
Friends with Lipsticks

Because the world needs more kaistal even though it's through my ty writing... Dedicated to the captain of the Kaistal ship: Cassie ♥


JongIn didn’t really remember when it all started, when his crush for her bloomed. Probably around sixth grade when she started getting interested in girly things and he started getting interested in girls. SooJung has always been pretty but from the moment she began to doll up herself she became a goddess to the eyes of many males, including the one she has known since they were both in diapers. JongIn never wanted to fall in love with his childhood best friend but still, how can we control our affection’s target? To have his heart beating like a heavy metal band drum every time she smiled in his direction was not a willing choice of him, not that he complained much about it. Having a crush in your best friend is the kind of thing you love to hate and hate to love.

Stating that, it gets easy to understand why a teenage boy like him accepted the humiliation of being the girl’s Barbie doll. Oh the things we do for love, right? For love, JongIn was sat in her bed with an incredibly bright red lips on his face. Lips that were pouting, partly because he was a boy wearing a obvious and very woman-like lipstick and partly because the shade of red didn’t match his skin tone at all.

“Stop pouting. It ruins your lip frame.” The girl said after picking up some tissues and another lipstick.

“Lip frame? What about my pride and manliness, SooJung?” He retorted quickly feeling relieved to see the tissue in her hand because it could only means that she would clean his lips but all the happiness fade away when he saw another pink tube hidden in the tissue.

“Did you even have that one day?” Giggling she handed him the tissue and started examining the next lipstick which was in a bright orange color.

“Yes, before agreeing with all this bull.” He muttered and she glared at him. “Why are these ones so bright? It’s hard to get it out.”

“Because it’s the new trend plus they’re long lasting.”

“… how will I explain to people this awesome smudge in my face?” JongIn rubbed the now pink stain of his face but it kept strong and clear in his tanned skin.

“Just say you’ve been making out with a hot chick that plastered lipstick all over your face.” SooJung shrugged and started applying the orange tint in the boy’s lips that was rather grateful for the pink stain in his face that managed to hide his blush because of the girl’s nonchalant reply and recent proximity.

 “Yeah, I wish that was true.” And I wish the hot chick was you but he never completed the line with that.

SooJung chuckled and fixed her painting with her own fingers instead of using the tissues, making the boy shiver under her touch and attentive look.

 “One day it may becomes true, JongIn.” She replied with a sly smile before turning around to put the small make up product in her ‘magic lipstick fountain’ which was a suitcase that had the armory of a professional cosmetic store, with all kinds of lipsticks that anyone could possibly imagine.

SooJung’s obsession for the lip tint started much like JongIn’s infatuation for her, on sixth grade when girls started to be more girly and boys started to be more boyish, but her addiction was much more serious and obvious; she bought at least 4 lipsticks a week and was never seen without it, not even sleeping. Still she was very picky with the things she used in her lips so SooJung thought that she needed someone trustworthy to try her lipsticks for her and JongIn was always praised for the perfect plump lips he had, so 2+2 was made and JongIn ended up being SooJung’s lipstick test dummy.

“Yeah right.” He sighed grabbing another tissue to clean his mouth once again.

“Who knows, JongIn? Anything could happen” SooJung smirked approaching the boy on the bed.

And the heavy metal band started to play in his chest again while the girl inched closer and closer.

SooJung leaned until her face was mere centimeters from his.

“JongIn.” She whispered. “Do you want to kiss me?”

The world stopped. Or so it seemed to him. Was his crush really in front of him asking such a thing?

“JongIn” SooJung called. “Did you hear me?”

“Loud and clear.” He managed to say in a cracking voice.

“So?” She questioned. “SeHun told me you have a crush on me, Is that true? Do you like me?”

Oh the torture he would get SeHun through later is too painful to even write. JongIn mumbled a “hmm” squirming a little under her inquiring look.

“hmm? Should I take that as a yes or a no?”

Wasn’t it obvious yet? He wondered, if he could even look her in the eye properly in the moment wasn’t kind clear he harbored feelings for her.

“Oh dear God.” SooJung sighed heavily at the lack of answer of the other. “Just kiss me, you idiot. But don’t mess up my hair.”

And only God knows from where did JongIn find the strength to get up and grab her by the waist and kissing her in the next second.

“Wow. That was better than I expected.” SooJung said lying down breathless beside JongIn after what could be considered a make out session.

JongIn smiled widely, not just because of the compliment but also because of the fact that he finally kissed his lipstick dream girl.

Noticing his child-like smile SooJung had to bite her lip to not smile along “Don’t get too cocky, you’ve got lipstick all over your face.”

“Well I made out with a real hot chick.” He turned around to , the smile turning into a smirk.

“Shut Up. We still have more 3 lipsticks to test.” SooJung said getting up and going to her suitcase again.

“After that, we can… you know… make out again?” JongIn asked nervously.

“Maybe.” Was all that she answered but he knew that now they were probably going to be that kind of friends with benefits. And lipsticks.


Anyway, thanks for reading ^^ and if possible don't forget to comment guys, i really appreciate your opinion, bye bye ♥

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Accidentally posted the same chapter twice ;u; sorry guys it's already fixed but still sorry ;;


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ayunoov #1
This is totally cute omg
Chapter 1: I'm trying to imagine how Kai looks like in lipstick. Kkkkk~ and I love how Kystal was brave enough to tell Kai to kiss her. That's when I started to have these Kaistal feels! Kkk~
jellyfriedgreen7 #3
Chapter 1: Dawwww I love your 94-line grouping~ Kaistal + Sesul is so beautiful♥
Looking forward to more stuff from you author-nim~!
guest_snb #4
Chapter 1: It would be great if you continue this story. Kekeke
Chapter 1: FEELS! I don't know anymore! I hate fluff and the things it does to me. DEMMIT KAISTAL TAKING MY OTP LIKE A BOSS
Chapter 1: omg the kiss part...
Chapter 1: ''Just kiss me, you idiot.'' D'AWWW ♥ KIND OF SQUEALED DURING THAT PART. and wow he asks if they can make out some more later, Jongin really likes kisses. XDD
risantiica #8
Chapter 1: kekekeke jongin cute>.<