Everything Will Be Okay

How I Met Your Appa/Umma


Saturday morning. Adden was seen sitting at the lobby of an exclusive saloon in Seoul. Sitting next to him is none other than the mini princess of Korea, Liu Eun Ae. Both of them were too focused with the devices on their hands, completely ignoring the attention they receive from the other customers.

After a while, the young heir of the throne closed his notebook and checked on his watch only to see that almost 2 hours had passed and yet his wife still didn't come out of her reserved beauty room. He release a deep sigh and turned to his right, where his daughter was intently playing 'CrossFingers' on her ipad.

Adden POV

I turned to look at Eun Ae's ipad. It seems that she was in deep thought to solve the puzzle. I examine it and trying to figure out the answer.

"Have you figure out the answer Aiee?"

"Hem....." She tried moving the blocks and was failed, due to her short fingers.

"Aishhh,... " she muttered disappointingly.

"Want Appa to help you?"

She nodded her head, but still keeping her attention towards the puzzle.

"Alright, Appa will hold all of the barriers and you move the block to the empty slot okay?"

I held the barriers and Eun Ae moved the block as what I said earlier. After a few ruffling of fingers, we finally succeed to solve the puzzle.

"Yeay!!!!!" Eun Ae scream and high fived me afterwards. I took her into my arms and ruffles her hair afterwards.

"Let's solve next puzzle Appa!" Eun Ae cheered happily.

With that, Adden help his daughter in solving the puzzle. They would high-five each other from time to time, constantly attracting attention from the others.

End of Adden POV

1 and half hour later.....

Krystal stepped out of the room all refresh towards the lobby only to find her husband was sleeping soundly with her daughter on the couch there. She sat on the couch next to the duo and took the iPad that was on the table. She glanced towards Adden and Eun Ae and decided to give the two more time to rest. She swipe the iPad's screen, unlocking the device. The first thing that appeared on the screen was the picture of her husband and her during high school. Her finger slide to the next picture and another picture from their high school was showed. Her lips turned to form a small smile as the memories when the picture was taken lingered in her mind.

Krystal's Flashback

I was looking to the picture of Amber and I when suddenly a light knock can be heard from the door.

"Can I come in?" Jessica asked, as she peek through the spaces between the door.

"Sure unnie" I adjusted myself from lying to sitting position.

"Reminiscing the past eh?" Jessica asked as she sat next to me on the bed.

I nodded. "I wonder where is he. "

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back to you one day." Jessica said and give me a warming smile.

"I hope it's not too late,.. when he found me"

"Why did you say so sis?"


"The arranged marriage is it?"

I nod my head and hung my head low. Unknowingly, tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"He will make it in time... believe me.." Jessica said as she pulled me for a hug.

I nod my head and cried my hearts out. I didn't realize that I missed him so much. He is my best friend, my first love. I know we was so young back then, but I believe both of us shared the same feeling towards each other. We were separated when my parents decided to move back to Korea, because grandfather was ill that time. Since that, I never met him again. I wish he can save me from getting married to that prince.


I was snapped back to reality as I heard my unnie calling me.


Jessica broke the hug and examine my face. She wiped the remaining tears on my cheek. "Don't worry, everything will turn out good in the end"

I gave a small smile to her. "Thanks sis"

"Now go to sleep, tomorrow you got science trip remember?"

Jessica ruffled my hair and kiss my forehead. "Don't think too much and get to sleep okay?"

I nodded and watched as she retreated from the room.

I lay down on my bed and stared to the ceiling. Somehow Amber and Adden faces emerge in my minds, before I drifted to sleep.

Next Morning

"Don't worry, everything will turn out nicely.." Jessica unnie whispered to me before pushing me into the bus.

"Take a good care of her, Adden!!!" I heard Jessica yelled before the door closed. She waved frantically towards the both of us and Adden give her double thumbs up in return.

I walked towards the seats only to see there is only two seats left. I sat towards the window, leaving a seat for Adden. I rummaged through my bag to find my phone and once I found, I turned to my right only to see a smiling Minho next to me.

Surprised, I looked towards the front and saw that Adden was still standing. He shrugged and walked past by my seat and sat at Minho's previous seat, which is next to Hyuna.

I released a deep sigh. What a bad day

"Don't you feel happy that I decided to sit beside you?"

Eh??? Conceited.

"It's better to sit with me, rather than Adden, right?"

I want to retort but nothing come out. "Adden and you are not in good terms right?"

WFT? I was about to yell to him for saying such things but my phone buzzed just in time to prevent the wrath of Hell Jung out to a certain Choi here.

As I was busy replying Jessica's text, I heard someone called Minho. He moved to the back and after a few minutes, I saw from my peripheral vision that someone else sat next to me. I turned my head to see the new seat partner and was relieved that it was none other than Mister Wormy.

"What do you do to Minho?"

"Nothing." He replied nonchalantly.

I turned my head to the back and saw Minho sat at the farthest seat at the back, with all of the guys surrounded him. I saw Jonghyun among the guys and he made a peace sign to me.

I know I wouldn't get any answer if I keep on asking Adden but I believe he had done something towards Minho and whatever he did, I relieved that I don't have to deal with that frog face for the time being. Unknowingly, a small smile formed on my lips as I stared outside to the scenery.


1 hour later.

I felt someone poked my cheeks.

"Missy Birdy, wake up, we've arrived.."

I groaned.. "Hmmm.. give me 10 more minutes..."

"Come on birdy.... everyone already outside...."

"Hmmmm.... wait... what??? birdy?"

I slowly open my eyes and met Adden's. We are so close that I can feel his breath.

"Ahhheemmm" he cleared his throat.

I straightened myself and I heard him chuckled.

"You need to pay me back for sleeping on my shoulder you know" he said, while massaging his shoulder.

I feel embarrassed and hide my face behind my hair.

"Hahah. I was joking. Come on, we're already late" He said as he offered his hand to me. I took his hands and with that he drag me out of the bus.

As soon as we stepped out of the bus, I remembered that I heard he called me "Birdy". I wonder if he is my Amber.

"Adden, mind if I asked you something?"

"Yeah, what is it?" he said as he stopped walking.

"Well, do you,... erm.. by any chance called me Birdy when waking me up just now?"


I repeat the same question and the respond I got is his laughter.

"You must be *laugh*dreaming*laugh* Krystal..."

"Stop it.. I'm being serious here.."

He continue to laugh and I pouted. He seems to notice my seriousness and eventually stop laughing.

"Hey,.. I'm sorry okay..."




He poked my cheeks.

My lips curved upwards, forming a smile on my face. Suddenly we heard a click sound.


"Both of you are so cute together!" Sulli squealed and ran towards the rest afterwards. I can feel my cheeks getting redder as I heard Adden chuckled. "Come on, others are waiting" he said as he walk ahead of me.

End Of Flashback

Krystal POV

I wonder how Amber had this picture. I thought Sulli gave me this picture to me only. I look towards Amber and Eun Ae, both are still sleeping. I swipe through the pictures and some of the memories still fresh in my mind.


I diverted my attention towards the voice and saw Eun Ae already wake up. She rubbed her eyes and went over to me.

"I'm sorry I'm taking so long" I said as I fixed Eun Ae's pony tail.

"Neh,, Its okay. Appa and I had fun though " She smiled sheepishly.

"What did you guys do?" I asked her back as I took her to sit on my lap.

"Well.. we played the puzzle game.. *yawns* and then Appa tell me the story.."

"Story?? What did he told you??"

"Appa told me about Aunty Suzy.."

see you around people. con19.gif

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thanks :DD
sorry, my language T>T

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oh my god ; ;; ;
kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
23 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..