Meeting the Lunew

How I Met Your Appa/Umma





“Test... test one two three..”


“Testing Mike....”


 “May I have all of your attention please  ”


Everyone stopped at their track, when the same announcement echoed throughout the entire hallways again. Their ears perked up upon hearing their president’s voice over the speaker.


***Meanwhile... somewhere around the school’s entrance... ****


The guys from the student council group were huddled at the middle of the hallway.


“Do we really need to do this hyung?”


Donghae give a death glare to Nickhun, who was pacing back and forth in front of the other boys.


“You need to calm yourself hyung..” - Adden


“We wouldn’t have to do this if you control your voice the other day..” – Jonghyun


“Its okay guys,. Let’s do this together..” – Donghae


With that said, Onew click the “Record” button on the remote and on that instant, their faces appeared in every screen that the school has.


“Hi everyone,” Donghae greeted.


A loud scream can be heard coming from the cafeteria, gym, hall and etc afterwards.


“Today, my friends and I have a few announcement to be made. First... ”




Somewhere, inside the cafeteria, the wicked witches’ lunch were disturbed upon the screaming made by the fangirls of the beasts.


“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~” – Girl #1


“So handsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~” – Girl #2


And many more squealed can be heard, which made the girls spitted their food, slammed their heads on the table and etc.




A loud sound echoed throughout the cafeteria. All eyes were directed to the source and saw a standing slender figure with death glares and clenched fists from the student council’s table. Within seconds, the temperature dropped and everyone went silent on their seats.


“Good, it seems that I don’t have to use my skill anymore. Well done Soojung” Jessica said as she gives a double thumb towards her lil sister, which earn a smirk in the latter’s face.


The girls focus their attention towards the television in the cafeteria.


“..We would like to take this opportunity to utter our utmost apologies towards the six wicked witches,....”


Wicked witches??? – [Jessica,Yuri & Krystal – Furrowed eyebrows, Victoria & Luna – Eyes twitched, Sulli – Puffed cheek]


It can be seen that in the screen that Jonghyun were smacked by Onew.


“.. I mean six pretty ladies, which are Jessica, Yuri and Victoria noonas, as well as Luna, Sulli and Krystal ssi for all of our wrongdoings, since the beginning of the year and our past working experiences..” Jonghyun continued as he rubbed his smacked head.


“We admit that we had being mean towards all of you, thus ” Onew paused a bit, taking a glance over his friends, before proceeding “we really hope that all of you can forgive us.”


“Please take our apology..” all the boys said in unison and bowed 90degrees afterwards.


“Who made them to do this?” Victoria asked out of sudden.


“Me” Jessica responded as her eyes never leave the screen.


“Are we in good terms with them now?”


All eyes were focused on Sulli. “Wh... what? I’m curious.. ”


“It depends....” Yuri replied nonchalantly, as she hugged Jessica from behind.




“You’ll know about it soon.. Now let’s enjoy their performance..” Krystal nudged Sulli to look over the screen.


* Back to the boys. *


Donghae, Adden & Nickhun stood in front of the other three.


“One, Two, Three.. Go!” Adden shouted and all of them started to dance.


Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry

We Beast are really really very sorry

Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty

Pretty Pretty Lady Please Accept Our Apology


 They repeat the chorus for about three times, with each round was lead by Adden, Donghae and Nickhun respectively.  


They end the song by shouting “Please forgive us!!”, mimicking the Super Junior’s trademark and the recording was stopped afterwards.


“*pant*I hope they’ll forgive us*pant*” Nickhun said as he wipe the sweats that formed on his face.


“I can’t believe that I wore this thing..” Onew complained as he grabbed his hair out of frustration.



*Back to the girls*


The wicked witches’ girls were laughing hysterically the moment they saw the beasts dancing while wearing the hello kitty hot pants.


Back to Present


“Hahahhahahahahaa~” Eun Ae, Krystal and Luna laughed while on the other hand, Adden and Onew hid their face from embarrassment.


“I don’t want to live in this planet anymore....”


“Aww... Adden, don’t be like that.” Luna continued as she wipe the tears that formed due to the laughter she had from her memories.


The ringing of bells disrupted their conversation, indicating there’s new customer entering the restaurant.


“We’ll be back. Enjoy your time Adden, Krystal and Eun Ae..” Onew said as he dragged laughing Luna by her arms.


