
Little Things
Jongup is convinced that their relationship is perfect because of the little things they do.  They may not be big but they build up to form one huge bubble just full of love in Jongup’s opinion. 
Like how Jongup likes to snap candid pictures of Himchan doing something cute or whenever Himchan never fails to help with his tie every morning, even when he’s dangerously ill.
Jongup grinned to himself. His eyes were trained on Himchan’s every move as the said man laughed at a funny scene in the movie they were watching.
Jongup loved how his nose crinkled and how his eye dimple would appear every time he laughed. It just looked so real.
Jongup slipped his phone out of his pocket and aimed the camera directly at Himchan’s face as it lights up again for another bout of laughter.
He seemed to have forgotten to turn his phone to silent beforehand because the camera was soon clicking loudly and Himchan is looking at him with petrified eyes.
“Did you just take a picture of me?”
Jongup tries to act nonchalant as Himchan stares him in the eye.
“Because you looked beautiful.”
Jongup doesn’t miss the pretty blush dusted across Himchan’s face and manages to snap a picture of that too.
Himchan admits that he absolutely loves extravagant dates and cliche couple moments like those in the dramas with the couple outfits and foam kisses but it’s the unexpected things that make his heart  flutter, no matter how small they actually are.
Himchan buries his head in his knees as everything seems to fall apart right before him.
He had no intention on running into one of Jongup’s exes nor did he intend on losing his brand new phone on the subway.
He couldn’t fathom how his day could have gone so badly after having a wonderful week. From tripping over an umbrella stand and graving his knee to getting demoted at work. Everything seemed to be against him.
Himchan could hear the front door open but he couldn’t bring himself to lift his head. He probably looked terrible with his tear tracked cheeks and rain-soaked hair. Not to mention that he probably had snot running down his face too.
“Lovey, are you okay?”
Himchan whimpers at the tenderness of the voice. He feels bad for being a burden to Jongup, making him worry the moment he gets home from a long day of work.
“Chan? Did something happen today?”
“Just leave me alone Jongup.”
Himchan can’t hold back the cold tone in his voice but he doesn’t mind when Jongup leaves him be to give him space. 
He didn’t stay at ease for long because Jongup’s soon leaving the apartment without even telling him why and he can’t help but think it’s all his fault.
Himchan’s back to a crying mess and Jongup comes back to find him sobbing in a fetal position.
“Lovey, look up.”
Himchan doesn’t want to listen at first but Jongup’s voice just sounds so inviting. His heart shattered when he saw the anxious look in Jongup’s eyes.
Jongup doesn’t hesistate and hugs him tightly, drawing circles on the small of his back to calm him down.
Himchan is soon reduced to hiccups and he beams as Jongup pulls out a tub of cookie dough ice cream from the plastic bag sitting next to the coffee table.
He remembered.
Himchan’s surprised that Jongup could remember something so insignificant as his favourite ice cream but it makes his heart burst joy no doubt.
Jongup is someone who craves for skinship but Himchan isn’t one for it so he melts a little on the inside whenever it’s Himchan to initiate their tender touches and random kisses.
Jongup wakes up to a face full of brown hair, the faint scent of watermelon wafting into his nose. 
He tries to make sense of the situation but all hr can make of it was that Himchan was lying down on top of him and he doesn’t even know how he’s boyfriend has gotten here considering they slept in different rooms. 
“Shhh I want to stay like this for awhile.”
Jongup complies and lets his boyfriend snuggle into him, burying his face in Jongup’s chest.
“You smell like pizza.”
Jongup chuckles at the random comment and Himchan blushes because he can feel his boyfriend’s chest rumble below him. He didn’t really register how close they were till now. 
They stay there for another hour but Jongup really needs to pee and he tries to peel off his boyfriend’s limbs from his torso but they just latch onto him even more.
“Five more minutes, please.”
“Who are you and what did you do to Kim Himchan? I don’t recall my boyfriend liking hugs all that much.”
“I miss you.”
“We see each other everyday lovey.”
“I miss the feeling of you holding me in your arms.”
Jongup shuts himself up and tightens his hold around Himchan’s waist. His bladder can wait.
Himchan loves how Jongup dotes on him with simple things, like buying him a milkshake or picking him up from work. He doesn’t need flashy rings or dates at expensive date and he loves that Jongup doesn’t even bother with those things.
“Aren’t you unhappy with your boyfriend Chan? He’s never gotten you anything truly valuable.”
Himchan can’t control the glare he sends his sister’s way.
“Not everyone is materialistic like you.”
Himchan knows that people find it weird that Jongup never really gets him much for their anniversaries besides a cake to celebrate and the occasional card but that’s how Himchan likes it.
He knows all to well that Jongup isn’t the richest person on earth and can’t afford nice things all the time which makes the little gifts from him even more special.
Himchan plays with the frayed end of his scarf. Another gift from Jongup. Himchan beamed at the memory of Jongup first wrapping the scarf around his neck, remembering how the boy had actually knitted it himself. 
He could see his sister scoffing at the sight of his worn out shoes that Jongup had bought for him too. They were at a reject shop but he wasn’t bothered by the different patterns printed on the shoes. 
He snaps out of his trance when his phone buzzes on the table and he unlocks it to see a message from Jongup.
“Hey lovey ;) Come back soon, have something waiting for you at home”
Himchan giggles to himself when he clicks the attached picture, a shot his favourite movie playing on the tv and bags full of chinese food filling the table.
Jongup can feel the ache in his cheeks as he smiles up at Himchan’s face, slipping the ring onto Himchan’s ring finger. The guests burst into a fit of cheers as the newly wed couple run down the aisle together and hop into the convertible waiting for them right outside. 
Himchan gazes down at the simple silver band resting on his slender finger. His heart is still beating really fast but he calms himself enough to lean over the gears and peck Jongup on the cheek as the said man raced down the road.
“Thank you for barging into my life.”
word count: 1,210
Chu Chu Chu - B1A4
Wonderful Tonight - B1A4
A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Brown Eyed Girls
My Girl - BTOB
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readme2010 #1
Love this!
Chapter 1: gad. this will inspire me today. Himup daebak ;A;
Chapter 1: This is seriously way too adorkable, I can't even explain....~ <3
whooo, it's just dcdhbvfd♥ i can't believe how much i like this fluffy ff :3
Chapter 1: Aaaawww~ It's really a bunch of little sweet things~ <3