What Is This?!?

If You Go Outside, Don't Pet Any Strangers!

I sat up in bed as the morning rays hit my face. 'What the actual ,' I thought as I leaned over my be and searched under it. I pulled out a box and opened it, fom there I pulld out  a yellow notebook. My dreams had always been a bit strange, so I had began to write them down when I was young. As I grew older they became lwss frequent, but I still kept a dream journal just in case. Therer were eight notebooks in all, one only half filled. That was the one I currently had. The last dream I had that was like this was the day before I moved to this apartment, the first day I met Kris.

I was so focused on remembering my dream and jotting it down that I didn't notice something off faobut my room, until a shadow landed across the page as I finished the last word. I looked up to see a large, bright, red bird on my windowsill. It cocked it's head toward the door as it tucked it's wings back beside it. Suddenly my door cracked open and I heard Didi's voice.

"Come back here Stanely. Don't go in there, Rae will kill you...and probably me too! She hasn't been in the best mood since yesterday."

I saw the cat stop at the door and look back at Didi before meowing several times. He turned back around and jumped onto the bed and curled up in the middle. The strange bird sqwauked and jumped from the windowsill on to the bed between me and the cat. The cat lifted his head and meowed once before laying his head back on his paws. The bird loked at me before hopping closer to me and lying at my curled up feet. 

"What is that?" Didi asked as she finally walked in.

"I don't know. Some bird that was in my window a moment ago," I replied as a black streak moved pass Didi and into the room, "What was that?"

Didi shrugged as we heard a whistle and Jae showed up in the doorway. She whistled again and the black streak scrambled on to my bed as well. I looked questioningly at Jae. The two girls joined the party on my bed.

"It's a ferret. I found him curled next to me this morning. What about those?" Jae explained and pointed to Stanely and the bird.

I snatched one of my earrings from the ferret as he bit it, "The cat is Stanely. He found his way into Didi's room last night sometime and she wanted to keep him. The bird showed up in my window a few moments agao."

"Does the ferret have a name?" Didi asked.

Jae shook her head, "No, but he responds to whistles. What about the bird?"

"Stupid little bandit," I muttered as I took the other earring from the ferret, "No, the bird doesn't have a name. It's just a bird who flew in. It's not like I'm going to keep it. She'll probably be gone later anyway."

The bird perked it's head up and sqwuaked angrily at me.

"Seems like she thinks otherwise," Didi smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Take Stanely and that bandit back to your rooms. We have school to attend."

They both got up. Stanely stretched and followed Didi out. Jae whistled at the ferret who climbed up to her shoulders. I saw it's mouth sparkle.

"Jae...Make the damn weasel drop my ring! If I catch that thing in my room or with anything of mine again, I will fry it!" I said to her and the bandit.

Jae reache her hand out to the critter and it dropped the ring into her palm. She tossed it to me and I caught it before it hit the bird. I put it on my night table and sighed.


*******1 hour later********

I met Jae and Didi at one of the tables outside on camputs. I sat our cups down and took a seat. Jae grabbed her cup and took a sip.

"Ahhh, coffee," Jae sighed, "Where's hyeongbu?"

"He should be here in a minute. His class just ended," I replied, rolling my cup between my hands.

"Well this should be interesting," Did commented as she looked past me.

I turned to see what caught her attention. Kris was walking toward us, Tao following him. They joined us at our table and Kris plucked my cup from my hands. He took a sip and cringed.

"It's a bit sweet, babe," he nudged my shoulder.

"Just like me!" I smiled as he pecked my cheek.

"How do you stomach these scenes?" Tao whispered to Jae as he sat next to her.

She giggled and turned a light shade of pink. I glared at them both.

"Shouldn't you be ash by now Lil Vamp Boy?" I asked.

"Be nice Rae! Besides, that's only in movies," Kris replied, flicking the side of my head.

"Yah! I will not be nice, Mr. Hocus Pocus. This guy came along and turned my world upside down," I pouted.

"It's not his fault! He didn't ask for any of that to happen to him. You're just being a because you found out your boyfriend was a witch...due to Tao's sudden appearance," Jae defended Tao.

"YOU!...How dare you talk to your Unnie that way," I reprimanded my sister.

"Well if you were acting like an adult instead of a four year-old, I wouldn't have to," she replied.

I crossed my arms and scowled. I knew she was right, my dislike for Tao was totally unfounded. I was more upset that my world ws a bit bigger than I'd assumed. I just couldn't help taking it out on Tao, though. It just felt appropriate.

"I'll try to be nicer. Sorry Tao," I apologized, nodding in his direction.

"I knew this would be interesting," Didi commented as a friend of hers sat beside her.

"Really?" CL said as she grabbed at her backpack, which nearly fell as she tried to sit it on the seat next to her.

I snapped, suddenly getting an idea even though I knew Jae wasn't going to like it.

"How about I take my anger out on that sneaky little weasel of yours? Less anger in me to take out on Tao, and maybe that bandit will stay out of my room," I suggested with a false smile.

Jae gasped, "He was only in your room once, as were me, Didi, and Stanely at the time!"

"He stole 3 peices of my jewelry...3!" I exclaimed, holding my thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger in her face.

"He's a weasel, it's in their nature to take shiny things," Didi said.

"SEE! He's only being true to himself," Jae defended her pet.

"Why don't you look on the internet for ways to repel weasels," CL replied.

"Hmm...You're a genius CL," I told the girl.

She nodded, "I know."

"Well, I'm going to the library! I also have a paper I need to start," I said standing.

"I'll come with you," Kris responded, "Tao, are you good here?" 

Tao nodded, "Yeah, me and Jae have class together in a few."

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Chapter 1: Ommo! Pls update soon! I wanna to find out more about this!!! Yay!!
Chapter 1: Omg! It's really good! Please update soon~ ^^ I wonder how Rae is special..