Unfortuate Meeting

At First Sight

"Hyung, I'm going out with Jessica, okay? Call me if you need me." Jonghyun poked his head in my room before he flashed a grin. "And by that I mean, try to not need me."

I rolled my eyes, watching him leave before I could even reply to my dongsaeng. Sure, he was my best friend but the whole Ditching Me For His Girlfriend was getting old. And I mean, it got old like three months ago.

I sighed, pursing my lips as I looked out the window of my room. The five of us shared a dorm together, since we were in the same band, SHINee. I was lucky enough to get my room, since I was the oldest and I never found a downside to this little fact.

The beautiful park across the street caught my eye. The leaves on the trees were turning orange and red, letting me know that it really was the end of September. Then a thought struck me.

I got out of my desk chair, grabbing my iPod and phone off my desk, before walking out of my room. Minho and Taemin were nowhere to be found, since they were probably off doing something goofy with their girs. Well, Minho was dating Yuri of SNSD but Taemin had a crush on Sulli of f(x), so he was probably with her. Key wasn't feeling too hot since, like me, he didn't have a girlfriend. Key liked flying solo, unlike me, so he just hung out with the hyungs of Super Junior when none of us were free. So, like always, I was alone.

I walked out of our dorm building, inhaling the fresh air instantly before I smiled, looking up at the sun. It was a really beautiful day in Seoul and I couldn't help but think of how happy I was to be living here in Korea.

I walked to the nearest crosswalk so I could cross the busy street to the park, which had huge stone walls around it. I'd only been in here a few times before, when we first moved into the dorm or when I just wanted to be alone. Most of the time, like now, I put my iPod on shuffle and let music speak for me. Right now, Seo In Guk's 'At First Sight ft. Bekah from After School' came on and I sighed. Figures a song about love would come on. But I was too lazy to change it so I just kept it on.

I began walking on the stone path that wound itself through the trees, letting me enjoy the view of the ponds located around the park. The whole place was about the size of three city blocks but it felt much larger when you were actually walking on it. I hadn't even noticed my iPod had been stuck on repeat until I heard Bekah's rap for the third time. Then again, I was too lazy to change it so I just kept walking.

The whole theme of the song went against anything I thought. To me, true love was just something that people wrote books or made movies of to pass time. I'd never found true love but my dongsaengs had. Well, save for Key, but still. Jonghyun, Minho, and even little Taeminnie had. Did that make any sense?

Sure, I'd thought I'd fallen in love several times but each time I always got hurt. So I decided to not even try for love anymore. The more I waited, I just figured it didn't exist.

I must've walked around the park several times before I realized that it was almost 5. I passed by the benches and little kids playing as I had several times already but on maybe the fifth time, I noticed a girl sitting on a bench, her head bent over a book.

Whoa. A girl who reads? That was the first thought in my stupid, guy mind. Then I thought of what I'd just been thinking about and looked away from her. But something pulled my eyes to her again.

She had a dark honey colored hair, pulled up in a wispy ponytail that had bangs that half-covered her eyes. She wore a pink sweater, denim jeans and white Converse. From where I was, it looked like she had earphones stuck in her ear. Another clue was her own foot tapping rhtyhmically on the ground.

Just look away, Onew. You know exactly where you're going with this. I thought to myself, sighing softly.

By the time I was done with walking, it was close to 7:30 and darkness had falled over Seoul. As I was walking out of the park, I saw a familiar flash of pink and reciginized the girl who had been reading earlier. Great. I thought to myself, putting my iPod in my pocket. The last thing I need is to see her again.

I didn't really feel like going to my dorm so I decided to go to the local cafe, maybe get some coffee and a snack before heading home. When I looked up from my feet, I could see the girl still walking in front of me, her headphones in her ears.

We both stopped at the same crosswalk and when the light turned green for us to walk, I lost her in the huge crowd of people. When I crossed another street, I didn't see her at all.

Good, Jinki. I said, calling myself by my real name. Now you can stop thinking about her and think about what flavor creamer you want in your coffee.

I found my favorite coffee place about two blocks from the park and I went inside, heading towards the counter to get my favorite coffee made with extra French Vanilla creamer and a small box of donuts to snack on for the night. I paid for my food before heading back out the door, sipping at the warm coffee that helped me in the chill of the night.

"Let me go!" A female voice cried and my body felt like it'd been dunked in ice.

I looked down the small alley in between the coffee shop and the bookstore, seeing three figures. Two loomed over a much smaller one, which I assumed to be the girl.

Dammit. I muttered to myself in my head, stepping into the alley.

I don't want to be a hero, trust me. But when you see a girl getting picked on, it's common sense to stop it.

