Chapter 16


Beah tries to open her door, Baro stutters out her name, grabbing her attention.

With his wild hair standing up at all ends, he tries to explain that he heard from her friend (he can’t remember her name) that Bea stayed out all night.

When he realizes he’s not making any sense, he changes the topic to how early the milk comes these days, efficiently picking up her milk, taking the note off before handing it to Beah.

Beah awkwardly takes it, then realizes that it’s missing a note like it has every morning.

Baro excuses himself, and on his way to his room, Beah notice a post-in note sticking on Baro’s .


She looks through the stack of previous post-it notes like a flipbook. The drawings tell the story of a man who fell in love with a girl and proposed to her with flowers.

She finally hits that it was Baro all along.


Baro blames his embarrassment on poor sleeping Sandeul, yelling at him for allowing him to drink. Sandeul retorts that Baro was tamer than other times and he has nothing to worry about.

When Baro continues to sink in absolute mortification, Sandeul half-asleep and scratching his neck, asks if Baro confessed to Beah or something.

Baro pauses, “How did you know?”

Sandeul wakes up from his slumber. “Oh my goshhhhh. You said you have to cherish and protect her!” Then Sandeul finds the post-it note on Baro’s and asks what it is.

One look at it and the next thing we know, Baro lets out, “OHHHHH MYYYYYY GODDDDDDD!”


Shinwoo go home. He quiets down and saw Narsha staring at him blankly. "Where did you go? You even didn't contact us? Jinyoung feels worried about you! What's your problem? Why you stayed all night?!" A bit nagging.

Calming her down with a cup of tea, Shinwoo says he has no problems.

Jinyoung feels more worried about Shinwoo.

Shinwoo turns to the window to look at Ocean Village, saying "I like the phrase from Jurassic Park." Shinwoo laughs to himself, since he had said the same thing when he first arrived. "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear, but they’re not as close as they appear,” adds Shinwoo with a sigh and smile.


Hopping out of a car, Jazel elegantly straightens herself up when she spots Gongchan, Sandeul and Baro walking down the street.

Taking some of the packages that she made her friends carry, she rushes over to Baro’s way, where she proceeds to drop them, pretending that she’s struggling. Acting mode on.

Gongchan go save her as her friends chime adorably at Gonchan, and Jazel shines her true face for a second staring at her friends. Sandeul greets her, saying he wants to help but Baro feels unwell today.

Beah rushes to Baro’s side and asks what’s wrong and if he needs homemade ginseng tea from her home.

In monotone, Baro says he’s not sick. He’s just having hung over. He yells for the guys to hurry.

Not wanting to lose Baro once again, Jazel quickly thinks up a solution. She asks Gongchan and Sandeul if they want to be models for her online shopping mall and the boys quickly latch on.

Sandeul and Baro skip on over to Baro, telling him that Beah’s friend just offered them a job as a model. Baro freezes, groaning that they were really friends. He yells at Sandeul for not telling him sooner then he walks back over.

Jazel’s friends ask what she’s going to do with male models for her online shopping mall of women’s clothing. Jazel coolly replies that she can just start everything now, mixing some choice words into her sentence.

Her friends start awkwardly laughing, hinting Jazel. She carefully looks over and sees Baro standing right behind her.

She puts on a bright little smile and greets Baro, who welcomes her to the neighborhood. He tells her that Beah came home in the morning, "she’s at home if you want to visit her."

After that message delivered, he leaves. Jazel is more bewildered than ever.


Days pass by but the door to room 402 remains closed, Baro feels worry.

Beah opens up the world document titled ‘That Woman’ and starts typing away.

“When she goes out into the world, that girl often becomes an invisible person.
When she gets pushed by shoulders, stepped on by feet, cut in lines, that girl becomes invisible to other people.
That’s why that girl hides in her room
The tiny room is cozy like a nest for a bird with an injured wing.
At that place, that girl can breathe freely.
That girl has never dreamt about the world outside or even longed for it.

