"Umama said I could."

Obedient Son

The ice cream vendor stared at him like he's a ghost, holding the plate of the big banana split.


He blinked and stared back at the vendor. "Umama said I could." He then took the banana split and ate on an unoccupied table.



~( ̄∀ ̄)~



The operator on the arcade gaped at him like he's an alien before he could start the game.


He blinked and gaped back at the operator. "Umama said I could." He then started playing Street Fighter.






The pet shop owner gawked at him like he's a talking animal, holding the puppy in his arms.


He blinked and gawked back at the pet shop owner. "Umama said I could." He then paid for the puppy and took the animal from the old man.






The barista at the cafe eyed him like he's a foreigner speaking an unknown language, holding two paper cups of coffee.


He blinked and eyed back at the barista. "Umama said we could." He then took the cups and gave one to the small Sandeul beside him.






He ran to his parents' room and was about to open the door when he remembered his apapa's reminder to him: "Please knock on the door and wait for MY confirmation before barging in our room especially during night time?" Because Jintuo is a good boy and a good hyung, he merely stayed outside.


He knocked on the door and shouted, "Umama! Can Jinnie dress Deullie as a girl?"


"Yes! Yes! Yes!" he heard Sungmin shout from inside.


Beaming, he immediately ran back to his room where Sandeul is innocently playing with his minion stuffed toy.



Little did he know what really was taking place inside his parents' room...





"Yes! Yes! Yes! Faster, Kyu, , you're so good!"


After a string of curses from him, Kyuhyun pounded on his wife faster, the moans of his lover are the only thing he could hear.




FIN ~ (0^ー^0)v



This was inspired by this uber funny commercial



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mydisease #1
New reader here! Awesome! :D
fygaeming #2
Chapter 1: lmao this is so funny :DD Jintuo is super innocent kid... aww so cute :33
ELFlisa #3
Chapter 1: the commercial is so funny but cute too...hahahaha...
RayhanAdni #4
Chapter 1: lol the commercial. hahahahhha and it funny!
Chapter 1: Hahaha that commercial is so funny and cute!! XD the story is also really good of course! :D
fancypants01 #6
Chapter 1: OMG! I first started reading this, I immediately thought of that commercial XD and then you put the link at the end and I watched it going "Yup this is it!". Absolutely too cute and funny, I love it!!!
Chapter 1: I saw this commercial and it was totally hilarious! great idea~
Chapter 1: Haaaaaa! I saw this from a French commercial xP
Chapter 1: hahahaha! jintuo is too obedient for his own good.LOL!
turyka #10
Chapter 1: LMFAO so hilarious...hahaha I love Jintuo..so cute..