

“Gukkie?  Cloud you get her so we can finish this?” You shouted on your husband as you were caring one of your 3 year old twin-girls to bathroom. Luckily Mianhe was the calmer one usually being silent and well behaved. You totally loved how would she always end up curling in your arms and wrapping her tiny arm round your neck. You lightly kissed her forehead she lift her head up and smiled at you so sweetly just like her father do. While you were undressing Mianhe Yongguk was in kids room literally chasing after other girl. “Soozie! Come back here! You need to take bath now!” You heard Yongguk saying with kind of really respectful deep voice but he still was calm about the whole situation, he was even slightly chuckling himself as he also found it funny. “No, no, no! ” girl screamed back at him as she was laughing hard and running around the room. “Okay then have it your way young lady.” As he finished his sentence he up her up and throw her on his arm like he was kidnapping her. Soozie began to hit his back with her small fists saying that she don’t want to but yongguk just chuckled one more time and whent straight to to bath room to join you and your other daughter.

“Finally” you said with a grin and look up at your husband. “Tell me about it! Try catching this lil devil.” He smirked at the girl as he put her down on her feet to get her undress. “I know, I normally do this alone tho.” And you sticks out your tongue at him. He lean in and kiss softly ur cheek as in agreement. For some reason Soozie was total opposite of Mianhe, always energic which was great but when you need her to be calm sometimes it was really troublesome.

You took Mianhe of the ground and put her in the tub which was filled with hot watter and soup bubbles. She giggled cutely as you let her sit in. She grabbed few bubbles and blowed them in your direction. This action of hers makes you laugh at her cuteness. Yongguk grabbed Soozie and set her in the tub also. So u both wash them together lots of soap bubbles, laugh and light atmosphere filled the bathroom. As girls were clean now you take them out of the tub to dry them properly of course Soozie protesting a lil coz now she didn’t want to go out of bath but it was lil easier to handle her coz bath would always make her sleepy. As you dressed both girls in their pink pajamas with cute little yellow duckies and white bunnies on it, you took them to their room and set them on their beds.

“Appa, Umma, Saranghae.” They said both before falling into dreamland completely. You smiled to urself walk to them and place a soft kiss on each of their foreheads. “Nado Saranghae.” You whispered back, as you walk out of the room you switch off the light and close the door slowly so it won’t make any noise.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, this was challenging, how come she always got so much energy?” Guk said and looked at u expecting answer. You just struggle your shoulders. “Want me to give u massage?” You look up to him with small seducing smile on your lips. “Sure, babe, only if you would let me do the same for you” you said with little wink. As he smirks to your response he trailed right behind you to your bedroom.


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blurJJH #1
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chap.
TeenTop_Clap_girl #2
Chapter 1: i thought i was super cute ^^
Chapter 1: Lol I think it's time for the twins to get a new sibling or siblings
LilCloe #4
damn, im really sorry its just that Im used to it.
Chapter 1: i hope you would write "you" instead of "u", etc in the future cos honestly, i find it rather disturbing. just my opinion tho, you don't have to take it seriously. :) anyway, thanks for sharing.