Up until now…
Up until now…
Up until now…”

After Beah types the word, the doorbell rings, followed by Shinwoo obnoxiously coughing and says that he got a cold after going to the beach. He exaggerates that he’s coughing up blood, grabbing Beah’s attention, but it doesn’t work as well.

He gives up and comes back the next day with a shiny blue pin on his hair. He asks if it’s hers He shows it off to the peep hole, failed!

The next day he returns, impersonating a debt collector, “Old Lady~ pay back your debts!”

Beah finally texts him, asking for his account number, but Shinwoo brightly shouts through the door that he doesn’t have a Korean account. Laughing smugly to herself, Beah replies asking for Jinyoung’s account.

Beah checks her message.
“I will be back soon!!!” it says.


While he was pretty patient with the other days, Baro decides he needs to do something about Shinwoo and Beah, "I can't let anybody distract my Beah!"

Outside, Baro calls Shinwoo out, ready to battle. Baro has a stare-off…until he starts to clear his throat, unsure of how to continue his things.

With nothing really planned out to say, Baro asks if he’s Shinwoo.

All of the sudden, Shinwoo starts to laugh excitedly, even doing the happy dance. He asks Baro if he remembers him – the ert who wore the panda hat. Then Shinwoo remembers that, " You are the person that couldn't pay rent right?"

He bounces over to Baro, ecstatically holding onto his elbow. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew me from before!”

Baro is unsure how to react to the bouncy puppy, when Shinwoo sticks his phone to Baro, “Your telephone number!!”

Baro interestingly gave his name as, "Cha Sun Woo".

Putting his phone away, Shinwoo spots the Real Madrid logo on Baro’s shirt. His eyes grow round, revealing that he’s a Barcelona fan. Shinwoo’s absolutely delighted to find a rival in Korea and hugs him like they’re BFFs.

Shinwoo admits that he’s been so lonely, and on that topic, Baro asks why he keeps pounding on room 402.

Baro says if she’s not answering the door before she doesn’t know him, then why does Shinwoo keep knocking?

“Knock! And the door will open!” says Shinwoo.

Baro gets all worked up, yelling at the top of his lungs that Shinwoo should stop abusing room 402 by pounding on her door.

An awkward silence fills in the gap as Shinwoo’s face falls.

But suddenly, before Shinwo is back to his usual happy self. He apologizes for being so loud, then drags Baro to play games to celebrate their new friendship.

Hilariously enough, they play a few rounds of Zombie soccer.
Baro desperately tries to defeat the creator of the game, much to little success, but his competitive side shines due to more than one reason.

He burns up with little flames burning around him. He shoots for the goal and all the flames go out as he misses. As expected, Shinwoo wins with a smile, while Baro is in OTL mode.


The next morning, Shinwoo and Baro are both not found at home, causing Sandeul and Jinyoung  worried from different apartment.

Jinyoung then receives a message from Narsha, seemingly worried for Shinwoo, until she suggests that she come to Jinyoung’s house.


In room 402, Beah attempts to squeeze out the last blob of toothpaste, but she fails. She notice that she’s out of toilet paper too and groans at the thought of going outside.


Shinwoo and Baro exit the PC room with the light blinding their eyes. They stayed all day at the PC room.

Baro remarks that he hasn’t stayed at a PC room like this since he came out for his first break from the army. Shinwoo’s eyes start to spark with respect, hearing that Baro went to the army.

Baro goes onto say that he was in the Special Forces and was basically trained to kill. He gives a short demonstration, making Shinwoo excited, believing that he could have died just now.

Obviously, Shinwoo not getting the hint.

Shinwoo mentions that he may not have gone to the army, but he’s super good at running.

With competitiveness still lingering after playing games all night, they decide to have a race back home. Shinwoo says it’s okay, but then screams “Start!” and races off with Baro cursing at him. They run through the neighborhood with bright smiles plastered on their faces, and it really is an adorable moment to see our two rivals so happy.

On their race home, they pass byBeah, who is at the snack stand.

