An Age Defying Journey?


Hey, it's me. AGAIN. I know.

I had unintentionally abandon my other story as I was so busy with school. Now, I'm in my 3 months vacation so maybe i can write up a bit.

But no worries, I'll try to update regularly and usually with two or three chaps in one go. SO YEAY!

Please please please leave some feedback or comments if you think this story should be continued. 

Thanks in advance!


Four years of struggles and study ended. I’m finally free, es! All those law books and statutes can kill themselves. For now.

“Babe, I can’t wait for the next two weeks!” That, is my partner-in-crime, Malley. Thanks to her, I am back to become a devoted kpop fan. B.A.P to be exact. After a heart breaking ‘unrecruited love’ with BigBang  (I failed to get the ticket to their show), I decided to sworn off kpop. I mean, come on. I am living a reasonable and very real life. Day dreaming or even fantasizing about guys who would, never, ever, know that you existed seem pretty stupid. Especially for a law student. A graduate at that. A soon to be lawyer. After finishing my pupillage that is.

“ME TOO!” and believe me when I say, I squealed. I freaking squeal. What happen to my ‘calm-yo-’?

Anyway, two weeks seem long enough when you got a 10 days trip to Korea as a graduation trip from your parents. I know some people say, why Korea? Not Europe? Well, how about this. Why Europe? Not Korea?

Freedom of choice, people. Learn your rights.

3 days to THE day.

“Alette, it’s me. I’m calling to remind you, do not FORGET to bring the camera AND the charger,”

“Sure sure. And you, Malley. DO NOT FORGET TO REVISE AND LEARN YOUR KOREAN.” Apparently, in this trip, I will be the ‘luggage’ cause I hardly know any Korean words except the usual words you heard from drama or songs. Which most of it consist of one or two words per sentence. As for Malley,  she’s the tour guide translator as she is very keen on learning Korean and not to mention gazillion other language. I’m just gonna stand next to her look all tourist-like and smile and nod and say, “Gamsahamida” or any other Korean words that I know.

Maybe I should buy a quick Korean dictionary or book or whatever you call it when you want to learn a simple and quick foreign language for a holiday. Yes. That’s it!


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