Chapter 14


Shinwoo playing around the sand, dancing around his castle like the drunk little kid.

He points to Beah, canceling what he said about love being broken. “You just have to leave everything the way it is. It’ll all find its way to where it’s supposed to be.”

He runs around the sand castle, Beah gets a phone call.

Shinwoo tells her to get it, since it’s been ringing all day. "Look overthere!" Shinwoo distracted Beah and then answer the call and run.

Jazel’s voice is on the other line and Beah unwillingly takes the call.
Jazel puts on the fake best friend voice as Baro sits next to her attentively.

Baeh says to Jazel that she doesn’t know where she lives, but Beah was shocked when Jazel says that Beah is living in number 402 apartment.

Baro then whisper to Jazel, "tell her that you're going to wait her until she comes back."

Jazel relays the message, saying she’ll wait until Beah comes.

Beah tells her not to wait and hungs up. After that she says, “Let’s just live not knowing each other.” to herself.


Jazel is frozen in shock, getting hung up on Beah again.

She sees Baro waiting for a response and Jazel says that Beah is in a far away place.

Sadly, Baro gets all worked up, knowing she left with Shinwoo.“I’ve looked over her for a few years now, and she’s definitely not someone who would sleep somewhere else!” Shinwoo says in a lower sad voice.

Jazel lets out sigh, commenting that as Beah's friend, she likes it better that Beah is sleeping somewhere other than her house - which is immediately turned Baro in cursing.

Baro quickly apologizes for his sudden burst and starts worrying if something happened to Beah.

Asking for tea, Jazel starts to ‘ily’ twist and turn, pretending that she’s feeling cold.

Instead of asking for some tea, Baro asks if Jazel still planning to stay, since Beah’s not going to come she better go and leave.


Meanwhile, Sandeul and a delivery man stand outside room 401.

The delivery man says he has something from the courthouse and Sandeul freaks out, wondering if they’re getting sued for plagiarism.

Holding the letter, the delivery man says only Cha Sun Woo can read it. Sandeul replies that there is no Cha Sun Woo living in the house when Baro and Jazel comes out from the room.

Sandeul starts to get all excited, seeing the two together.

Sandeul created up a story, "So this is the reason why you want me to leave out of your sight this morning?Huh? But I came home early. Sorry for that." Sandeul smiling brighty because of it.

Baro tells him to shut up as he bids Jazel good bye.

The delivery man asks if Baro is Cha Sun Woo and Jazel halts in surprise.

Sandeul reminds the delivery man that there’s no such person, but Baro replies that he is Cha Sun Woo.

"Whaaaaaat?" shocked Sandeul.

"Do you have an ID?" The delivery man asks.

Baro takes his ID from his wallet.


Repeatedly pushing the open button, Jazel impatiently waits in the elevator as the delivery man slips in.

She barks at the poor delivery man if Baro is really is Cha Sun Woo and if he checked his ID. The delivery man is caught off guard by the rudeness, but manages to nod his head in confirmation.


Baro opens the envelope, Sandeul glares at Baro and ask with a huff face, "It's okay if it's your real name, but you should at least tell me your real name. We're friends for a long time."

Baro says, "Cha Baro is my real name now." . He tosses the letter to Sandeul, documenting Baro’s name change.

Baro warns Sandeul not to ask any more questions about the name change.


As she locks up her store, the grandma says Beah and Shinwoo should just rent a room. Breakfast will be included in the morning.

Shinwoo agrees, because he’s a person that shouldn’t get caught drinking and driving. He still has five hours before the alcohol’s out of his system and the grandma stresses that she has empty rooms.

Beah sighs in defeat.


Beah and Shinwoo end up renting a room and the grandma says a lot of people have been coming. Shinwoo wonders why, since it’s a hard place to come on purpose.

“It’s because the ghost is luring you this way,” says the grandma, scaring Beah immediately.


At Gongchan’s restaurant, Baro searches for the reason why women would stay out at night on his phone. The answers vary from “She’s running away from loan sharks” to “she just doesn’t like you,” which just end up frustrating Baro at the lack of intelligent and innocent answers.

