
B1A4 - An interactive story!
Hyemin thought for a while and finally decided to check out the new book store that just opened a week ago, as she also needed some stationary. Though she wasn't sure if the book store sold any, but now was a good time to figure out right?

Hyemin picked up her bag and made her way to the book store, luckily it wasn't that far from the Library. The Book store had a small blue shade roof, that can be retracted when not in use.

She pushed the entrance door as it made a small ting sound when she entered. 

Hyemin looked around the store, it had about 5 shelves stacked with all kinds of books. The store wasn't very big but it had a cozy atmosphere. The store was rather quiet, so she decided to take a tour around the store around herself.

As Hyemin was looking through the fiction novels, she got shocked by a loud THUD.

"Omo!" Hyemin squeaked, as she skipped over to where she heard the noise. There she saw a rather cute yet masculine guy, on the floor books surrounding him and his glasses were a little crooked to the left, probably from the fall.

Hyemin noticed a small name tag on his striped polo shirt, though she couldnt clearly read it but it was enough Hyemin to know that he worked here. Hyemin stared at the man on the ground thinking whether she should....


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Omg update soon!
Chapter 7: This is really cool! I can't wait for the next update! ^-^
Chapter 7: This is a really cool idea for a fanfiction, making it interactive! Keep up the awesome work! <3
Chapter 2: I'm so excited! update soon!!