Amber nods his head towards Onew and focused his attention back to his girls. It seems that the princesses do not finish their laugh yet.


“Yah!! Yah!! Stopped it you two..” Amber put a fake angry face on.


“Aigoo,... My Wormy is soooooooooooooooo cuteeeee!!” Krystal squealed as she pinched Amber’s cheek.   


Amber puffed out his cheek, earning more squeal from the two.


After a few minutes, the squeal and laughter died as there was no response from the prince.


“Appa,.. are you mad??” Eun Ae asked, her eyebrows furrowed.


“.....” No response. Amber continued to stir his coffee.


“Omo.... My Wormy is sulking...” Krystal poked Amber’s cheek.


“.....” Still.. No response..


Krystal eyed her daughter, and mouthed “One.. Two... Three..”


With that, both of them started to tickle Amber, Krystal tickle Amber at his side, while on the other hand, Eun Ae attacked Amber by his neck.


“Bwahahahhahaa *stop* Bwahahhahaa*st..* Bwahahahha *Stop it you two* Bwahahhaa ”


After a few struggle, Amber managed to stop the two girls from tickling him more.


“I was joking..” He said in between his breath.


“You better be.. ” Krystal and Eun Ae replied and both leaned in towards his face, giving a peck on each side of his cheek.




The family spend their evening at the restaurant of their friends and the restaurant was already closed, even though it is still early.


After changing the sign from Open to Close, Onew sat beside Luna in front of the royal family.


“Its been a while since we last met right?”


“Yeah.. the last time we met was 2 years ago, during your engagement ceremony ” Amber replied as he recalled his memory.


“Indeed. That time Eun Ae is still a baby. You are so cute back then.. ”


“Hmm...So, I’m not cute anymore??” Eun Ae interrupted and earns the laugh from the rest of the adults.


“No.. cuter..” Onew replied as he ruffles Eun Ae’s hair.


Eun Ae grinned widely afterwards.


“You know what Eun Ae, you are just like your umma..”


Eun Ae had a perplexed look, while Krystal had a small smile on her face. “Of course she is unnie, she’s my daughter afterall..”


“I know right. She really resembles you Krystal. In fact, her responds just now is the same like what you did years ago..”


“Huh?? When? I didn’t remember any of it..” Krystal furrowed her eyebrows.


“Are you sure you didn’t remember that?” Luna smirked.


“Uh.. No..”


“How about you Adden?”


“Crystal clear...”




“The one that during our servant’s task right???”


“Indeed.” Both Luna and Amber replied.


It causes Krystal to frown and Eun Ae remained confused.


“Aunty, can you please tell me about it?”


“Of course honey” Luna smiled warmly towards Eun Ae, before drifted to her memories.



Luna Memories

The third task that the Beasts need to accomplish before their apologies were granted is that each one of them needs to serve one of the girls from our group.


*Eun Ae interrupt*


“Omo? Is that true? Umma, Appa?”


“Yeah honey..”


“I know it’s quite unbelievable, but believes me, all of us become good friends after that..”


“I second that ” Onew interjected. “Let Luna aunty finish her story first okay?”


“Okay!” Eun Ae replied gleefully.


Luna mouthed thanks to her fiancée before proceeding with her story.


*Back to Memory*

I was happy after hearing what Jessica unnie had said. I got Onew to become my servant for a month. While on the other hand, Vic got Nickhun, Jonghyun served Sulli, Donghae served Yuri and Jessica and last but not least, Adden is Krystal’s servant.


Long story short, a month had passed and both groups became closer due to the ‘servant’ task. I still remember that both group works very well with each other and it was during our weekly meeting, that the incident happens...


In the student council room


“Thank you for your updates everyone. I hope the momentum we shared right now can be further improved as time goes by.” Donghae oppa said as he wrapped up the meeting.


“That’s all for now, meeting adjourned”


With that said, all the high committee went to another small room in the student council room, as they have their own meeting, while Taemin and Sulli had gone outside for their date, leaving me, Krystal, Adden and Jonghyun.


“But...” *again, Eun Ae is too curious..*


“Hmm??” Luna waited for the little girl to speak.


“Isn’t that Uncle Taemin and Aunty Sulli hide their relationship??”


“Woah~ she had a great memories..” Adden whisper to his wife.