Putting a spoon in Baro’s hand to eat, Sandeul suggests that Baro needs to date someone. “You haven’t even kissed anyone yet.”

Baro freezes and gets all defensive about it.

“I was suspicious about it, but it′s definitely right,” says Sandeul, nodding his head. He suggest Jazel, whose eyes sparkling when she sees Baro. According to Sandeul, her taste in men is pretty low.

But Baro doesn’t want to, and Sandeul attempts to find out about Baro’s ideal style of girls.


Sitting infront of the fire, Shinwoo asks if Beah doesn’t like being called ‘Old Lady,’ but Beah really haven’t thought about it.

Shinwoo asks what Dok Mi does.

Surprisingly Beah answer, "I'm a book editor."

Shinwoo looks up with what Beah does, "I guess you're really good in words."

Beah humbly answer, "I'mjust  looking some  words in the dictionary."

“I’m good at talking, but not so much in writing,” says Shinwoo.

Slowly, Beah pipes up, apologizing that her lie has led them there.
Shinwoo says he also lied. So a lie for a lie.

Beah asks what his lie is, but instead of answering it Shinwoo asks Beah why he was sitting on the bench earlier, “Are you that afraid of people that you would rather freeze to death?”

Beah doesn’t reply.

Shinwoo sighs, explaining that while Beah was sleeping in the car, he just didn’t want to take her home. “Because you’ll most likely stay hidden in your house. Don't be afraid of people, you should need and create friends, but before that you should be friends with the world first. Before I go back to Spain, I want you to take around and I will show you the real world.”

Still not looking at Shinwoo’s eyes, Beah asks for a favor. “When we get back to Seoul, can you act like you don′t know me?”

Shinwoo is taken aback at the surprising a favor. Undescribable feeling that Shinwoo feels, he feels sad with what he heard. "I'm your only friend. We already know each other's secrets.

“That’s why I feel uncomfortable,” Beah answer.

The smiles on Shinwoo's face fades away.

"You doesn't know anything about me. I will really appreciate it if you act like you don't know me." Beah says coldly looking at the fire.

A moment of silence.

Shinwoo pouts and agree, he gets up to take a walk, leaving Beah by herself.


"A woman who willingly gives up first.
A woman who says sorry first.
A woman who is not greedy at all." Baro describing his ideal type.

Sandeul blinks ang slightly nods his head uninterested.

“And a woman who is honest even when no one is watching.” Baro continue.

Sandeul asks what Baro is talking about. "Do you want to date a Nobel Peace Prize candidate?"

Baro sigh, "You really don't understand."

Sandeul gets defensive, saying he does know. “You mean someone like the girl in room 402.”Carefully, Sandeuk asks if Baro really likes Beah.

Baro looks up from his food, but doesn’t say anything.


Shinwoo sitting in the car alone, smiling while looking at pictures of Beah from his camera.


Sitting in an empty room, Beah types down something in her phone.

“What is your truth? Answer honestly.
If someone asked a question like this,
The girl closed .
The truth isn’t like sweet candy and chocolate that presents itself when you take off the wrapper of lies.
Just like how the skin is needed to protect the blood and flesh, she needed lies to cover her truth.
More than exposing her pain and being honest, brightly smiling while telling a lie was much safer for the girl.”

She sets the phone on the ground and the lights start to flicker wildly.

Beah gets up, beginning to panic, when she remembers what the grandma said about the ghost. Beah screams, waking Shinwoo up in the car.

Shinwoo jumps out of the car and run to the house.

He bursts into the dark room, asking what’s wrong when he bumps into something and falls.

After that, the light was fixed on, and to revealed Shinwoo on top of Beah with their lips locked with each other.



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Iriyaana #1
Chapter 1: Wow this is totally like the drama but I think this is going to be better than drama heheh
Catdawg15 #2
I love that show! Yoon Shi Yoon is adorable! ;P
nana0330 #3
Chapter 6: 나는 여러분이 받아들여 준 것에 감사합니다