


You stretched your arms up high as you realized you were finally finished moving in your things. You couldn’t have been more excited for college. And now that all of your belongings were organized perfectly into your new dorm, all that you had to do now was sit and relax, and perhaps wait for you new roommate to come back from whatever she was doing.

Your roommate hadn’t been in all day. Unfortunate, because that meant you’d be moving in everything by yourself, and you would imagine that coming back to a room that used to be empty but now with a second body could be kind of shocking.

You wondered what this new person would be like. You had no name to go by since you thought it’d be an even bigger adventure to just take things as they came, so you had to judge based off the state of the room.

Your roommate was particularly neat. Her desk was clear of things aside from a laptop case, a lamp, and some pictures—all of men. At some point, you let your mind wander, thinking that this girl was a player. You had to admit, you snuck some peeks at the guys in the pictures, and you couldn’t deny they were all unbelievably handsome.

All clean-cut, young, fit guys squeezing into one picture frame.

The dark blue sheets gave away nothing, and the university flag was absolutely average. No giveaways about her personality whatsoever.

And yet, you had yet to actually find one picture of a girl in any of them.

You froze in your spot as you could hear the lock on your dorm door start to turn. Holding your breath, you fidgeted with your hair. Half way into smoothing out your soft curls, you stopped, once again remembering that your roommate did not need to be impressed by your looks.

"Yeah, I’ll see you la…ter."

This can’t be right.

Two seconds into the silence, it finally clicked that… a guy… had a key to your room. No. Can’t be right.

"I-I’m sorry, who are you?" The stranger asked. He glanced out into the hallway a couple of times before closing the door, obviously just as confused as to why he was face to face with a female 

"I, uh… I live h-here?" You stuttered. “Dorm 1306? Lee ________?"

"Oh, God." He groaned. “No, no, no, no. This happened to a few people on this floor and the floor below us! I thought—"

"Wait, you’re my roommate?!"

"Um… Well, yes. Sort of."

"Sort of. How are you sort of my roommate?"

"Well, before we start, I’m Jongin—" He held out his hand which you accepted willingly. His hand was really soft…


"Yeah, you said that before." Jongin laughed. His smile was absolutely charming, and you couldn’t deny you were slightly attracted to your sort-of-roommate. “Anyway, there are some folks on this floor and the floors below us that had some mix ups. Guys on girl floors, girls on guy floors, co-ed room assignments… it’s all messed up."

"So… we’re a product of the mess up?"

"In other words, yes." He nodded.

"So what do we do?" You paced across the room.

Jongin paced along with you, matching his steps to yours. “Well, it’ll take about a few weeks to sort out this room crisis, and another day to take out whoever’s things don’t belong here, and by then, we might as well just deal with living together.


It’d been about two weeks already. You’d gotten used to Jongin’s antics around half way through the first week, and by now, you were just getting adjusted to the fact that his friends (all of them equally attractive) were always in the room. It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy it cause they all liked you and you them, but… this time was different.

Jongin’s friends were all in your room.

Without Jongin.


"Guys, what’s this all about?" You opened the door for them, expecting the rest to leave when they realized Jongin was out.

"JONGIN LIKES YOU." One of them yelled five times louder than necessary before all six of them scattered across the hallway.

You blinked twice, and still it didn’t sink in. You had to replay that one minute scene over again in your head a few times before the message could really hit you.

"Okay, what did they tell you?!" Jongin spat out after sprinting back to the dorm and slamming the door behind him.

"Uh… they said some… stuff…" You giggled.

"Like? What? Did they tell you that I sleepwalk because I swear, that only happened once when I was like ten and it hasn’t happened—"

"They said you liked me."

Jongin pressed his lips together, somewhat shocked and somewhat livid about what you had just said.

"Is it true?"


"Do you… like me?" You inched towards him.

"I… maybe." Jongin cleared his throat. “It’s creepy, I know, and like we only had a week before the dorm assignments get fixed, so we can just—"

You cut off your chatty roommate with a little peck on his all too inviting lips. Jongin blushed to the tenth degree before smiling as wide as he could.

"Dinner tonight?" You your lips and pushed passed the stunned male. “Off campus?"

"Yeah! Yeah," he laughed, probably out of shock and excitement. “Yeah, off campus. I’ll see you there—well, wait, I’ll pick you up—wait, no, cause we’re… yeah."

You gave him one last kiss on the cheek before heading to the door. “See you later, roommate."

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Chapter 1: Awwwwww~ So cute! It would be sooooooo awesome if you made a multi chaptered story! You're my favorite writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: haha. way too cute and funny at the same time :)
Chapter 1: omg so sweet!! fluffy~
jinjee #5
Chapter 1: OMG!!!cool...
Haik12 #6
Chapter 1: fantabulous!i really liked it