At the Coffee Shop

At the Coffee Shop

Another day, another dollar.

Another dollar, another espresso.

Another espresso, another day to try your hardest not to spill any coffee on the floor.

You loved coffee shops. You loved them so much, you would just sit inside one while to smell the freshly ground coffee beans instead of to order anything. And it came to the point where you decided to just work at one.

It was easy as first—taking orders, slipping the drinks to the customers when they were ready, and microwaving the occasional scone or sandwich.

It was all easy.

Easy until he started coming here regularly. He was a stranger, as they all were. But this stranger was different.

You always noticed certain things about your customers. Most of the time, it was either the scent of the perfume they were wearing or the brand of their watches.

This guy though—that smile just stayed in your head for days on end. It wasn’t just any smile. it was the kind of smile that just made you have to stop and stare for a little while. Those perfect dimples of his captivated you, and something about the way he always remembered to put something in the tip jar just made your tiny crush on him grow a tad stronger.

But, of course, he was just that—a stranger. You never talked to him even though he was a regular. You knew his usual order, so when it seemed to be about his sixth or seventh time ordering his green tea latte with chocolate shavings, you had his drink practically perfect before he even stepped up to the counter.

Yeah, this could definitely be considered a crush by now.

Today seemed to be somewhat different. The handsome stranger had a different attitude today. Of course, he knew that you knew his order, so he walked over to his usual table and sat down, but this time with more of a somber strut than a content glide.

You finished putting the macha panda design on his green tea latte with care before shuffling over to his table to place the warm beverage down.

"One green tea latte." You started. “Extra chocolate shavings." You smiled genuinely, expecting your stranger to smile back.

"Thanks." He answered plainly.

"Did you want something else today?" You asked nervously.

He picked up his mug with delicate fingers and studied the friendly face drawn on the foam. “You’ve gotten better since I’ve been coming here." He laughed once.

"Thanks." You answered, trying to be sweet despite you being able to notice his angered posture.

He took a sip then set the mug down. Intertwining his fingers, he sighed.

"Is something wrong?"

"If I paid you five dollars, would you be my therapist for the next hour? Or at least until my nerves are settled."

Those brown eyes of his could not accept a ‘no’ of any kind.

You glanced over your shoulder, catching the eye of your coworker. You mouthed to her, "Just a moment." Hopefully, the place doesn’t get any busier than it is.

You walked over to the seat across from the stranger and sat down. “Are you okay?"

"I’m Hongbin, by the way."


"Well, _______, what would you say if I told you that my girlfriend dumped me just ten minutes ago?" He started with a spiteful smile.

You instantly understood why he was different today. “I’d say… her loss."

Hongbin raised an eyebrow at your statement. “Might I ask why?"

You cleared your throat. “Well, if I was her, I’d keep you by my side for as long as I can. Guys like you are hard to come by."

"Guys like me?"

"Those guys who just, you know, captivate you. I don’t have to talk to you to say you’re probably a gentleman. And a loyal boyfriend. And a good person. So I say it’s her loss."

Hongbin’s spiteful smile transformed into a easy going grin. “Wow."

You scratched the side of your head, instantly catching how much you had revealed about yourself just by letting him know how much you pay attention to him. “W-What I mean is like y-you know. That’s just what I think."

He took another sip of his beverage before responding. “You’re great. Really, you are."

"I’m sorry?"

"It took you a good ten seconds to make me feel better." He sat back in his chair, looking much more comfortable than he did before. “You’re really good with words."

"Oh." You laughed nervously. “Thanks."

"Can I take you out to dinner? As a thank you?"

"You don’t have to do that." You stood up from your seat. “You always tip us more than anybody else, so I couldn’t."

"Actually, I do that for you."


Hongbin studied his drink. “I noticed how much care you put into making sure I get these lattes without waiting to long. You always have a smile on your face, and that smile is very pleasant. So, yeah, those extra tips are for you."

You blushed, a little too much in fact. “Thanks."

"Just dinner." He stood up, his height overpowering your petite disposition. “And if you don’t have a good time, you can leave and forever give me frown-y faces on my drinks."

You both laughed, loud enough for your coworkers to see and take notice that for once you were flirting with the ‘green latte guy’ instead of staring at him from behind the counter.

"Like I said, just dinner. What do you say? Yes?"

You nodded slowly.


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trashssi #1
Chapter 1: deabakk!

can the author make a sequel?
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl omg that is so cute i love this!
Chapter 1: This was too cute. I couldn't resist not commenting. My dongsaeng is so adorable eue
rylleu #4
Chapter 1: KYAAAAAAAA~
This is such a short and sweet oneshot hehe.
Good job author! ^_^