再びハンギング? (Hanging out again?) [Introducing harumi]

♥第一世代パワーズアカデミー (First Generation Powers Academy) [Registration OPEN! for teachers]♥

They visited the school and "checking it out" again...

They went to the Yukan Club to see the senpais...

All: OHAYOU!!!

As usual Kenbishi Yuri senpai is eating...

And Shochikubai Miroku senpai is "TECHING OUT" his laptop..

Hakushika Noriko senpai and Kikumasamune Seishiro senpai are playing a board game...

Kizakura Karen senpai is counting her love letters she received from students...

Bidou is just sitting thinking of something...

Miroku: Oh the next generation Yukan club Juniors are here!

Chii: Nii-chan what are you doing? Teach me again!

Yabuki: Miroku nii-chan don't make her hack a system until it's needed to hack some bad people's pc so we can get the info...

Rui started laughing so much....

Yuri: Rui nande?

Rui: Look at Hikaru nii-chan and Bidou! Hahahahah...The Blonde twins! Hhahaha....

Chii: Ahaha!

Takano: Seishiro nii-chan! Do we have any cases?

Seishiro: Oh you all too! We are also bored that is why we want a case...

Yoshida: It's gonna be fun!

Takekura: Yes it is....I really want to escape from boredom...

Bidou: Can't wait to start school!

Karen: NOriko! How much love letters you got?

Noriko: Eh I throwed them in the trash can..

Karen: DId you count it?

Noriko: Ummm...I think 70 letters....

Karen: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, then mine is fewer ahhhhhhhhhhh....

Noriko: I throwed them because I don't like them....

Seishiro: My head hurts...I'm really really want to go solve a case...

Miroku: Why don't we play the building...

Rui: Good idea Nii-chan!

They all built the building so they could play...

MECHANICS: Each one of the players has a turn to get a block...If the building of block doesn't fall, then the next player comes next. If one player gets a block and the building of block falls, the game is over and that player loses...

Miroku: Me first! *Picks a block and the building didn't fall* YES!

Chii: Yosh! Me next! Hooh...Careful...*gets a block and the building didn't move* YEY!

Yuri: It's my turn! *the building didn't fall* YES!

Rui: ME! *building of block didn't fall* Hooh!

Seishiro: I'll join! *the building didn't fall*

Yoshida: Ok! *the building didn't fall*


All: Ahahahah Bidou-kun loses!

Yusuke Hanoda-san or mostly called Yusuke-sensei came in the room

Yusuke: Ohayou students! Oh I want you to meet her...She is gonna be in Class 1-A with you! Introduce yourself...

She: Ohayou! Anyeong! Watashi wa Kim Harumi desu! Nice to meet you!

Chii: I bet you are Half Korean? And half Japanese?

Harumi: Deh!

Chii: Then were the same! me too! Anyways I am Yoshino Chizuki Jin just call me Jin or chii. You have met my Dad right? His name is Yoshino Takajima!

Harumi: Oh really! And yes I met your Dad. 

Chii: Yes and we have met some classmates who knows Korean too!

Rui: Hi I am Chukimi Sachikata Rui. Just call me Rui and this is my little brother Ko. You sure have met my dad too. He is Chukimi Kisuki.

Harumi: Ah! Yes I met him. You have a nice room Yukan CLub!

Miroku: Thanks Junior!

Harumi: Your'e welcome senpais. And classmates and senpais?

All: Hai?

Harumi: Can I hang-out with you?

Takano: We are gonna be you're classmates too! I am Takano Ryosuke!

Chii: This is Yoshida Ryuta!

Rui: Why are introducing Yoshida yourself? He should do that!

Chii: Nothing.

Yabuki: Hikaru looks like our baby is growing up!

Hikaru: Uhum...

Chii: Nii-chans!

Takekura: I...

Rui: You never wanna know his name...But just call him Rin...Is that right Tashekura?

Takekura: TA-KE-KU-RA!!!!!!!

Rui/Chii: Hahahahah...

Chii: I like seeing him angry...

Rui: Me too! He is more better...

Takekura: Then I'll be angry...

Nakajima: Nakajima Souta desu!

Harumi: Eh Nice to meet you!

Yuri: Harumi do you know us senpais already..

Harumi: Hai..Yusuke-sensei told me stories about you and how won't I know you when YUKAN CLUB has a big board with your High Quality pics and your names...

Chii: Too bad our pictures are not still there...

Harumi: They are posting the pictures of new Yukan Club members out there...

Rui/Chii: *Hi-five* YES!

Miroku: When will we honor the next generation Yukan Club?

Yoshida: You'll  "Honor" us?

