a squeak of his brakes he stopped, tipping forward slightly, before planting his feet on the ground.

Taking deep breaths he kept his mind blank and willed his senses to leave his skin.

A few metres ahead the Mitsubishi had stopped, engine off, and Kyungsoo gave up on keeping calm and let the anger flood in, if only to warm his chest as he swept the mud off of the liar-of-the-century coat and gingerly off his legs with a disgusted flick of his fingers.

Pulling his hands down his face a watery mud came off into his hands as he finally released his face from a scrunch it had been trapped in.

Stamping his shoes back onto the pedals- feeling water rush between his toes- ‘bad idea’- he began to cycle again.

The Mitsubishi appeared to be waiting for him, the left side lightly dusted with the puddle but Kyungsoo chose to angrily ignore it, choosing instead to fixate his gaze on the road ahead and blocking out any occupants of the car.

He’d got about 10 metres ahead of the stationary car when he heard the engine start. The hulk of metal gingerly kept pace beside him and the electric window cautiously rolled down.

A deep voice coughed.


It was met with frosty silence.

“Uh… hey!”

Angrier frosty silence.


Kyungsoo thrashed his head to the side and delivered a heart stopping glare at the driver who had to bend over the see him from the driver’s seat.

“I’m sorry!” the driver squeaked out. Kyungsoo maintained the glare before snapping his head back to examine the road.

True, the was one of the most handsome men Kyungsoo had ever met, but right now he couldn’t give a care- he was cycling in a heavy drizzle, feeling the occasional tree gleefully drip on him and a stench of mud and something else enveloped his nostrils.

His mind began to think of going home to a cold house with no-one in it to welcome him back. He thought of waiting 40 minutes for the water to heat up for a shower and not having his clothes dry for tomorrow. He thought about how his life and how he was fed up and cold and miserable.

Everything accumulated and Kyungsoo began to cry, eyes blurring and tears mixing with the mud that stained his cheeks.

“S- man! Are you okay?” the driver grew paled and worried, flicking his head between checking the road and checking on the now drowned rat of a cyclist.

“Go. Away.” Kyungsoos voice was raw and ready to break. He hated how small and pathetic he sounded.

“I’m really sorry- I wasn’t expecting to see someone and I didn’t see the puddle… look do you want a lift?”

Kyungsoo stopped again, feet padding down onto the road.

The driver tapped on his brakes and smartly reversed so Kyungsoo was in his line of sight again.

“What... did you say?”

“Would you like a lift? If you want you can get-“ the driver cast an eye over the wary Kyungsoo, “de-mudified at my place.”

Kyungsoo considered the offer, feeling an unpleasant bead of rain slide down between his shoulder blades before being absorbed by the fabric of his shirt. Taking a deep breath and wearily closing his eyes he let out a sigh.









---------------( AUTHORS NOTE) -----------------

So chap 2 might be up tonight- who knows? haha

Either way I think it'll be updated soon

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