“Look who’s her mom...” Krystal replied back, smirking.


“Ehheemmm..” Luna clears , gaining attention from the royal couples.


“What is it aunty?”


“Nothing honey... ” Luna smirked towards the duo, causing Krystal to stick her tongue out while Adden on the other hand made a poker face.


“yeah.. they did hid it, but revealed to us after the servant’s task ended..” she continues..


“Oh...” Eun Ae nods her head.


“Can I continue?”


“Please Aunty..” Eun Ae replied sweetly.


*Back to Memory*


I was discussing with Jonghyun about our task when suddenly we overheard Krystal and Adden’s conversation.


“.. Who’s that in the picture? ” Adden asked Krystal, as he snatched the picture away from Krystal’s hand.


“Yah!!! Give me back!!!”


“Not before you’re telling me who’s this,,,” Amber replied as he raised the picture higher than Krystal’s height.


“Fine!.. ” Krystal sat back at her chair and crossed her arm.




Adden fanned the picture in front of Krystal’s face.


“It’s me and my best friend.... Its taken during our childhood..”


“Oh..... ” Adden give the picture back to Krystal. “You’re so cute back then... ” he continues.


“Huh? So I’m not cute anymore??” she snapped back.


Adden paused, before smiling dorkily. “No...way cuter...”



*Back To Present*


“That’s it!” Luna clasped her hand as she ended her story.


“What happened afterwards?”


“Look at your umma, her reaction is the same ” Luna responded as she pointed towards Krystal’s direction.


Eun Ae shifted her eyes towards her umma and saw that her umma was blushing madly.


“What???” Krystal snapped back as she realized that all eyes on her.


All of them burst into laughter and Krystal hide her blushing cheek into her husband’s body afterwards.




Later that night....


Krystal was brushing her daughter’s hair when suddenly the little princess asked her,


“Umma., do Aiee know Umma best friend that was in the picture?”


“Hmm....I t..”


“Is it aunty or uncle?” Eun Ae asked again.


“Yeah,, you know him...”


“Who is it?? ”


“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~” Krystal and Eun Ae squealed as Amber took them into his shoulder.


“Let’s sleep girls...” Adden said as he placed Krystal and Eun Ae on the bed.


Adden shut the lamp and laid down next to Eun Ae. He pecked Krystal and Eun Ae on their forehead before laying back to his pillow. As soon as his eyes wanted to close, the little princess spoke up..





“Hmm????” Amber had his eyes close.


“I don’t want to sleep yet...”


“What do you want to do then?” Amber asked as he took a glance at the clock. It shows 11:00pm.


“Can you continue the story?”


Amber turns the lamp on back and adjusted his pillow before pulling Eun Ae into his arms. Krystal does the same and snuggles closer to him.


“I want to listen too,, ” Krystal said as she pecked Amber on his cheek..


“Fine...” Amber sighed before starting off their Bird and Worm Story.


*** Amber Memories ***


 “Jong!!” I shouted as I ran towards him. We just finish our gym class.


“What is it bro?”


“Hm... Do you remember Suzy??”


*** End of Amber Memories ****


Amber stopped from telling his story as he heard soft snores coming from his lil daughter. He glanced over his wife and a smirk appeared on his face later. He kissed Eun Ae’s forehead before grabbing his wife by her wrist.


“What are you doing ?” Krystal asked as she quietly moves out of the bed.


Amber swipe Krystal’s feet off the ground and carry her in his arm bridal style, before kissing his wife passionately. The kiss lasted for about several minutes, after oxygen are necessary for both of them. Amber brought Krystal out of their daughter room and he took one last glance towards his sleeping daughter, before whispering


 “Sorry Aiee, Appa just want to give you another sibling..”


 *Insert your imagination here*


Kryber’s room, an hour after..


Laying back next to Krystal, Amber wipes the sweat on his face after their intense battle.


“Honey....” Krystal trail off.


“Dae~ ” Amber turned his head to his left, directing his focus towards the beauty next to him.


“Do you think I should tell Aiee that it was you in the picture?”










- to be continued.

sorry if the update is not so long. and I hope I didnt messed up your mind, due to the changing scenes and memories and present and blah blah. keep dropping your comment and wish me luck for my exam thanks *bow* 

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testing. haha


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oh my god ; ;; ;
kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
17 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..