You're Impressive

You're Impressive

You loved watching your boyfriend perform. In fact, there weren’t many things that you didn’t love about your boyfriend. From the honey shade of his hair to the Nikes that he wore to the checkered button-ups to the way his eyes formed those little crescents when he smiled—Hongbin was pretty much perfect.

His career on the other hand—that you weren’t so fond of. Not that you hated him being an idol. It excited you actually, and while you could watch him dance for days, there were just some moments when you really hated his job.

The thing you hated the most? Hongbin never got recognized for any of his singing parts.

You started to notice it after On and On was released that you never really heard any comments about Hongbin’s voice. If he wasn’t saying a sentence or two (which never gave his voice any justice), he was singing behind Sanghyuk, doing what he was told which was being the visual. And while you knew he enjoyed the compliments, he wasn’t exactly his joyful self when he read some comments about him possibly not being able to sing.

And needless to say, you were slowly becoming a very angry girlfriend.

"Babe! Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe—"

"What, what, what, Hongbin, what is it?" You looked away from your college essay to find your boyfriend running into your room with his laptop in hand. “What phone did your company finally let you have?"

Completely ignoring your snarky comment against his company’s ‘group phone’ rule, he sat his laptop in front of you and pointed to the screen. “Watch."

"What is it?"

"Our new music video! Watch!!!" He shook your shoulders. “There’s something I want you to see—"

"If this is another fangirl saying you can’t sing, babe, I’ll handle it. You don’t have to read that crap, you know you’re better than that."


"Hongbin, I’m not finished." You stood up, pushing his laptop away. “I love you, you know that?"

Your boyfriend smiled, shyly, hiding his dimples behind red cheeks. “Yeah, of course. And I love you, too, but that’s—"

"But you can’t just let your company cut you so short! They aren’t showing off your real talent, and that isn’t fair to you at all. Visual, my , you deserve so much more. You are not just a visual, you are my boyfriend, and you are a member of VIXX, a group of amazingly talented people who deserved to be noticed."

You pulled on the back of his neck to plant a soft kiss on his lips.


Hongbin continued to grin before kissing you again, this time much more playfully. “And I believe you. Every word of it. But that’s not what I wanted to show you. Please watch it?"

You rolled your eyes at his persistence. “Fine."

VIXX’s new video started. N started, then Leo, then Hyuk…

And suddenly your jaw just dropped.

Hongbin smiled at you over your shoulder, the same bright smile that stared back at your from the screen.

"Happy now?" He whispered into your ear, drooping his worn out arms on your shoulders.

"O-Oppa, you—"

"Finally got a break." You heard him chuckle. “Let’s see what fans have to say now, eh?"

There wasn’t really much to say at this point. You were just so dazed that you didn’t even notice Hongbin kissing your neck until he hit your sweet spot, making you shudder.

"What, no ‘congratulations’? Come on, babe, say something!"

"Hongbin, it’s amazing! The song is great, and your part—your part is even more amazing." You had no other adjectives to use except for that, but it had to do.

"I knew you’d like it."

He began to hum the song in your ear before getting to his part.

Are you really mine? Is this all a dream? I want to give you my all.

Now this was just one more thing to love about him.

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duviet #1
Chapter 1: ifewgiufhdciujunf Hongbin Q-Q!!♥
Chapter 1: ASDFGHJKL So cuuute~^^