Baro abruptly stops the race, saying his joints are hurting because of the cold weather. As Shinwoo checks, Baro turns back and confirms that he saw Beah.

Baro ends the race and heads back home, despite seeing Beah out and about, and in complete contrast to Baro, Shinwoo heads directly to Beah’s direction.

He greets her brightly, but he never get a proper response.

Shinwoo pouts as he chomps on a fishcake. “So you’re just going to ignore me completely.”

He starts conversing with the store owner, calling the owner 'OLD LADY' and indirectly asking Beah some questions. Beah, not wanting to strike up a conversation, appears desperate to get her food and go.

“Old Lady!” Shinwoo.
Beah jumps in surprise each time, and Shinwoo finally cracks up at the response he’s getting.

To her relief, Beah finally gets her food and hurriedly goes home, hoping Shinwoo won’t follow her.

Baro hangs around the entrance of the parking lot, writing poetry on his phone.


Jazel scurries towards the apartment complex, carrying a giant plate of rice cakes to greet the new neighbors.


Baro spots Beah.
He waits for the right moment before jumping in front of Beah, acting surprised to see her there.

Baro hands her the 20,000 won he lent her. Beah bows her head and walks away.

Trying to hold onto her much longer, he strikes up small talk about her groceries and snacks, which is returned with very little response.

He finally builds up the courage and calls her.
He admits that he waited to talk to her about the incident in the hallway.

Baro begins to talk, when he pauses to take a deep breath. Then he looks at his phone, revealing what he jotted down earlier: “Even if you’re far away, I still know you. Curiosity? Happiness?”

Beah wonders what he’s up to, when Baro finally turns around as classical music plays in the background.

He starts to recite a prepared speech. He gets all poetic with his words, saying that although far away, he knows her, and although close, he does not know her.

But in the end, the artistic speech fails him.

Going back to the Baro we like better, he admits that he’s curious about her every day. “Saying ‘have a great, refreshing, and fun day’ and sticking the notes on your milk cartons was like a secret joy that I only had, like a little game just for me…”

Hearing his words, Beah remember the word that she said to Shinwoo at the beach. 'I thought of it as a game for me to start alone and end alone. A secret game that no one can know about.'

Baro apologize for keeping her out in the cold and suggests that she go inside.

As Beah leads the way, Baro mentally beats himself up.

Curious, Shinwoo standing not so far away watched the entire interaction.“I really must have come here to shoot a cupid’s arrow. There’s another couple here.” Shinwoo says to himself.


Beah and Baro awkwardly enter the elevator together.

He apologizes if he burdened her. “Don’t shut your door any tighter than it is.” He promises to stop with the notes on the cartons and not even step over the line to room 402.

Beah manages to spill that she actually enjoys the post-it note flipbook. She thanks him and a bright smile explodes on Baro’s face.

Approaching Beah, he tells her that he intentionally made it like that and praises Beah for knowing how to use it properly.

Realizing he invading her personal space, Baro apologizes quickly and backs away from Beah like before. But the smiles just keep on coming and Beah steals a glance at Baro, even sneaking in a little smile.


Using her head, Jazel rings the doorbell to greet in an annoyed tone by Sandeul, who thinks it’s Baro returning after not coming home last night.

When he realize it’s Jazel and that he’s still in his Pajama, Sandeul attempts to close the door, only to be stopped by Jazel’s foot again.

She asks if Baro really didn’t come home, but Sandeul’s more desperate to change his clothes before talking.

As the door shuts, Jazel talks to herself saying, "He didn't come home last night? Where did he go?"

Speaking of the devil, the elevator dings and out comes Beah and Baro.

Beah stops seeing Jazel, and Jazel freezes seeing Beah with Baro. She's thinking that Baro and Beah were together last night.



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Iriyaana #1
Chapter 1: Wow this is totally like the drama but I think this is going to be better than drama heheh
Catdawg15 #2
I love that show! Yoon Shi Yoon is adorable! ;P
nana0330 #3
Chapter 6: 나는 여러분이 받아들여 준 것에 감사합니다