Yuri: You know... a small party for all in here for celebration...

Takekura: This is big!

Ko: Onee-chan! How about our Tennis practice...It's time!

Rui: Harumi wanna watch us?

Harumi: Of course!

All of them went to the Tennis club court to practice...

Rui: Ko let's be careful ok...

Ko: Hai Onee-chan!

Takekura: Who's your Tennis idol guys?

Yoshida/Chii: RYOMA ECHIZEN!!!! Huh? You?


All: Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhh......

Chii: What ee....Souta (Nakajima), Ryo (takano) Who's your idol?

Nakajima/Takano: ECHIZEN!

Chii: Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhh too....

All: Ahahahaha....

Harumi: You guys are so fun....

Chii: I like his line...Mada Mada da ne...

Rui: I love Prince of Tennis...So with our powers we can actually do their tricks...Haha...

Chii: My second favorite is shusuke Fuji!

Miroku: Oh my favorite is Captain Tezuka and guys I have a toy from Prince of Tennis!

Rui: Nii-chan you are 20 something but you still play?

Chii: It's not actually a toy. Here look...*Chizuki gets something on her bag*

Chii: Oh and guys, I have a gift for you all since we are playinf tennis....Harumi it's good I have an extra...

Chii gave them all jackets from Prince of Tennis, Seigaku team...

Rui: Let's wear it now so we can play!

Ko: Onee-chan thanks!

Chii: You're welcome!!!

Harumi: How will we play if we don't have Tennis rackets..

All: WHAT????

Chii: Ok I know...

Chizuki jin brings out her phone...



Chii: Moshi Moshi? (Hello) Daddy we need new Tennis rackets...I can buy but we are here at the courrt already..Can you please make Yusuke-sensei buy?

Yoshino: Ok...He's ready to help....

Chii: Thaks Dad! Daisuki~

Yoshino: Ok...


After few minutes...Yusuke-sensei came with 2 men carrying Tennis rackets...

All of it were also Seigaku Tennis Rackets...

Harumi: Nice Chii!

Chii: Domo Arigatou Yusuke-sensei!

Yusuke: Welcome! I'll go back to the faculty!

All: Bye sensei!

Rui: I thought you will give us expensive ones...

Chii: I'd rather have Seigaku Tennis Racket from Prince of Tennis...

Yuri: Let's start!!!

Miroku vs. Yuri



Seishiro vs. Noriko

Bidou vs. Karen

Rui vs. Takekura


Chii vs. Yoshida

Takano vs. Nakajima



Yabuki vs. Hikaru


Harumi vs. ?

Chii: Oh so who is gonna play with Harumi ? Ko? He's training with the other grade students and trainer...

Someone came to them and suggested himself...

Someone: What about me?

Rui: Oh dare anata? (Who are you?)

Someone: R-E-N....Ren...

Chii: R...R..Ren????

Rui: The student of Yashinoko Acadeny who was said to be a bad student but he was not?

Ren: Haha..Yes...

Kazama Ren

Said to be a deliquent when studying at Yashinojo Academy, He was friends with Takaki the saver,Chizuki Jin, Rui, Yabuki and hikaru. He was never bad in fact he was a smart student but he just fights if someone is hurting his precious friends.

Chii: Where have you been? Oh Ren this is our gonna be our new classmates when the school opens next week. This is Yoshida, Takekura, Takano, Nakajima and Harumi. These are the Yukan club senpais.

Harumi: Ohayou! Kim Harumi desu!

Ren: hajimemae!

Yoshida: Ren-kun wanna play with us? We need 1 more! You will fight with Harumi...

Ren: Ok! Chii any extra rackets?

Chii: Of course we have! Here! *Throws a racket*

Ren: Let's play!





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shesworthit #1

present!! :D lol
RunRose #2
Here is my teacher Application!(::<br />
<br />
ChaoticSiobhan_91 #3
Wheeee, Onew's here!!! ^^
Lol nice chapters!! Can't wait to read more! ^-^
SweetPoison #5
So good! Update soon~
AmethystCat #6
AmethystCat #7
woah..interesting chapter!!!^^
MisterHunky #8
!!! I'm in and I got accepted to be Rui's Cousin!!!! :D Thank you!!!
iBaozi #9
i applied I hope i be in it<br />
Tomodachi!!!! Yes youre right I'm Mari Mariya!!! I want to surprise you....And it worked...But you know that I love OFC aka Onew fried chiocken pic...So you new already I was Mari Mariya your friend....I should've got some more surprises...But thanks for accepting me like you'll not accept me haha...Of course you do...And Hi to the co-classmates who just got in! Namae wa Mariya desu but my friend Rainie calls me Mari Mariya...