"Hey." I said sternly, causing the two guys to look at me. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that you should give girls the same respect you would your sister? Looks like you guys came from all-guy families."

One of the two skinheads grinned, revealing a gold tooth. "Aw, is this your boyfriend?" He grabbed the girls arm, whom I couldn't see clearly in the darkness, and pulled her to him.

"Ow!" The girl cried softly, hissing as he gripped her arm.

"I'm not playing." I crossed my arms. "Let her go. Now."

The guys let go of the girls and came at me.


The first one tried to punch me so I grabbed him by his shoulder, kneeing him the stomach and throwing him back against the nearest wall. The other one tried to take my legs out so I jumped, making him miss and I grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back in a way that was less than pleasant. I kicked him to the ground too and he picked up his friend, both of them running off.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair, my adrieneline still pumping, before I turned to face the girl.

You've gotta be kidding me. I almost said out loud.

The girl in the pink sweater, clutching her book to her chest, stood in front of me.

"Are you alright?" I asked, reaching out to touch her shoulder gently.

She nodded, giving me a weak smile. "Yes, thank you." She bowed. "Um, I'm Seah."

I gave her a smile. Sure I was trying to forget how pretty she was but I wasn't going to be a jerk to her. "I'm Onew," I replied, expecting the usual fangirl reaction.

"Hey, you're in that boyband, right?" She asked, pointing at me.

"...Yeah, that's me. And that's not the usual reaction I was expecting from a girl your age. Usually I'd be tackled by now." I replied, laughing.

She laughed as well, a beautiful sound. "Well, I'm sorry. I listen to you guys a lot but I figured it must get old to be molested. So I treat you guys like normal people. Because that's what you are. Normal people who are prettier and sing and dance better."

I laughed, picking up my bag of donuts and coffee off the ground. "You're the first of our species then."

She laughed and I led her out of the alley, smiling. "Do you live nearby? I'd be happy to walk you there, just to make sure those thugs don't bother you again."

Seah smiled sweetly. "Oh, I really couldn't ask that of you."

I shrugged. "I've got time. I'm not in a hurry or anything."

She smiled again, biting her lip. "I live about four blocks that way," She pointed a little behind us, towards the apartment building I'd passed many times.

"No problem," I replied, not worried at all about the distance. Like I'd said, I wasn't in a hurry to get back to the dorm at all. My dongsaengs were either still you (Jonghyun) or crashed (Minho, Key, and Taemin).

I walked Seah to her apartment, both of us telling each other about ourselves as we did so.

"I live her with my baby brother. He's two and an absolute handful but I have to be here for him. Mom died last fall and he's been my responsibility since." Seah sighed sadly, looking up at the moon.

"What about your dad?" I asked.

Seah looked down before replying. "My father is serving time in prison," She replied simply and I took that as my cue to not ask anymore. She didn't mean it rudely, I could tell. It was just something she didn't like talking about.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm intruding." I said instantly, biting my lip at my own stupidity.

She laughed lightly. "It's no problem." Seah stopped in front of the stairs to the apartment building. "Well, this is me." She was standing on the step, making her a little taller than me but not by much. "Um, thank you so much for rescuing me back there, Onew. It was really sweet of you,"

I smiled. "Not a problem. Any guy with a of sense would've done the same thing."

She shook her head. "You don't seem to be just any guy, Onew." She bit her lip and it looked like she was blushing slightly.

"Um, can I have your number?" I asked her, pulling out my phone.

She smiled. "Sure,"

I handed her my phone, letting her key in her number before I saved it as Seah, then typing my own number in her small phone. "Hey, what's your little brother's name if you don't mind me asking?" I asked.

She smiled. "Aron. My mom was creative, since she was American so she liked names that weren't too Korean sounding."

I held up my bag of donuts. "Well, if Aron's allowed, he can have these. As long as his sister's okay with it."

Seah laughed, taking the bag from me before smiling. "Thank you, really."

"I'll text you tomorrow, when I'm free, okay?" I said, starting to walk away from her, waving like a nerd.

Seah only smiled more, waving back.


Ah, my hands are killing me XD I wrote this completley straight through, so I hope you enjoyed it :) Onew becoming Seah's knight in shining armor is very promising, I think :) Please do comment :)

Also, this picture of Onew makes my chuckle because he's so cute :) Just brightens my day. But nothing beats this one XD

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hahahah jonghyun's in the pic makes me laughs so hard!!<br />
lol..<br />
awww onew helped her!!<br />
and now he's totally falling for her!!<br />
update soon please
update soon please!!<br />
sounds interesting! :)